Practice Leaflet - Hyde Park Surgery

Once you have established you are living within the practice area,
please speak to the receptionist who will ask you to complete the
necessary form and/or make an appointment for you to see the doctor.
Hyde Park Lodge
2 Hyde Park Road, Mutley
Plymouth PL3 4RJ
Disabled Access
Access for the disabled is satisfactory and a disabled toilet is available.
Please ring the bell if help is needed.
Tel: (01752) 224437
Fax: (01752) 315495
Restricted parking is available in Wilderness Road and in the municipal
car park opposite.
NHS England
As a surgery we have a PMS (Personal Medical Services) contract with
NHS England.
Sedgemoor Centre
Priory Road
St Austell
Cornwall PL25 5AS
Dr. Stephen J. Warren
(Qualified Manchester 1977)
Dr. Juliette J. Whitfield
(Qualified Southampton 1987)
Hyde Park Lodge
Reception2 (telephone
& face-to-face
Hyde Park Road,
Mutley access)
Plymouth PL3
– 6.00
8.30 – 7.30
8.30 – 6.00
8.30 – 1.30
8.30 - 6.00
Violent Abusive Patients
This surgery does not tolerate violent or abusive patients and has a right
to remove them from the surgery list. If a patient is reported to the police
for violent behaviour, they may be removed immediately. Alternatively
their removal will be requested and the patient will be informed in writing
of the reason for this.
We do not offer a walk-in service. Patients are seen by
appointment only.
We do not take any requests for prescriptions over the telephone,
your request needs to be in writing.
We have an excellent out-of-hours service NHS 111 who you
should contact when the surgery is closed.
Welcome to Hyde Park Surgery
Hyde Park Surgery is an inner city family doctor practice which currently
Comments & Complaints
All comments are taken seriously and acted upon if appropriate.
serves approximately 2700 patients.
For over 20 years we have offered high quality primary medical care,
constantly growing and expanding. We welcome new patients and
attract significant numbers of newcomers to the area who are looking for
a family practice providing continuity of care. Our premises are in good
order, highly visible on the high street and liked by our patients.
Dr Warren is committed to a caring, considered approach combined with
first class medicine. Dr Juliette Whitfield is particularly thorough and as our
family planning specialist compliments Dr Warren well. She is particularly
valued by many of our female patients. The 2 doctors are supported in
their work by 2 practice nurses who are both qualified Registered General
Nurses with broad experience from years of service within the NHS. They
offer excellence of care in the treatment room setting.
A small, efficient reception team is led by Practice Manager Kerry
Our aim is to provide a friendly and professional healthcare service
Please contact the Practice Manager about any complaint regarding
the practice. Verbal complaints are dealt with immediately and formal
complaints need to be in writing for the attention of the Practice
We record all complaints and we write to say that we have received a
written complaint within 3 working days of receiving it. We respond to
all complaints within 10 working days.
Use of the practice complaints procedure does not take away your
right to make a complaint to other NHS bodies. However, we find that
the sooner we are made aware of your problem, the sooner we can
investigate it and rectify as appropriate. This is YOUR practice and we
want to work with you to make it the best.
If you remain dissatisfied with the response to your complaint, you have
the right to contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
who is independent to the NHS and government. Call 0345 015 4033 or
Alternatively you can contact NHS England National Call centre on:
03003 112233 or Patient Advice & Liaison
Service on: 0300 123 1672
treating all out patients with dignity and respect within a caring and
confidential environment.
Also attached to the practice are:
District Nurse: available for home nursing duties
Midwife Sister: Monday 1.00pm – 4pm and home visits as appropriate
Pregnant patients can also visit the Nomony Centre when the midwife is
unavailable Tel: 667869 (Wednesday am clinic).
Health Visitor Mutley Baptist Church Tuesdays 1.30pm-3.30pm
Available for advice on health & development of the under fives and
health advice for all ages. To contact the Health Visitor Team Tel: 314175.
Out of Hours Emergencies
We will do all we can to make sure that our system for contacting the
duty doctor service is easy to follow, reliable and effective. If you
telephone the surgery, a doctor will be contacted after making no
more than one other call.
Thursday Afternoons
We are covered by St Barnabas Surgery on Thursday afternoons from
1pm – 6pm. Therefore if you have a medical emergency during this
time, you will need to contact St Barnabas Surgery on 01752 607006.
Repeat Prescriptions
These items can be ordered on a regular basis in the following way and
are ready after 48 hours, within the working week:
By post or fax
By email
By delivering to the surgery
 New patient & over 75 checks
 Chronic disease management
 Smoking cessation
 Ante-natal and post-natal
 Flu/pneumonia immunisation
 Advice diet/exercise
. Please ask for an appointment with the nurse.
