CapitolRiver Council Board of Directors Monthly Meeting Jan 18, 2013 7:30 am to 9:00 am US Bank Center 2nd Floor Conference Room 1. Call to order (7:30) a. Present: JoAnn Hawkins, Larry Englund, Jonathan Hatch, John Mannillo, Wayne Mikos, Julio Fesser, Nina Axelson, Adam Johnson, Lucy Thompson, Karl Karlson, Bill Englund, Jim Miller, Kathi Gall, Tim Griffin, Jim Ivey, Rob Clapp, Joan Mathison, Bill Hosko, Bill Thurmes, Rosemarie Reger-Rumsey, Joe Spartz, Paul Mandell b. Staff: Melissa Martinez-Sones c. Guests: Roger Fuller (Downtown Voice), Cathy O’Connor, Rob Crockerell, Residents 2. Introductions 3. Approval of meeting agenda a. Changes: None b. Motion to Approve: Larry Englund, Second: Bill Englund Discussion: None. Vote: Passed (unanimous). 4. Approval of December Board minutes a. Changes: None b. Motion to Approve: Bill Thurmes Second: Wayne Mikos. Discussion: None. Vote: Passed (unanimous). 5. Board Member Profile a. Jim Ivey b. February - Nina Axelson 6. Chair Report - JoAnn Hawkins a. Strategic Planning b. Hiring Committee i. Interviewing five candidates for Director position on January 15th 7. 2014 Budget - Jim Miller, Treasurer a. Balance Sheet i. Operating checking account: $34,600 1. Additional monies in checking account as fiscal agent 2. Total assets: $99,500 ii. Liabilities: $2,200 iii. Net income: Actual YTD: $6700 iv. Motion to Approve: Jim Miller. Second: Larry Englund. Discussion: None. Vote: Passed (unanimous). 8. Office Space Search - Jim Miller a. Lease expires at end of February 2014 b. Received renewal proposal for current space (US Bank building) c. Committee formed late in 2013 to investigate other potential opportunities i. Investigated Landmark Center, Union Depot and Metro Square ii. Received proposal from Metro Square for a first floor space at discounted rate d. Received updated proposal from US Bank building offering same rate as Metro Square e. Recommendation to accept proposal from Metro Square and move CapitolRiver Council office i. Motion to Approve: Jim Miller. Second: John Mannillo. ii. Discussion of merits of both spaces and whether to move or stay iii. Vote: Failed. (Yes - Jim Miller, Bill Englund, John Mannillo; Abstain - Bill Thurmes) f. Recommendation to accept renewal proposal from US Bank building and keep CapitolRiver Council office in current location i. Motion to Approve: Joe Spartz. Second: Paul Mandell. ii. Vote: Passed (No - John Mannillo, Bill Englund; Abstain - Bill Thurmes) g. Recommendation to authorize Executive Committee to proceed with Metro Square lease only in the event the CRC is unable to enter into a lease extension with US Bank along the lines of the current proposal. i. Motion to Approve: Jim Miller. Second: Wayne Mikos. ii. Yes - Passed (Abstain - Bill Thurmes) 9. Committee Updates a. Parking Committee i. Reviewed 2013 accomplishments ii. Reviewed 2014 goals b. LBDCC i. Next meetings Feb 4th and Feb 18th, 16th floor conference room US Bank c. Executive Committee d. Skyway Committee 10. Liaison Reports a. Lucy Thompson - St. Paul Planning & Economic Development i. Penfield - Tenants are already moving in. ii. Amtrak opening at Union Depot in 2014. iii. April opening for Saint Dinette in Lofts at Farmers Market iv. Union Depot Poetry Contest v. Neighborhood STAR Grant Workshop on February 12th b. Tim Griffin - District Councils Collaborative and St. Paul Design Center i. DCC board is discussing its future with the member district councils ii. DCC will be moving into portion of Design Center space iii. Design Center working on design review with Custom House 1. Relationship to Great River Passage (balcony) iv. Great River Gathering scheduled for May 8th at Union Depot 1. Placemaking residency - Gil Penalosa - Week of May 5th c. Jim Miller - West Side Flats Master Plan 11. Staff Report - Martinez-Sones a. b. c. d. e. f. Crashed Ice - Community meetings Jan 15th, Jan 29th, Feb 12th (on website) Citywide Bike Plan - Thursday Feb 20th in CRC meeting room Futures North Engagement - “Batting Practice” on Jan 25th Streetcar Public Meetings - Jan 15th-16th Honor Roll Invitations sent to board members and honorees First Friday i. February - Wild Tymes ii. March - Penfield g. Downtown airport noise study (website and hardcopy) 12. Other announcements a. BOMA forming a Downtown Alliance to facilitate information/resources to help foster growth in downtown 13. Adjourn Next meeting: Feb 19th at 7:30 am