Do This in Memory of Me - The Catholic Diocese of Lubbock

Office of Christian Formation
Diocese of Lubbock
P.O. Box 98700
Lubbock, TX 79499
(806) 792-2234
Share the Good News
September/October 2011
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The theme for the Diocesan Annual Catechetical and Ministries
Conference is: "Do This in Memory of Me" (Luke 22:19). By reflecting
on this theme, we are also preparing to receive the Third Typical
Edition of the Roman Missal. The United States Catholic Conference of
Bishops’ Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis hopes that this
theme will provide the opportunity not only to reflect on the beauty
and mystery of the Eucharist, as found in the Scriptures and the
Tradition of the Church, but also to be moved to a more intense participation in the Sunday
celebration of Mass, worthy reception of Holy Communion, and a more intentional embrace
of the Church's sacramental life and mission.
“Do This in Memory of Me” Catechetical and Ministries Conference’s focus is on faith
formation and sacramental practice regarding the Holy Eucharist. This focus endorses the
goal of the Catholic Bishops of the United States “to invite all Catholics to a deeper
relationship with Jesus Christ in the Church through formation focused on Sacred Scripture
and Tradition, and Sacraments, especially the Sunday Eucharist.”
Participants will have an opportunity to attend breakout sessions that focus on scripture,
liturgy, spirituality, music, and formation. The conference will help enrich new and veteran
catechists, DREs, deacons, priests, RCIA teams, parish liturgy committee members,
musicians, and all lay ministers to focus on the teachings of the church regarding scripture
and Eucharist.
We look forward to seeing you at the Annual Catechetical and
Ministries Conference which will include separate sessions for the
youth of our parishes. The youth sessions will be led by the National
Evangelization Team. Please invite all the youth attend.
Mark your calendars—October 22, 2011!!!
Staff of the Office of Christian Formation
Office of Christian Formation
“Do This in Memory of Me”
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Lubbock Memorial Civic Center
Schedule of the Day
8:00 am
9:00 am
Welcome and Morning Prayer— Estela García-López
Estela is a pastoral musician, composer and event presenter. She has worked in various
bilingual parishes in Southern California as a music director, choir director, cantor, and
chorister. She earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in music with an emphasis in voice from
California State University, Los Angeles. Her beautiful alto voice is heard on many
recordings published by OCP. In both her career and her ministry, Estela is committed
to enriching the liturgy--in both English and Spanish--through music. Currently, she is
working as a bilingual music editor at OCP, and serves as cantor at Ascension Church in
Portland, Oregon. She lives in Portland with her husband and frequent collaborator,
Rodolfo, and their children, Rodolfo David and Angelina.
9:15 am
Keynote Address: Rev. Bruce Nieli, C.S.P.
Evangelizing with the New Roman Missal. This keynote will describe ways in which the new Roman Missal
can be a leaven for the spiritual renewal and mission outreach of our parishes. The Liturgy is "summit and
font" of our Catholic way of life. The new Roman Missal provides a highly prayerful catalyst for deepening
and sharing that way of life.
Father Bruce was ordained as a Paulist priest in 1973, in New York City. He received a Master's Degree in
Pastoral Counseling from Iona College in 1979. From 1972 to 1979 he was on the parish staff at St. Paul the
Apostle in Manhattan where he got involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Father Nieli was the
founding director of the Center for Spiritual Development of the Archdiocese of New York,
1979 to 1983. He then moved to Texas where he worked in evangelization in several
dioceses and then on the state level for ten years. In 1994 he became the Director of
Evangelization for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, a position he held
until 1996. Father Nieli was the principal writer of Mission: Texas, the Texas Catholic
Bishops' pastoral letter on evangelization; draft writer for a Papal Talk on Parish Life at
Plaza Guadalupe, San Antonio, Texas, 1987; co-author of, draft for Thy Kingdom Come: A
Manual For Diocesan Evangelization Staff of the Committee on Evangelization of the
National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Father Bruce Nieli, C.S.P., is currently based in
Memphis, TN.
10:15 am
10:30 am
11:30 am
1:45 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
3:15 pm
4:15 pm
Break/Visit Exhibits: Brother John’s Catholic Bookstore, RCL Benziger, Our Sunday Visitor,
and Lighthouse Catholic Media will have exhibits.
