Clinical Attendance Make

Course Outline and Syllabus
Course Title:
RAD 403 – Clinical Education IV
Clock Hours:
256 Clinical Hours (T, Th, F; July 1 through September 13, 2013)
Quarter Units:
8 Quarter Credits
Successful completion of RAD 303, Clinical Education III
Kelly Angel, Steve Diaz, Lindsey Swift, Jamil Cuffie
Phone: Angel (510)231-5034, Swift (510)231-5119,
Diaz (510)231-5033, Cuffie (510) 231-5035
Office Hours:
Confirm office hours with instructor and by appointment
Contact Info:
Office: As noted above
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to further introduce the student to procedures performed in Radiography, and to provide
the student with greater opportunities to gain practical experience. During this fourth quarter of clinical education, the
student is expected to develop the competency to perform simple to intermediate clinical procedures with
progressively less assistance. Specific rotation objectives may be noted from the attached lists. Emphasis continues
to be given to the development of professional responsibility and the practice of total patient care and radiation safety
practices. This course is delivered as a continuing clinical practicum in a medical-imaging department of an affiliated
clinical training center and builds on previously acquired skills.
Course Approach
1. Through assigned rotations, students will observe, assist, and ultimately perform standard Radiography
procedures under the direct supervision of a qualified professional.
2. Clinical site visits will be conducted to reinforce and bridge principles and concepts learned in the
classroom setting to that of the clinical setting. (Refer to the “Site Visit Schedule” in Section Two of the
clinical logbook for the specific date).
3. The Clinical Log Book will be used to facilitate learning, and promote better communication between
KPSAHS faculty and clinical site personnel. Students are required to update and maintain the clinical
logbook daily. Clinical logbooks MUST be with the student at the clinical setting at all times.
Course Objectives
This course is designed to allow the student to become proficient in all radiographic clinical procedures. These
objectives are stated as Proficiency Objectives under the Learning Outcomes as detailed below. This course is
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delivered as a clinical practicum in a medical-imaging department of an affiliated clinical training center.
Learning Outcomes
Proficiency Objectives
The student will perform all previously achieved objectives/competencies in the radiography department. In addition,
by the end of the fourth quarter, the student will demonstrate to the satisfaction of the clinical preceptor or program
instructor that he/she is able to:
1. Communicate with patients and clinical staff.
2. Retrieve radiographic patient record (e.g. examinations or reports) when requested by a physician or to
assist in planning radiographic examinations, using the PACS system or other methods.
3. Determine patient’s identity by using at least two methods of patient identification.
4. Consistently question female patients of childbearing age about menstrual cycle and/or possible pregnancy
to alert physician.
5. Give patient appropriate instructions regarding radiographic procedures.
6. Use proper radiopaque markers.
7. Demonstrate awareness to patient needs.
8. Consistently demonstrate use of proper radiation protection practices.
9. Remove all unnecessary persons from area prior to taking radiograph to reduce exposure to radiation.
10. Follow site-specific standard precaution protocols when in contact with all patients to include
cleaning/disinfection/sterilization techniques to clean equipment following contact with body fluids. Dispose
of single-use equipment appropriately following all procedures.
11. Prepare radiographic exam room for next use including replacing clean linen on table and organizing work
12. Follow site protocols for image processing.
13. Performs imaging tasks under direct / indirect supervision including, but not limited to positioning of the
patient, adjustment of the radiographic table, radiographic and/or fluoroscopic equipment, and image
receptor to produce desired radiographic views.
14. Demonstrate knowledge of KPSAHS and clinical site policies and procedures.
15. Follow instructions given by clinical coordinators, clinical preceptors, technologists, physicians, and other
hospital / clinical personnel.
16. From the master competency list, complete at least seven Clinical Competency Evaluations (no more than
nine) with a minimum of 80% accuracy from quarters two through four.
17. Keep accurate records of attendance, procedures observed/performed, goals, and compliance forms.
18. Complete two image critiques with an average of 80% accuracy.
Evaluation System
The student’s final course grade will be a composite of all clinical forms/evaluations for a total of 100 points as
(7) Completed Clinical Competency Evaluations
(2) Instructor Evaluations
(2) Film Critiques--Written & Oral
(2) Clinical Instructor Evaluations
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40 points
20 points
10 points
30 points
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100 points
Note: This is a “Pass,” “Fail” course. A grade of 70% or higher must be achieved in order to “Pass”
Competency Exams:
During each term, the student is responsible for choosing procedures to demonstrate competency. These
procedures are based on the competency requirements and time frames developed by the ARRT and JRCERT. The
student is expected to complete a predetermined number of competency exams each quarter. A passing score is
considered a grade of 80%. If the student does not obtain the designated number of competency exams in any given
term, s/he will earn a zero (0) for each examination not completed.
