This short handbook outlines the key steps and processes needed to secure a successful
academy conversion.
Academy conversion can be a time consuming and demanding process which requires the
coordination of a number of specific strands of activity to ensure due process, consultation
and due diligence have been followed. The use of experienced project managers to support
the process is therefore an important consideration. Drawing on such knowledge and
expertise will ensure the conversion process is undertaken effectively, within the required
timescales and in-line with the various requirements of the DfE and any other partners and
A conversion led and supported by your Prospects Academies Trust Project Manager will
mean that you receive:
 A named project manager with access to an experienced team of professionals,
overseen by a Project Director;
 A project management process tailored to the specific needs and capacity of your school;
 A structured project process involving regular communication and formal progress
monitoring based around a cycle of project steering group meetings; and
 The provision of support and advocacy in all discussions and negotiations with the
school’s key stakeholders and partners.
A note on Legal Support
A key part of the conversion process involves the preparation and agreement of a number of
legal documents (as detailed below), as well as ensuring some key legal processes (mainly
around the transfer of employment - TUPE) are undertaken appropriately. Prospects
Academies Trust works with a leading firm of lawyers who have a great deal of experience in
supporting academy conversions. Your Project Manager will retain overall project
management responsibility, instruct lawyers on your behalf and ensure all required legal
documentation is produced in a timely manner and that you have time to understand and
approve it.
Key steps to a successful conversion
The following matrix outlines the key processes that will be undertaken and co-ordinated in
order to achieve Academy status successfully and with the minimum of disruption to the
normal running of a school. Many of the activities occur in parallel.
Prospects Academies Trust, a company limited by guarantee
Registered in England and Wales Registration Number 8121232
Registered Office Prospects House, 19 Elmfield Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 1LT
Project Activities
Key activities
 Development of detailed project plan and
risk register identifying all key milestones
and issues
Project Manager
 Production of regular project monitoring
reports/Project Steering Groups
 Liaising with DfE contact/ LA officers as
Project Director/
Project Manager
 Production and implementation of
consultation plan: with staff, parents,
community and other
School with advice
and support from
Project Manager
 Develop arrangements for new Academy
Governing Body in line with relevant
Memorandum and Articles of
Appointment and  Prepare Funding
instruction of
Agreement/Supplemental Funding
Legal Advisers
 Prepare Commercial Transfer
 Investigate/Prepare Land Transfer
School (with advice
and support from
Project Director
where appropriate)
Transfer of
contracts and
 Identify contracts/licences including
details of transfer arrangements/penalty
clauses for early termination etc. Where
appropriate support the identification of
options for alternatives post-conversion.
School with advice
from Project
 Support relevant registrations – exam
boards, data protection
HR Issues
 Consultation on TUPE, due to change of
employer ensuring any staff on long term
absence/secondments are included in
the consultation process.
 Consultation on any changes in
conditions of service, terms and
conditions, hours or duties
 Consultation on TUPE with Trade Unions
– identifying staff /regional
representatives and negotiate on
recognition agreement
 Undertake Due Diligence on HR records
 Letter to staff: intention to TUPE,
confirmation of TUPE and Welcome to
School with support
from Project
Project Manager
led with school
Prospects Academies Trust, a company limited by guarantee
Registered in England and Wales Registration Number 8121232
Registered Office Prospects House, 19 Elmfield Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 1LT
Academy Trust.
 Support on the migration of finance
functions/actions required to achieve
academy status: payroll, bank account,
finance system, insurances etc
Project Manager
 Introduction of new Trust policies
 Identification of policies remaining in
 Scope requirements to ensure ICT
infrastructure and management systems
transfer to Academy
Project Manager
ICT and
Project Manager
What does a school need to do to preparing for their Academy conversion?
The Project Manager will develop an effective working relationship with you as you progress
through the conversion process and will be in regular contact (at least weekly) to provide ongoing updates and maintain good communication. In order to facilitate and support this
there are a number of activities schools can usefully undertake:
✔Provide the Project Manager a contact at the school through whom all communication will
flow - this is typically the Head teacher, another senior leader and/or the Bursar/Business
✔Complete a pre-conversion checklist (PCC) which Prospects Academies Trust will provide.
This is designed to capture the key information about the school, its staff and any other
issues that are relevant to the conversion. This will assist the Project Manager in running an
effective and efficient project and ensure due diligence processes are undertaken.
✔Collect together a list third-part contracts and begin to consider service provision for those
services that the Trust will not provide within the management charge post-conversion, to
enable a seamless transition from maintained status to academy status.. Again, the Project
Manager can provide advice and support on all of these matters though Academies will need
to decide on what is the appropriate course of action going forward.
✔Identify any risks/issues you think will be important to know about – this could include any
particularly difficult land/building issues staffing issues (disputes, disciplinary. grievance etc).
A template to record these risks will be provided by Prospects Academies Trust.
Prospects Academies Trust, a company limited by guarantee
Registered in England and Wales Registration Number 8121232
Registered Office Prospects House, 19 Elmfield Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 1LT