Eucharistic Liturgy: Rev. Ernesto López, Presider
Lunch (provided)
Breakout Session A
Break/Visit Exhibits
Breakout Session B
Break/Visit Exhibits
Breakout Session: C
Evening Prayer— Estela García-López, Oregon Catholic Press
2011 Annual Catechetical and Ministries Conference Goals:
Then he took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying,
“This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.” Luke 22:19
To invite all Catholics to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ in the Church through
formation focused on Sacred Scripture and Tradition, and Sacraments, especially the
Sunday Eucharist.
To initiate catechesis on the Eucharist – that we hope will be continued in the various
parishes of our diocese through this academic year and beyond – to facilitate a deeper
understanding and lived appreciation of the inexhaustible mystery of the Eucharistic
To provide opportunities within this Conference of deepening our appreciation of the
words, gestures, signs and symbols of the Eucharistic Liturgy, “the summit toward which
the activity of the Church is directed; it is also the font from which all her power flows.”
(Vatican II: Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy #10)
This Pilgrim Priest: Recollections from
the priesthood of Monsignor Ben Kasteel
Monsignor Ben
will be available at the Conference to sign his book.
Books will be available for purchase.
Footsteps in Faith Biblical Conference
“The Body of Christ”
February 4th & 5th, 2012
Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Lubbock, TX.
Feature Keynote Speakers: Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. Brant Pitre, Dr. Michael Barber
For more information call: 806.438.5253 or 806.239.0804
“Do This in Memory of Me”
Pre-Registration Form—Deadline October 20, 2011
Please check one (1) in each column as your choices.
Breakout Session “A”
12:45 pm
A-1. Moreno
A-2. Campbell
A-3. Flores/Flores
A-4. Bonner
A-5. Lopez
A-6. R. Hernandez
A-7. Gárcia-López
A-8. TBA (Will there…)
A-9. Anton
A-10. Amato
A-11. TBA (Feed the
Breakout Session “B”
2:00 pm
B-1. Campbell
B-2. Lopez
B-3. Cavazos
B-4. Ocañas
B-5. Gárcia-López
B-6. TBA (Do This…)
B-7. TBA (Will There…)
B-8. Pelikan
B-9. TBA (Feed the
B-10. Ybarra/Ybarra
B-11. J.Hernandez
Breakout Session “C”
3:15 pm
C-1. Moreno
C-2. Ybarra/Ybarra(Eng)
C-3. Flores/Flores
C-4. Bonner
C-5. Cavazos
C-6. R. Hernandez
C-7. Ocañas
C-8. TBA (Do This…)
C-9. Pelikan
C-10. Amato
C-11. J.Hernandez
Choose Your Own Adventure: NET Team ($10.00 Registration)
Pre-registration is $25.00 ($35.00 at the door)
includes a hot lunch, registration packet, coffee, water, and snacks.
Method and amount of payment:
Cash $
Make checks payable to the: Diocese of Lubbock
Mail to: Nicholas Flores
“Do This in Memory of Me”
P.O. Box 98700
Lubbock, TX 79499
(806) 792-2234 x 223
A Prayer for Family Commitment
Dear God our Father, you have called all
Christian families to be a sign of your love to
the world.
Help us to be generous with the gifts of life
and love that you have showered on our
family. May we share them so that our homes
become true signs of unitive and fruitful love.
Let us never forget to thank you each day
for all that sustains us and to look to Christ,
who comes to us in the events of family life, in
the sacraments of the Church, and in service
to the poor.
In all of this, our family becomes a living
expression of your Church, a hallowed home
of life and love. By the power of the Holy
Spirit, may all of us—spouses, parents, and
children—share, as members of his Body, in
Jesus’ mission to build a civilization of love.
Father, we ask this in Jesus’ name in union
with the Holy Spirit.
A Catechist’s Prayer
Father of all families, you have called me to
serve the family in truth and love as a
catechist. May I be faithful to this call, rooted
in your Word, and open to the gifts of the
Holy Spirit. May I use these gifts, especially
the gifts of faith, hope, and love, to serve the
family as a witness to you, who are love and
life and the source and destiny of all families.
Let your Spirit enlighten my mind and
strengthen my heart so that I can be a path of
Christ’s love to families, especially those in
need, the homebound and aged, the disabled
and disheartened. Through the intercession
of Mary and Joseph, I pray for the Church, the
Bride of Christ, whose mission to build a
civilization of love passes through the family.
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Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted to duplicate this work
without adaptation for non-commercial use.
