
Kelly Dontje
Web Resources Project
CRIN E07-2
Khan Academy
Description of content:
Khan Academy is a non-profit organization providing free quality education to any and
everyone online. Content covered includes math, biology, chemistry, physics, finance and
history. Students can use the site to watch explanatory videos that break concepts down
in the simplest way possible, providing interactive challenges and assessments. Each
video Math practice can start at addition or jump right into Calculus. Problems are
randomly generated so practice can last as long as the student needs. If the student is
stuck, a video is provided for further explanation. Students set goals with Khan Academy,
who awards achievement with coveted badges. Teachers can access student performance
data as a class whole, or on an individual basis to measure success and needs for
improvement. Membership and participation is absolutely free.
How you can use this source:
 During math centers, have students work on struggling math concepts. For
advanced students, allow them to work on more complex ideas as a means of
challenging them. The teacher can view student performance to verify work.
 Students can use the site as homework help when confusion arises outside of the
classroom. The teacher may provide direct links to videos related to homework to
make the process more efficient.
 After viewing examples of videos through Khan Academy, have student groups
create their own tutorial video on math content being covered in class in the "Khan
Academy" fashion using whiteboards and drawings.
Khan academy. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2013, from
Kelly Dontje
Web Resources Project
CRIN E07-2
Teachers pay Teachers: An Open Marketplace for Educators
Description of Content:
Teachers pay Teachers is an online marketplace for teachers to buy, sell and share
original resources. Such material include lesson plans, activities, exams/quizzes,
worksheets, PowerPoint and more. Items are categorized by grade, subject and price.
Buyers can amp up previous lesson plans with new and exciting ideas that are already
teacher-tested and educationally sound. Sellers benefit, not only from the income, but
also the ability to refine and perfect their ideas. In doing so, both the individual teacher
and the collective group benefit from the meticulous and reflective planning. So far
Teachers pay Teachers has 1,862,837 users, buyers and sellers making it a large network
to pull from. While many resources require payment, the time and energy saved can be
put toward other aspects of one's teaching. Many materials are available for free as well.
How you can use this source:
 When in need of some inspiration for a dry unit, look no further than Teachers pay
Teachers. Teachers can skim through free resources for ideas, or purchase well
planned material.
 If a teacher has developed a creative and exciting approach to teach a lesson that
was effective for the whole class, he/she can share with the site for free or ask for
a small payment as compensation for the effort made.
 Free sources are given on Sunday's so take a look especially on those days
Teachers pay teachers: An open marketplace for educators. (n.d.). Retrieved
September 8, 2013, from
Kelly Dontje
Web Resources Project
CRIN E07-2
Cool Math 4 Kids
Description of Content:
Cool Math 4 Kids is a free, online interactive website that encourages students to
understand and master math concepts through challenging and fun games. Content
covered includes: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division (and long division),
decimals, fractions, geometry and much more. It's original intent was to inspire the
frustrated, confused and bored students in math. Basic math concepts are incorporated
into challenging games that capture student attention, while teaching them a thing or two
without even knowing that they're doing math. By taking into account kids' interests and
wants, math has been made a fun and easy-to-learn experience.
How you can use this source:
 Have students during centers play math games related to the content being
discussed in class. Students who need additional challenge more explore more
advanced topics as well.
 If a student is struggling with comprehension in
addition/subtraction/multiplication/division, have the student follow the online
lessons for a new perspective and explanation
 Encourage families to explore math together by using the site. Several resources
are listed under the "Parents" tab, including tips, fun games, and resources.
Cool math 4 kids. (1997). Retrieved September 8, 2013, from
Kelly Dontje
Web Resources Project
CRIN E07-2
International Weather
Description of Content:
International Weather is an online resource that provides daily weather from all over the
world. Students can view differences in weather among the United States, as well as
countries in Africa, Antarctica, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, the Middle
East and more. Time differences with corresponding dates are also recorded on the world
clock as well. In addition, hurricanes and tropical storms are tracked in the system.
Spectators can view the progression and path of the storms for preparation or curiosity's
sake. Links to international news channels and travel agencies are provided.
How you can use this source:
 In order to promote a global perspective, have students record weather from
multiple countries for several weeks. Use the data collected to compare and
contrast to their own weather. Graphs may be implemented as a means of
displaying the observations made.
 Have students create a vacation brochure for a different country. Using the
weather data, have students create a list of possible activities (swimming v. skiing,
etc...) and appropriate clothing needed for packing
International weather. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2013, from
Kelly Dontje
Web Resources Project
CRIN E07-2
Math Playground
Description of Content:
Math Playground is an online learning site with the intent of making math practice fun.
Through engaging games that are meaning and entertaining, Math Playground
encourages positive math attitudes. The site teaches through math and thinking games,
instructional videos, math practice and problem solving activities. Content covered
includes algebra, ratios, geometry, fractions, multiplication. division and money matters.
Real world problems and experiences can be seen in games such as "Math at the Mall,"
and "Making Change." An entire category is designated for Word Problems as well as
real world math found under "Math at Work" that require critical thinking for students.
Math manipulatives, iPad applications and activities aligning with the Common Core are
accessible for teachers as well. This is a great and interactive website for teachers
wanting to add some challenge to their students.
How you can use this source:
 During learning stations, have students play games on Math Playground while at
the computers. Students can either choose topics relating to the content being
covered in class, or challenge themselves with more advanced concepts.
 Some games, such as the "Making Change," can be used with the whole group on
the overhead projector. The teacher can use such games as formative evaluations,
having students vote on answers and share explanations with the class.
 Coordinate with the Technology/Media teacher at your school to play such games
during resource if there is spare time. This encourages a multidisciplinary
approach in education.
Math playground. (2002). Retrieved September 8, 2013, from