For each competency attempt, the student will ask the preceptor/designee to observe performance of a competency
prior to the exam. The preceptor/designee will observe and score the student as per the scoring rubric with the
competency form. If the preceptor terminates an exam prior to completion (generally due to the well-being of the
patient), the student fails that exam. A score of less than 80% on a competency exam is also considered a failing
grade. Once competency has been demonstrated on a procedure, the student may be asked to perform a similar
procedure at anytime thereafter with indirect supervision. Until a student has proven competency for an exam, the
student must be directly supervised by qualified personnel.
Clinical Coordinators as well as Clinical Preceptors may perform competency exams with students. Students should
address competency concerns to the clinical preceptor or clinical coordinator. Competencies may be revoked at a
later time should the student fail to maintain competency of an exam.
KPSAHS Clinical Grading Policy
KPSAHS clinical courses are graded on a credit (CR) no credit (NC) basis. Students must complete all required
course work with the equivalent of 70% or better. No grade points are recorded and the grade does not affect the
student’s GPA. The NC grade is considered failing and is used in determination of academic probation status.
A student may be assigned an Incomplete “I” grade if s/he meets the following criteria:
1. Absences are due to justifiable reasons or because of an unforeseeable emergency (i.e. surgery, car
accidents, death in family)
2. The student MUST have completed a minimum of 80% of the competencies required for the clinical course.
3. The student MUST have the permission of both their Clinical Coordinator and their Program Director to
complete the unfinished portion of the course during the next quarter. ALL reasons for non-completion of
required materials, including medical and/or personal problems are subject to approval by both the Clinical
Coordinator and the Program Director.
KPSAHS Clinical Policies
Dosimetry and ID Badges
Students are provided radiation monitoring badges by the Radiography Program. These monitoring devices are
exchanged every month and are reviewed and initialed by the program’s Clinical Coordinator or Program Director
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and the student. The Medical Director of KPSAHS discusses all readings identified as exceeding normal limits with
the student. All discussions will be documented in the student’s academic file. The Clinical Coordinators are
responsible for the monthly collection and distribution of film badges. Badges will be collected and distributed during
the first didactic class of the month.
Students are required to wear their KPSAHS student ID badges and radiation monitoring badges in the clinical
setting at all times. Should one be lost/misplaced, the student is required to replace lost badge immediately and will
not be allowed to attend clinic until the correction is made. KPSAHS shall be notified immediately. All missed
clinical hours are required to be made up during interquarter break.
Professional Appearance
The image a student presents to patients has a direct impact on how the student is perceived. If the student’s
appearance is unacceptable, students will be asked to leave clinic to correct the problem and time missed will be
deducted from their clinical hours. Students should present a professional image. A neat, well-groomed appearance
is important and promotes confidence in the quality of care. Therefore, students must dress appropriate to the job,
suitable for the professional situation, and not interfering with job performance. Apparel must be well maintained,
clean, and consistent with health and safety guidelines for the department and the Medical Center. Good hygiene is
to be maintained at all times. Any medical restrictions will be considered by Administration for possible
Make-up, jewelry and perfume/cologne should be minimal and unobtrusive; long hair must be up off the collar or
pulled back. Facial jewelry (other than earrings) is unacceptable. Gum chewing is unacceptable. Students must
wear the KPSAHS student ID badge and the radiation monitoring badge at all times. Students are required to have
school-provided scrubs. Medical Centers and clinical education affiliates reserve the right to establish personal
appearance requirements for individual work areas. In all circumstances, the specific personal appearance
requirements of the clinical education site supercede the KPSAHS professional appearance expectations.
If a student dresses inappropriately and does not appear professional or does not adhere to the KPSAHS, Medical
Center, or Department specific standards or guidelines, the Clinical Preceptor or Clinical Coordinator will send the
student home and require the student to return to work properly attired. Any clinical time missed must be made up.
In the event a trip home is necessary, the student will also be counted tardy for that day.
Clinical Hours and Attendance Policy
Students must complete all clinical education hours stipulated for the Program. Clinical education is scheduled for a
specific number of hours per week depending on the program of enrollment. The accrediting bodies of all programs
do not permit students to perform more than a total of 40 hours per week in any combination of clinical and didactic
Students must complete all Program clinical education hours stipulated for each quarter. Clinical absences for each
quarter must be made-up during the inter-quarter break immediately following the quarter in which the absences
occurred. Students will be prohibited from participating in the next didactic quarter until all clinical absences are
made up. Any student who fails to meet the requirements of their clinical assignment will face disciplinary action up
to and including dismissal from the clinical site and termination from the program.
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Definitions: The following definitions are for clarification purposes. Students must meet the 15 minute timeline for
reporting tardiness, illness, absence.
Clinical Tardy: The student arrives one (1) hour or less past the designated starting time.
Clinical Absence: The student does not arrive or is not ready to begin clinical education requirements
more than one (1) hour past the designated starting time.
