Child/Young Person Support Request Form V4 (To be completed by the requesting school/ setting.) Name and type of school/setting: Form completed by: Role: Contact Tel: Contact email: Headteacher: Name of pupil Date of birth Gender Ethnicity Year Group SEN Status: SEN Support Statement/EHCP Nature of need Attainment levels: EYFS NC/P-Scales SATs Reading Age (inc. test used) Support requested Medical information Curriculum access/differentiation Involvement of other agencies Support with assessment and planning Please tick against the menu of services Challenging behaviour/behaviour management Induction/transition Agency Date SLT Please tick and indicate date of last input EP EMS Communication Physio Intervention advice OT Speech, Language & Communication/ Autistic Spectrum Conditions Health Visitor/ School Nurse Developing social and emotional skills CAMHS Developing functional skills CAMHS LD Sex and Relationship Education Social Worker Adaptive technology and/or ICT support MABS Access to resource or specialist equipment STA ICT support/ alternative forms of recording Early Years Panel Positive people handling risk assessments/training Other (please detail) Anxious/withdrawn behaviour CAF in place? Yes No Other (please detail) If yes, Lead Professional information: Name: Role: Contact info: Child/Young Person Support Request Form V4 (To be completed by the requesting school/ setting.) Please complete information requested overleaf. Is the child/young person accommodated (under Section 20 of the Children’s Act)? Is the child/young person subject to a care order? Is the child/young person subject to a child protection plan? Profile of needs (Please use the attached guidance when completing the profile of need.) Level from SEN Profile of Need (0 to 4) Physical & Medical Hearing Vision Speech & Language Emotional Development Cognitive Ability Social Development Dispositions and Attitudes Specific Learning Difficulties Parent’s/Carer’s Comments Please outline your view of your child’s / young person’s strengths and the specific concerns which have prompted this request for support? What changes do you hope that the intervention of the PSENSP will bring about? Any additional comments you would like to make in support of this request? Child/Young Person Support Request Form V4 (To be completed by the requesting school/ setting.) Child’s/Young Person’s Comments What is going well for you at the moment? What would you like to change? Parental consent The Portsmouth SEN Support Partnership works closely with professionals in Education, Health and Children’s Services. In order that we can provide the most appropriate response to improve outcomes for your child we need to gather and share information with others who are supporting you or you have had previous contact with. Your signature(s) gives consent for us to speak to other agencies named on this form. You can withdraw your consent at any time. If you have any concerns regarding the sharing of personal information about you or your family please discuss this with the person completing the form with you. I have understood the completed version of this form and agree to request support from the Portsmouth SEN Support Partnership. Signature of Parent / Carer…………………………… Please print name………………………………. Signature of Parent / Carer…………………..……….. Please print name………………………………. Date………………………………………………… This form must be signed by the parent(s) before any work with the child can be undertaken by the Portsmouth SEN Support Partnership. Support requested by and authorised by (Head teacher/SLT/SENCO) Signed: Role: Date: Please attach any recent and relevant information such as IEPs, Assessments and Reports. Please return to: PSENSP, Mary Rose Academy, Gisors Road, Portsmouth, PO4 8GT Special Education Needs: Profile of Need Needs profile 0 Needs profile 1 Shows limited fine and/or gross coordination skills. Physical Health / Medical No needs in this area; physical development and general health within normal levels. Independently mobile without the use of aids, etc., but requires assistance for some routines/self-care skills. May need support with administration of regular medication in setting. Needs profile 2 Needs some help or requires adjustments to be made to learning environment to support fine and/or gross motor skills. Limited independence. Hearing Hearing within normal limits. Can hear clear voice without amplification Mild impairment Vision Speech and Language (green columns relate to school age pupils) Vision within normal range, including when corrected by glasses 6/6-6/12 Mild language delay Language & communication skills within expected range or mild delay Pupil can at best participate with a simple movement in special situations. Needs access to wheelchair for movement either independent with chair or