Katie Cerretani Intro to GIS Final Paper April 17, 2009 The goal of my analysis was to characterize agricultural water use in Massachusetts, and then determine whether or not the areas with most intense water use overlaps with areas experiencing stress on their water resources. The central questions are: Where is agricultural water use concentrated in Massachusetts? Is there any overlap with areas classified as having high water stress? …areas with predicted high population growth/land use change? A secondary question relates to hypothesized changes in irrigation in the future, as climate change scenarios play out. Climate change is expected to bring warmer average temperature and longer growing seasons with little change in total precipitation. This is predicted to cause more frequent short-term droughts; additionally, precipitation is predicted to become more variable (1). Thus, irrigation is expected to become increasingly important for Massachusetts farmers as relying on rainfall alone will become riskier. The expected increase in irrigation may come into conflict with other uses, including residential, and in-stream. The question became: Are there agricultural areas that might significantly increase their water use that overlap with areas experiencing water stress? Data: Data Layer (Year) Water Management Act (WMA) Registrations and Permits (2009) Description Includes all current permits and registrations held by agricultural facilities as of February 2009, with the following information: Industry (CRAN = cranberry; AGRI = all other agriculture) Permit/registration number Type (permit or registration) Facility name, address, town, and zip code Permit/registration start and end dates Allowed water withdrawals Actual water withdrawals (1997 – 2007) Water source type – surface or ground (one farm may have several surface or ground water sources) Source Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Stressed River Basins (2001) 1:25,000 In 2001, the Massachusetts Water Resources Commission published a report in which it identified a preliminary list of stressed river basins in the state. The authors compared low flow data for 72 stream gages in Massachusetts, classifying those rivers and streams with the lowest flows per Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation; based on *An update is expected by the end of calendar year 2009 Town and County Boundaries Zip Codes (2006) National Land Cover Database (NCLD) square mile of drainage area as having hydrologic stress. These classifications cannot be generalized outside of Massachusetts due to the use of relative low flow rather than absolute numbers. Gages had from 25 to over 50 years of data that was compiled to calculate median values. Not all gages had sufficient data (namely those on the Cape and the islands) so were not included in the analysis. MassGIS Contains rasters (30 m x 30 m) that are coded for different types of land cover, including cropland and pastureland. ESRI http://www.mrlc. gov/multizone_do wnload.php?zone =13 Steps in the analysis Describe Agricultural Water Use in Massachusetts My primary data source for agricultural water use comes from the MA DEP’s WMA permit database. The permit data needed to be prepared for the analysis, which included deleting any permits that had already expired, making sure there were no duplicates, calculating the annual permitted allowances, and calculating the annual reported withdrawals. In order to visualize the spatial distribution of agricultural water use, I geocoded the WMA permits, using the ESRI zip code polygon layer as the reference data. After loading the zip code layer, I transformed the projection to match the coordinate system of the rest of my layers (NAD 1983 Massachusetts State Plane). I next selected by attribute, where [state=MA] to clip the layer to Massachusetts, and exported this as the “ma_zip_poly” layer to create my address locator. The initial result of the geocode was 78% match with 60% as the minimum match score and 10% as the minimum candidate score. I was able to rematch the remainder by locating the facility using google maps and the town name and matching to the nearest zip code. To assist in this process I loaded US Census Tiger roads as reference. The result of the geocode was a data layer that contains agricultural WMA permits points at the resolution of zip code. For my poster, I chose to display the permits as graduated symbols to convey the message that, not only are agricultural WMA permits concentrated in the southeast, the larger permit amounts are also concentrated in this area. I next summarized the permit points by zip code to aggregate permitted and actual withdrawal amounts, and then joined the summary table to the “ma_zip_poly” layer to see spatial distribution of withdrawal allowances and amounts: Millions of Gallons per Year 0 1 - 50 51 - 500 501 - 1,500 1,501 - 3,000 3,001 - 6,000 6,001 - 15,319 Since this map conveys a message similar to the map