7th Grade Science Notebook (pgs. 86-most current available) Page # 86 Title 87 How to Get a Detention in 10 Ways… Unit Title Page 88 Clock of Eras 89 Circle of Eras 90 Bell Work + Chemical Layers of Earth diagram 91 Chemical Layers of the Earth Physical Layers of the Earth Diagram 92 93 94 Physical Layers of Earth Bell Work 95 Theory of Continental Drift Pangaea Lab Puzzle 96 Description Notes- available online. Use the whole page to create our unit title page. Title is “Plate Tectonics.” -Must have at least 3 pictures -Must be completely colored. Glue in and complete the worksheet “Clock of Eras.” Worksheet is available online. See me for the key. Organize the pieces into the “Circle of Eras” according to the era in which they occurred. See me for the key. Bell Work 1/11 1. How might what is on the inside of the earth affect what happens on the outside? (Write what you think). 2. We recently compared the history of the earth to a 12 hour clock. If the 12 hours represents the entire length of time the earth has existed, humans would only be on the clock for the last 7 seconds. If we instead compared the timeline of the earth to a football field, about what distance of the field do you think would represent the amount of time humans have been on earth? 3. What does this mean about the earth? Chemical Layers of the Earth Diagram: draw a diagram of the Earth that shows the 3 chemical layers. Notes- available online. Draw a diagram of the Earth that shows the 5 Physical Layers compared to the 3 Chemical Layers. See me for details. Notes- available online. Bell Work 1/16 Please copy the question1. Which physical layers of the Earth are liquid(-ish)? 2. Which physical layers are solid? 3. What evidence did Alfred Wegener use to support his Theory of Continental Drift? Notes- available online. Use the pieces and clues to attempt to recreate Pangaea. Check key before gluing into notebook (available online). 97 Pangaea Lab Questions 98 Sea Floor Spreading Lab 99 Theory of Sea Floor Spreading Bell Work 100 101 102 103 104 105 Theory of Plate Tectonics Convection Currents Lava Lamp Convection Currents in the Mantle Bell Work Tectonic Plate Boundaries Pangaea Lab Questions- Copy question in notebook, then answer. 1. What did you do to reconstruct Pangaea? 2. How accurately were you able to reconstruct Pangaea? 3. How is this lab similar to what Alfred Wegener might have done to show evidence of his theory? “Plate Tectonics Timeline-” see me for details. Complete the lab then answer the questions on the back. When finished, glue into notebook, (available online). Notes- available online. Bell Work Please copy the questions, (underlined portion only). 1/22 1. Where does sea floor spreading occur, specifically? (From where does the mantle material emerge?) 2. What happens to old sea floor as new sea floor is made? 3. How is new sea floor made? 1/23 1. What is a tectonic plate? 2. There is now an ocean between Africa and South America, though they used to be connected during the time of Pangaea. Where did the oceanic lithosphere separating the two continents come from? Notes- available online. Diagram- available online. Diagram- see me for details. Bell Work- Please copy the questions. 1/24 1. What causes the Earth’s massive tectonic plates to move? 2. Where does the heat come from that creates convection currents? 3. Who developed the theory of sea floor spreading? Notes- available online. 106 Bell Work 107 108109 Plate Boundaries Lab Plate Boundaries: Diagrams and Results 110 Bell Work 111 112 Causes of Volcanoes Cornstarch and Water Lab Questions Bell Work- please copy the question into science notebook. 1/29 1. Which is more dense, continental or oceanic lithosphere? 2. What is it called when one plate goes under another? 3. In which type of boundary does the answer to #2 occur? 1/30 1. What landform results from two pieces of continental crust colliding? 2. What happens when oceanic crust is subducted under continental crust? Tape in and complete Lab Paper- available online. Use PowerPoint presentation (available online), to draw the 5 diagrams of the different types of plate boundaries. (Remember there are technically three types of convergent boundaries…) Be sure to include the landforms that result and examples of where this can be observed. Bell Work- please copy the question into science notebook. 1/31 1. Where do trenches form? 2. When do volcanoes form? 2/1 1. What are three ways to get the solid mantle to melt? 2. What happens at convergent boundaries that allows the mantle to melt? 3. What happens at divergent boundaries that allows the mantle to melt? 2/4 1. On which layer of the earth do the tectonic plates move? 2. Who developed the theory of Sea Floor Spreading? 3. Fossils of the same species found on different continents provide evidence used to support what theory? Cornell Notes- available online. Lab Questions- please copy the question and respond in your notebook. 1. What happens to the mixture when you stir it or press it? 2. What did you increase by stirring or poking? 3. What happens to the mixture when you add watertry stirring it now. What happens? 4. How is this mixture like the mantle? 113 Types of Volcanoes 114 Bell Work Divide your page into 3 equal spaces by drawing 2 horizontal lines. Use page 163 of the textbook “Inside the Restless Earth” to draw a diagram of each type of volcanoone per space. Then read the corresponding text to find the following information about each: Type of eruption What it is made of Description of shape Examples Must be colored! Bell Work- please copy the question 2/5 1. What are the three main types of volcanoes? 2. Why does the crust float on top of the mantle? 3. Where do we find the oldest oceanic crust?