adult supported. Can sit when supported. Mobile with the use of walking aids. Requires constant adult supervision to ensure health and safety. Severe limitations in head and trunk control and require extensive assisted technology and physical assistance. Severe hearing loss needs aids e.g. radio aids/ sound filed systems for curriculum access Very limited functional hearing for speech despite aids May use signing as aid to communication Signing indicated as appropriate / Signing as first language Moderate hearing loss, uses postaural aids, non-verbal cues for communication Mild bilateral field loss or adapted to monocular vision. Navigates safely Moderate impairment, partial sight e.g. needs enlarged print, minimum N14 Wears patch 1-2 hours daily Moderate bilateral field loss. Colour blind Has safe navigable vision in familiar areas. Moderate / severe delay in expressive or receptive language or Mild language disorder or mild/moderate speech sound disorder/delay of any severity (without attention/listeni ng difficulties) Needs continuous help with fine and/or gross motor skills. Even with adaptations to the learning environment limited participation. Needs profile 4 Needs assistance on stairs, etc. Not capable of running and jumping. Can sit on their own or require at most limited external support. Needs daily adult support with selfcare. Mild hearing loss (e.g. conductive or unilateral hearing loss) Needs profile 3 Moderate delay in Pupil has severe expressive language delay or and / or moderate language receptive disorder Or a language severe speech and or mild sound disorder disorder in (with attention/listeni ng speech difficulties) sound production Severe delay in expressive and / or receptive language and / or moderate language / speech sound disorder Severe impairment, partial sight, e.g. needs access to enlarged print N18+, most work modified Minimal or no sight (e.g. Braille) to access the curriculum. Has limited navigable vision Needs adult support for safe navigation. Severe language disorder or diagnosed dyspraxia Severely limited language skills, uses alternative communication systems to make needs/choices known Needs profile 0 Emotional Development Cognitive Ability (green columns relate to school age pupils) Social Development (green columns relate to school age pupils) No significant needs in this area. Cognitive abilities above or Cognitive abilities within broad above average or within broad levels or with average levels. a mild delay. Quotient scores on Working above, standardised within or slightly assessments below the age 85+ expectations of EYFS. No significant needs in this area. Needs profile 1 Some difficulty forming healthy emotional attachments. Needs profile 2 Difficulty in forming healthy emotional attachments. Fairly often shows lack of or Lacks self-confidence and selfesteem. inappropriate emotions and interaction with others. Some learning difficulties, shows some difficulties with conceptual understanding, (e.g. colours, shapes), symbolic, imaginative & make believe play. Some evidence of child working below age appropriate achievement within EYFS. Cognitive assessment below the 15th centile or a standardised score of 75 80 Some difficulties with forming relationships and social interaction skills, play and imagination skills and behaviours e.g. shows some inappropriate responses in social situations and/or some difficulties in playing with peers. Moderate learning difficulties in acquiring basic conceptual understanding (e.g. colours, shapes), symbolic, imaginative and make believe play. Working below the age expectations of EYFS. Difficulties with forming relationships and social interaction skills, play and imagination skills and behaviours. Difficulty coping with changes in routine/environ ment. Needs profile 3 Needs profile 4 Difficulty in regulating emotions (e.g. laughing at others distress) Shows extreme responses in when experiencing changes in routine/transition. Displays bizarre ritualistic/obsessive repetitive or stereotyped behaviours Difficulty in regulating emotions (e.g. laughing at others distress) including self-harming and selfstimulation. Behaviour severely withdrawn, bizarre, obsessional. Moderate to severe learning difficulties, significant Severe learning delay acquiring difficulties and basic global delay, conceptual affecting selfhelp Needs are severe, understanding Mild to moderate long term and and ability to (e.g. colours, learning complex. function shapes), difficulties. independently symbolic, Cognitive Cognitive . imaginative & make Needs are long assessment assessment below term. believe play. Unable to access below the 5th 0.5 Cognitive and make any centile or a Rate of learning centile or a assessment below progress standardised & standardised 2nd within EYFS score of below score