Dr Whitfield
9am – 12pm
9am – 12.30pm
9am – 12pm
Please call in or telephone to make an appointment and state if your
problem is urgent. Appointments are released at 8:30am each
morning which can be booked for the week ahead. Appointments
can also be made for up to 4 weeks in advance. Consultations are
available as outlined in the Patients’ Charter. Emergency (same day)
appointments are available.
Home Visits
Please request visits as early as possible in the day and only when you
are too ill to visit the surgery or primary care centre. For an urgent
visit, please make this clear to the receptionist. The venue for a
consultation is at the discretion of the doctor.
Medical Students
The practice is keen to encourage a new generation of doctors and,
therefore, will have medical students from time to time. Your permission
will be sought prior to their presence at any consultation.
Appointment times
Dr Warren
8.30am – 11am
Wednesday 8.30am – 11am
8.30am – 11am
Telephone Consultations
Tel: 224437
A doctor is available for advice on the telephone Monday to Friday
at the end of the morning surgery. Please ring the surgery and
provide your contact details for the doctor to call back. Please note
that at busy times the doctor may not be able to return your call until
the afternoon.
2pm – 4pm/5pm – 7.30pm alternating
3.30pm –5pm
Out of Hours
4pm – 6pm/5pm – 7.30pm alternating
If you have an emergency medical problem when the surgery is
closed, please telephone 111. A recorded message will give this
number if you ring the surgery. The doctor may ask you to attend the
Out of Hours Centre. Please note that telephone calls to the Out of
Hours telephone number are recorded.
3pm – 5pm
Practice Nurse
8.45am – 12.30pm
8.30am – 12.30pm (Bloods only)
Wednesday 8.45am – 12.30pm
8.45am – 12.45pm
8.45am – 12.30pm
Tel: 111
24 Hour Helpline
13.30pm – 17.30pm
Information and advice given by qualified staff for health worries
when, for example, a painful ankle doesn’t get better or a baby
won’t stop crying Telephone NHS 111 or visit the website:
Patient consent
Patient consent is sought before any procedure/examination takes
place. This could be in the form of expressed or implied. Patient
consent forms are available for minor surgery and chaperones. If you
require further information or would like to view our policy, please
speak to the receptionist.
Primary Medical Care
As a patient you have the right to:
- be registered with the practice
- see the doctor of your choice subject to availability
- receive emergency care
- receive appropriate drugs/medicines
- be referred to a specialist or for a second opinion subject to mutual
Registering with a GP
When registering with a GP practice, all patients are entitled to express
a preference of GP or nurse in terms of their sex, for example. You will
usually see one of our two regular doctors, however we may have a
locum GP from time to time when the usual doctors are away. If you
have any particular preferences regarding the GP you see, please let
Reception know when you register. We may not always be able to
comply with your request but we will always try to do so.
Medical Records
- By law, everyone working for the NHS must keep the contents of
your medical records private
- You have a right to access your medical records subject to certain
laws – please put your request in writing to the practice manager
- The doctor will be available to explain medical terms and words
within 40 working days
- If you change doctor, we will ensure your notes will be sent for
routine transfer to your new doctor.
This practice operates in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 & the
Freedom of Information Act 2000. For further information, please enquire at
Patients between the age of 16 & 74 who have not attended a
consultation or a clinic at the practice in the last 3 years, or a person
aged 75 or over who has not attended a consultation or a clinic at the
practice in the last 12 months, may request a consultation.
You can book an appointment for up to 4 weeks in advance. You will
be seen by a doctor for urgent matters on the same day. During
normal surgery hours you will wait no longer than ten minutes on the
telephone and no more than half an hour for your appointment.
Surgeries will normally start on time and we usually expect patients to
be seen within 30 minutes of their appointment time. Please inform
reception if you are kept waiting longer than this.
When a doctor is called away on an emergency, we will inform you.
We will then give you the opportunity to wait for his return or to book
another appointment. All aspects of your visit will be dealt with in
strictest confidence.
Test Results
The results of various routine tests are available within two months but
mostly within two weeks. If a test produces an important abnormal
result the practice will contact you usually within two days of the arrival
of the test, although up to two weeks should be allowed if specialist
advice is required.
- All team members are committed to maintaining good associations
with other organisations responsible for health care.
- All team members are committed to continuing training.
We will respect our patients’ privacy and confidentiality at all times.
You will be treated as an individual and will be given courtesy and
respect at all times, irrespective of your ethnic origins, religious belief,
personal attributes or the nature of your health problems.
It is our job to give you treatment and advice. No care or treatment
will be given without your informed consent. Please ask us if you are
unsure of anything.