PUT THIS ON YOUR REFRIGERATOR!! Messages from the teacher: Date: ___________________ Fri., Oct. 12, 2012 Student of the week for 10/15—10/19 is Danielle Boudakh! Monday, Oct 15 ~ DUE: 1) Signed Friday Folder with signed “Behavior Rubric” 2) 10/9-10/15 125 Min. 3) Signed AR Note 4) “Smencils” Order; 3:20-4:00 Opportunity Room Tues., Oct. 16 ~ TEST-Math Unit 2 (PELLUM); After school band - pick up at 4:10 by Jr. High entrance & orchestra (front door); 3:20-4:00 Opportunity Room Wed., Oct. 17 ~ QUIZ-Science: “Organisms & Where They Live”; 11:45 Early Dismissal Thurs., Oct. 18 ~ TEST-Math Unit 2 (WICINSKI); QUIZ/TEST retakes at recess; DUE: 1) Daily Geography “Week 8” 2) Math Mad Minute Packet (REICH); 3:20-4:00 Opportunity Room Fri., Oct. 19 ~ DUE: 1) Math Unit 2 Math Boxes (WICINSKI) 2) Math Mad Minute Packet-extra credit (COYNE); ; Math 4-Today QUIZ “Week 7”; 1st Grade Reading Buddies-10:15-10:35; Daily Language Week 8 & QUIZ; Spelling TEST Unit 8 Upcoming dates: Don’t forget to look Tues., Oct. 23 – DUE: Science Extra Credit over and sign the quick checklist Wed., Oct. 24 – Picture Retakes of your child’s behavior this Fri., Oct. 26 – DUE: $15 Class party donation, End of 1st Quarter week. Return it in your child’s Following is a list of assignments from this week. If your child is missing something it will be Wed., Oct. 31 – 1:00 Halloween Party, 2;15 Parade Friday Folder. below. Distributed This is to let you know it was not turned in and s/he received a ‘0’ for a Fri., Nov. 2 – DUE: Fire Prevention Poster (Mrs. Minelli),highlighted Report Cards grade. Don’t forget to look Following is a list of assignments from this week. If your child is missing something it will be highlighted below. This is to let you know it was not turned in and s/he received a ‘0’ for a grade. Following is a list of assignments from this week. yourthe child is missing something it will be over andIfsign quick checklist highlighted below. This to let you know it was not turned in and s/he received a ‘0’ for a 10/9 tois 10/12/12 of your child’s behavior this grade. Assignments from the week of _________: LANGUAGE ARTS: MATH: Assignments from the week of _________: 10/1-10/12 125 Minutes Signed AR Note from 10/5 Spelling Wbpp: 54, 55, 56, 57 Unit 7 Spelling TEST Week 7 Daily Language Review & QUIZ Reading Text pp: 82-101, 104-107 Wbpp: 10, 47, 48, 51, 55 Secrets of the Titanic videos Thesaurus spider Storyworks-complete September activities Cursive pp: 22, 23 A.R. points =70% , comp. = 85% SCIENCE: “Organisms & Where They Live” study guide QUIZ- “Organisms & Where They Live”: 10/17 SOCIAL STUDIES: week. Return it in your child’s Following is a list of assignments from this week. If your child is missing something it will be highlighted below. This is to let you know it was not Friday Folder. 9/4 to 9/7/12 turned in and s/he received a ‘0’ for a grade. Daily Geography Week 7 For questions regarding social studies, please contact Mrs. Pellum at 847-965-6200 ext: 4252 COYNE MJpp: COYNE Math Boxes: MJpp. SL: Boxes: 2.8, 2.9 Math SL:Math 4-Today Week 25 & QUIZ Math Mad4-Today Minute Week packet21 & QUIZ Multiplication Riddle REICH MJpp: REICH Math Boxes: MJpp. SL: Boxes: 2.7 #1-10 Math SL:Math 4-Today Week 25 & QUIZ Math 4-Today Week 21 & QUIZ Addition Riddle “Practice Sheet” MISC: MATH: PELLUM MJpp: PELLUM Math Boxes: MJpp. SL:Boxes: 2.6, p.35, 2.8, 2.9 Math Math 4-Today Week 25 & QUIZ SL: Math 4-Today Week 21 & QUIZ TEST Unit 2: 10/16 WICINSKI MJpp: 42, 43, 46, 47, 47a, 47b WICINSKI Math Boxes: 2.6, 2.7 MJpp. SL:Boxes: 2.7(p35, 36, 2.8) Math SL:SRB p: 10, 11 Math 4-Today Week (2) 21 Math 4-Today Week 25QUIZ (6) & QUIZ Mad Minutes Mad Minutes TEST Unit 2: 10/18 Friday Folder & Rubric from 10/5 Clip for assignment notebook (optional) Recorder September/October Book Order Thank you for sharing with us this week, Luis! Please check your child’s assignment notebook daily. Ask to see each completed assignment prior to signing your child’s assignment notebook. Please check your child’s assignment notebook daily. You can now order books from Scholastic Book Clubs online: www.scholastic.com/bo okclubs With the November/Winter Book Club flyers, you will receive a parent letter that explains this opportunity in further detail. Ask to see each completed assignment prior to signing your child’s assignment notebook WANTED: 1 Parent DePaul’s Merle Reskin Theatre to see the play A Wrinkle in Time Friday, November 2 8:30am – about 12:00pm First come, first served! Call: 847-965-6200 Ext. 4254 E-mail: jwicinski@parkview.k12.il.us Please c hec k out my websit e: ht t p ://www.mgsd 70 .or g/websit es/j wic in sk i/Pages/d ef ault .asp x Every parent order earns FREE f orbooks lot s of lin for k s an d some help f ul in f or mat ion !