of 70 - 75 acquiring new skills without 55 is slow. centile or a significant standardised Significantly (½ score of 55 to 70 interventions and chronological adult support. age) below age expectations of EYFS Fairly often disrespectful to staff and or pupils Fairly often will interrupt and seek attention inappropriately Known to have bullied others in last 6 months Significant Often disrespectful Severe difficulties with to staff and or difficulties with forming pupils Shows only forming relationships and Often interrupts minimal relationships and social and seeks respect for social attention interaction adults and peers interaction skills, play and inappropriately skills, play and Very difficult to imagination skills Fairly often imagination skills direct and disrespectful and of property behaviours. Often intimidates behaviours. Feared as a bully, and readily resorts Extreme having Child shows little to physical difficulty coping physically hurt or no aggression with changes in others communicativ e routine/environ intent. ment. Needs profile 0 Needs profile 1 Needs profile 2 Dispositions and Attitudes Specific Learning Difficulties (green columns relate to school age pupils) No significant needs in this area. Impulsive behaviour and inconsistency when responding to boundaries and correction. Occasionally disruptive. Sometimes lacks curiosity and interest in the environment and is unmotivated to explore and learn. Some difficulty with subject specific / polysyllabic words Cognitive abilities within broad average levels and above Reasoning skills fine No EAL Notable phonic versions of spellings Reading 2-3 yrs behind CA May have fine and/or gross motor difficulties Dyslexia screening test at risk quotient (DST ARQ) 1.0 – 1.4 Occasionally physically/verb ally aggressive Often lacks curiosity and interest in the environment and is unmotivated to explore and learn. Needs profile 4 Highly resistant to interventions/a dult support. Frequently disruptive. Behaviour is variable dependent on context. May be in conflict with peers/adults. Needs profile 3 Fairly often distracted from task Sometimes inattentive to teacher and other support staff Finds group learning activities in a variety of situations difficult Regularly shows physical/ verbally aggressive & intimidating behaviour to peers & adults. Disruptive on daily basis. Shows little interest in their surroundings and when learning new skills. Rarely leads own exploration and play. Finds it very difficult to cope with most learning situations as an individual or as part of a group Shows very little interest in school work at all Mild learning difficulties Very uneven profile of skills Needs differentiated work and support with conceptual understanding and reasoning across the core curriculum. Difficulty in all literacy based subjects Cognitive assessment below the 5th centile or a standardised score of 70-75 or presents with a very uneven cognitive profile Severe difficulties with HF words Reading 6-7 years behind CA Severe fine or gross motor difficulties DST ARQ 2.0+ Highly uncooperative and very resistant to interventions and adult support. Behaviour regularly aggressive on a frequent and sustained basis to peers and adults. Shows no interest in their surroundings and when learning new skills. Never leads own exploration and play. Severe difficulties in accessing any written material. Profile outline: Foundation years pupils School aged pupils 0 Universal services (support expected from within existing resources) ‘Quality First Teaching - Universal services’. Support expected from within existing resources 1 ‘SEN Support - universal services (support expected from within existing resources) ‘SEN Support or Wave 2/3 intervention. Needs met from within own and delegated resources 2 ‘SEN Support’ - some additional short-term support for setting to fully assess needs and meet within existing resources longer term ‘SEN Support' or Wave 2/3 needs met from schools own and delegated resources, with support from outside agencies. Education, Health and Care Assessment may be appropriate. 3 ‘SEN Support- Additional needs identify longer term support required to ensure child is able to fully access EYFS. Education, Health and Care Assessment may be appropriate. 4 Complex needs - may not be able to access EYFS without specialist support. Where the setting is able to demonstrate capacity longer term support required Education, Health and Care Assessment may be appropriate. Needs likely to be beyond school’s own and delegated resources. Support identified through a Statement / EHCP likely required for pupil to fully access curriculum in mainstream or special school ‘Statement / EHC Plan’ Complex, long-term needs that would reasonably be met through a statement / EHCP and most likely placement in special school