Clinical Absence / Clinical Tardy Notification
Students must notify both their clinical preceptor and program clinical coordinator no later than 15 minutes after
scheduled start time in case of tardiness, illness or absence. Failure to notify both the Clinical Preceptor and
Educator/Clinical Coordinator by the identified timeframe is considered an unexcused absence. Unexcused
absences, excessive clinical absences or patterns of attendance abuse will lead to progressive disciplinary action up
to and including termination from the program.
Clinical Tardiness
Clinical time missed as a result of tardiness must be made up at the end of the assigned shift the same day. All
tardiness will be recorded. Three (3) tardies within one quarter for all medical imaging programs will result in the
deduction of 5 points from the final clinical grade and corrective disciplinary action. Excessive tardiness is
unacceptable behavior and affects ones clinical performance.
Clinical Absence
Two (2) days of clinical absences are allowed each quarter without a reduction in clinical grade points. For each
clinical day missed after the 2-day allowance, 5 points per absence will be subtracted from the final clinical course
grade. A physicians’ excuse will remove the point loss.
Students may miss a maximum of 6 days per quarter. If a student exceeds 6 days of absence during the quarter
he/she will receive an “Incomplete” for the clinical course. To meet the graduation requirements of the KPSAHS, the
student must repeat the course after the completion of the last quarter of the program.
ALL missed clinical hours must be made-up during the inter-quarter break period following the quarter in which they
were accrued. Missed clinical hours must be made up in full eight (8) hour days. If the number of hours is less than 8
hours, all missed hours must be made up in one day.
If extenuating circumstances occur, (for example: surgery, car accidents, death in a family) the instructor may make
arrangements on an individual basis. Advance notification, whenever possible, should be made to the Program
Director, Program Instructor, and Clinical Instructor.
If you are unable to report to your assigned clinical site, contact the Clinical Instructor or Supervisor and call the
school attendance line at (510) 231 – 5085.
Clinical Attendance Make-up Agreements
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It is the responsibility of the student to notify both KPSAHS and the clinical site in the event of an absence. Students
are to call the appropriate attendance line PRIOR to the start time of their shift. On return, the students are to work
with their preceptor and complete a make-up agreement. Clinical Attendance Make-Up agreements are required to
be completed for ALL clinical absences. Clinical Attendance Make-up Agreements will require the verification
signature from the clinical preceptor and the student’s Educator/Clinical Coordinator. This agreement MUST be
faxed to KPSAHS no later than 7 calendar days after their return. Five points will be deducted if KPSAHS does
not receive the makeup agreement in the specified time frame. Should the absence take place on a site visit day, the
student is responsible for contacting the Clinical Coordinator to make up the site visit.
The Program Director will sign the "Clinical Attendance Make-up Agreement" form upon completion and prior to
assigning a letter grade to the student for the Clinical Experience course. The student will be given an “Incomplete”
for the clinical quarter until completion of make-up time. Students will not be allowed to continue in the program
unless Clinical Make-Up Agreement is fulfilled. Once completed, the agreement will become a part of the student’s
permanent file.
Repeating a Clinical Class
1. The student must repeat the entire class. Any clinical hours previously completed are not counted toward
meeting the requirements of the course being repeated.
2. The student must begin repeating the course after the completion of the final quarter of their program.
3. The student may begin repeating the course only if clinical space is available. The student may perform
make up time at another clinical site if required.
4. Prior to the start of make-up time, the student and their clinical coordinator will develop an educational plan.
5. The student must adhere to all clinical policies (absence, tardy, etc.) and complete all required forms as
stated in the clinical make up policy in the student handbook.
Clinical Logbooks
Students are responsible for maintaining a current and orderly logbook. All forms are to be completed on a daily
basis. If the student does not maintain a current logbook, the student will be penalized 5 points per infraction on
their Clinical Grade Calculation Sheet during their site visits. Infractions include (but are not limited to) an incomplete
attendance log, lack of a make-up agreement in the event of an absence, an incomplete daily procedures record, an
outdated dosimetry report, incomplete self-assessments, and lack of preceptor evaluations. At the discretion of the
Clinical Coordinator, the student may be released from his/her clinical site until the logbook has been organized and
brought up to date. Make-up visits may be arranged at a later date.
Once the logbooks are turned in, infractions include (but not limited to) unsigned (student and preceptor) attendance
and quarter procedure records, outdated dosimetry reports, and lack of preceptor evaluations. Again, students will be
penalized 5 points per infraction.
Logbooks are due at the beginning of the student’s first final exam.
Refer to the “Evaluations/Forms Checklist” at the end of Section 1 for a listing of forms and due dates.
Failure to turn in the completed logbook by June 17, 2013 at 10:00 AM will result in a
Use of cell phones, PDA’s, Blackberry’s, PSPs, tablets, or other electronic devices
is prohibited.
Students found to be in possession of and/or
403 clinical
– Clinicalhours
using such devices during clinical time will be asked to leave the clinical site and
this will count as a missed clinical day.
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grade deduction of 10 points for Clinical Experience IV.
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