showing permits as graduated symbols, I chose to leave it off of my poster. Join Permit and Stressed Basins Data In order to look at where agricultural water use overlaps with stress on water resources, I performed a spatial join of the permit points to stressed water basins. This join provides me with a summary of permit characteristics by basin. To identify the regions where water stress overlaps with agricultural water use (in the form of WMA permits), I selected by attribute where a basin is classified as having high or medium stress and contains at least 1 permit: "Count_" > 0 AND ( "FINAL_STRE" = 'HIGH' OR "FINAL_STRE" = 'MEDIUM' ). The resulting map is displayed in the poster. Describe Agricultural Land Use in Stressed Basins In order assess whether or not there are areas with high potential to increase irrigation, I first wanted to find out how much agricultural land was in each river basin. To summarize cropland per basin, I used the spatial analyst – reclassify tool to reclassify NCLD data such that rasters classified as cropland were coded as 1 and all other rasters as 0: The same process was repeated for pastureland. Next, I used zonal statistics to aggregate cropland and pastureland rasters to the stressed basins polygons: Once these statistics were joined with the stressed basins layer, I used the field calculator to calculate the acres of cropland and pastureland in each basin. This was done by multiplying the count of cropland (or pastureland) rasters by the area of the rasters (25.6429918*25.6429918meters) and then the square meter to acre conversion factor (.0002471): I also calculated the amount of acres in each basin, then used the new fields to calculate percent of cropland and percent of pastureland in each basin. I added the cropland and pastureland fields together to get total agricultural land. With this information, I used selection tools to identify basins with a relatively high percentage of agricultural land but no WMA permits. Though this data is very general, the assumption is that areas with a lot of agricultural land may be likely to increase their irrigation as average temperatures increase. To identify these basins, I selected from the joined stressed and permit points layer basins which had no permits, were classified as having high or medium stress, and at least 10% of the land cover as agricultural land. For the agricultural land cover threshold, I used the unique value closest to, but greater than, 10%. The resulting map was included in my poster. Limitations The primary limitation in my analysis was the lack of data on irrigation water withdrawals in Massachusetts. Some very general data is available at the county level, but this is not very useful in Massachusetts as stress on water resources may vary within counties. The WMA permit information serves as a good estimate of withdrawals by the larger irrigators, but misses smaller farms that may also be irrigating. As a way to roughly approximate areas that may contain small irrigating farms (or the potential for new irrigators), I used national land cover data to calculate the amount of agricultural land in each basin. Without more specific information (crop type for instance) it is very difficult to say anything about whether or not the agricultural land is more or less likely to be irrigated in the future. Another data limitation was the quality of the address field in the WMA permit database. To get around this, I matched the permits to zip codes. While this was sufficient for my analysis, with more time I would have liked to revise addresses by doing a simple internet search for the farm names and towns. While this may not have yielded 100%, it would have been preferable to display multiple permits within zip codes or towns. Conclusions This project was a good preliminary look at the spatial distribution of agricultural water use in the state; however data and time limitations prevented a more accurate analysis. Additionally, the stressed basins layer is quite dated. A new report is expected by the end of 2009, and will likely have more detailed information on the type of stress experienced in each river basin. It would be preferable to use the most recent information for any future analysis. I would also modify the analysis to spend time getting more detailed data on farm type by zip code or town. One possible source for this information is the U.S. Census of Agriculture, which offers zip code tabulations. Data available online only includes numbers of farms by zip code, but the National Agricultural Statistics Service might have information on acres of different types of cropland at that level. With even more time, a student could also do a survey of farms in the state to collect the information. 1. Frumhoff, Peter C, et al. Confronting Climate Change in the U.S. Northeast: Science, Impacts, and Solutions. s.l. : Union of Concerned Scientists, 2007. A report of the Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment.