Spelling List 1

Spelling List 1: December 7-11, 2015 –ce/-ve/-se
Prove- demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or
Solve- find an answer to, explanation for, or means of effectively dealing with (a
problems or mystery).
Sense- a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus, one of the
faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and tough.
Leave- go away from.
Dance- move rhythmically to music; typically following a set sequence of steps.
Fence- a barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire,
enclosing an area of ground to mark a boundary, control wise access, or prevent
Wise- having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
Bounce- (of an object, especially a ball) move up, back, or away from a surface
after hitting it, rebound (once or repeatedly)
Shove- push (someone or something) roughly.
Piece- a portion of an object or of material, produced by cutting, tearing, or
breaking the whole.
Glance- take a brief or hurried look.
Cheese- a food made from pressed curds of milk.
Spelling List 1: December 7-11, 2015 –ce/-ve/-se
Prove- demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or
Solve- find an answer to, explanation for, or means of effectively dealing with (a
problems or mystery).
Sense- a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus, one of the
faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and tough.
Leave- go away from.
Dance- move rhythmically to music; typically following a set sequence of steps.
Fence- a barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire,
enclosing an area of ground to mark a boundary, control wise access, or prevent
Wise- having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
Bounce- (of an object, especially a ball) move up, back, or away from a surface
after hitting it, rebound (once or repeatedly)
Shove- push (someone or something) roughly.
Piece- a portion of an object or of material, produced by cutting, tearing, or
breaking the whole.
Glance- take a brief or hurried look.
Cheese- a food made from pressed curds of milk.
Figurative Language – Oxymoron- is figurative language that is a phrase in which two words of
contradictory meaning are used together for a special effect, e.g. “boneless ribs”.
Personification- is figurative language that gives human qualities to non-human things.
Idiom- is figurative language that is a fixed distinctive expression whose meaning cannot be
deduced from the combined meanings of the actual word. Hyperbole- is figurative language that
is not extreme exaggeration. Cliché’- is figurative language is a phrase or word has lost its
original effectiveness or power from overuse. Alliteration- is figurative language that uses
similar constant sounds. Simile-is figurative language that uses like or as. Metaphor- is
figurative language that compares one thing to another general says one thing is another.
Onomatopoeia- is figurative language that is the formation or use of words that imitate the
sound associated with something, e.g. “whizz” and “kaboom”.
Figurative Language – Oxymoron- is figurative language that is a phrase in which two words of
contradictory meaning are used together for a special effect, e.g. “boneless ribs”.
Personification- is figurative language that gives human qualities to non-human things.
Idiom- is figurative language that is a fixed distinctive expression whose meaning cannot be
deduced from the combined meanings of the actual word. Hyperbole- is figurative language that
is not extreme exaggeration. Cliché’- is figurative language is a phrase or word has lost its
original effectiveness or power from overuse. Alliteration- is figurative language that uses
similar constant sounds. Simile-is figurative language that uses like or as. Metaphor- is
figurative language that compares one thing to another general says one thing is another.
Onomatopoeia- is figurative language that is the formation or use of words that imitate the
sound associated with something, e.g. “whizz” and “kaboom”.
Rock and Minerals- December 7-11, 2015
Igneous Rock- rock that was once melted and then cooled and hardened: Granite is one kind
of igneous rock.
Sedimentary rock- rock made when materials settle into layers and get squeezed until they
harden into rock: Sandstone is one kind of sedimentary rock.
Metamorphic rock- rock that has been changed by heat or pressure: Gneiss is one kind of
metamorphic rock.
Texture- the visual and tactile (how it feels) quality of a surface: (rough, smooth, soft,
hard, gritty, bumpy, and rigid).
Luster- the state or quality of shining by reflecting light: glitter, sparkle, gloss, sheen)
Mohs scale- a tool scientist use to tell the hardness of a mineral.
Hardness- the measure of how difficult it is for a mineral to be scratched: Minerals that
can be scratched with a fingernail have a low hardness.
Rock- a naturally formed solid made of grains of one or more minerals: Rocks come in many
shapes, colors, textures, and sizes.
Rock Cycle- the process of rocks changing from one kind of rock to another kind of rock.
Layers- a sheet, quantity, or thickness of material, typically one of several, covering a
surface or body.
Rock and Minerals- December 7-11, 2015
Igneous Rock- rock that was once melted and then cooled and hardened: Granite is one kind
of igneous rock.
Sedimentary rock- rock made when materials settle into layers and get squeezed until they
harden into rock: Sandstone is one kind of sedimentary rock.
Metamorphic rock- rock that has been changed by heat or pressure: Gneiss is one kind of
metamorphic rock.
Texture- the visual and tactile (how it feels) quality of a surface: (rough, smooth, soft,
hard, gritty, bumpy, and rigid).
Luster- the state or quality of shining by reflecting light: glitter, sparkle, gloss, sheen)
Mohs scale- a tool scientist use to tell the hardness of a mineral.
Hardness- the measure of how difficult it is for a mineral to be scratched: Minerals that
can be scratched with a fingernail have a low hardness.
Rock- a naturally formed solid made of grains of one or more minerals: Rocks come in many
shapes, colors, textures, and sizes.
Rock Cycle- the process of rocks changing from one kind of rock to another kind of rock.
Layers- a sheet, quantity, or thickness of material, typically one of several, covering a
surface or body.