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A1. What’s My Motivation? - This session will present the liturgical mission of the Lector. How does a Lector live out this
mission during the Liturgy? What does it take to be a good Lector? How do you motivate yourself and others while
proclaiming the Word of God? – Alfred Moreno, Christ the King Cathedral, Lubbock.
A2. The Revised Roman Missal and Children’s Catechesis – Key topics of the presentation will include: A review of the
history and rationale for the Revised Roman Missal; Understanding the goals of Catechesis, and the relationship between
Liturgy and Catechesis; The opportunity created by the revision to awaken spirituality. How to integrate catechesis on the
Roman Missal into religion lessons and Identify effective methods create teachable moments on the Mass, including prayer,
ritual, and music. Anne Campbell, RCL Benziger’s representative for the Diocese of Lubbock.
A3. Catechesis in a Digital Age - This session will explore the phenomenon of social networking and examine the use of an
online infrastructure to involve teens in the process of catechesis, by utilizing the skills they have established through social
networking and using online applications. This will include the use of personal profiles, blogs and journals, as well as the use of
digital video and audio as a means of expression and as a tool for faith formation. Nicholas Flores and Lucas Flores, Office of
Communications, Diocese of Lubbock.
A4. Room for All God’s Children: Strategies for Inclusive Parish Catechesis and Sacramental Preparation - Rooted in
parish experience and sound educational theory, this session focuses on practical strategies for meeting the needs of children
with special needs in parish catechetical and sacramental preparation programs. Stacie Bonner, Christ the King Cathedral.
A5. The Journey to First Eucharist: Helping Parents and Children to Feel at Home in the Assembly - This workshop will
explore strategies for engaging parents, children and parish as all prepare for first Eucharist using the parish-based
preparation program “Do This in Memory.” Mindful of the current reality in which children are being presented for initiation,
we will outline an approach to the preparation process that ensures families will feel at home at our Sunday Eucharist and
have a sense of belonging to the faith community into which their children are being initiated. The Sunday Eucharist is the
setting for this approach to preparation, and families are sent forth with resources to deepen their experience and
understanding at home. Janie Lopez, Our Lady of Grace, Lubbock.
A6. The Single Life: How I Stopped Dating and Started Living - Whether you are single by choice or by circumstance, those
who find themselves without a permanent life partner are constantly challenged to think beyond the stereotype that life
begins when you walk down the aisle. This breakout session takes a candid look at some of the myths that singles face and
explores how a Eucharistic outlook can help singles lead a full and abundant life. Rafaela Hernandez, Christ the King Cathedral,
A7. New and Revised Music Settings of the Mass - Estela García-López, in a two hour breakout session will introduce new and
revised Settings of the Mass for the New Roman Missal. This session is for all who are in Liturgical Music Ministry. If you lead
a choir or play an instrument come and prepare yourself – bring your instrument, and join in!! Estela García-López, Oregon
Catholic Press.
A8. Will There Be Faith? - Toward the end of his public ministry, Luke’s Gospel has Jesus ask, “When the Son of Man comes
again, will there be faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8). Was Jesus imagining a time like ours? Today’s best-selling books recommend
a “new atheism.” Social commentators claim that ours is a “secular age” that actively discourages religious faith. The Pew
Report on Religion in America claims there are 30 million “former” Catholics in the United States alone. So, will there be faith?
This breakout session proposes that “it all depends on what, why, and how we teach it.” TBA
A9. Saints and their Devotion to the Eucharist - Rev. Bill Anton will share with us some of his favorite stories of saints and
holy people who had special devotion to Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist. You may be surprised by some of them! Rev.
William J Anton, Rector, Christ the King Cathedral, Lubbock.
A10. Stewardship as Spirituality - Helping busy people grow closer to the Lord. Good stewardship of temporal and fiscal
resources is a key element in sustaining and furthering the mission of the Church. Charlotte will emphasize stewardship as a way of
life, a way of holiness. She will discuss the four qualities of a good steward – gratitude, responsibility, generosity, and making a
return to the Lord with increase – and the difference these qualities make in the life of the parish. Charlotte Amato, Christ the
King Cathedral, Lubbock.
A11. Feed the Shepherds or They’ll Eat the Sheep - Nurturing Healthy Ministers Ministry is rewarding and life-giving but
also challenging and, at times, difficult. Ordained and lay ecclesial ministers are as hungry to be nourished by God’s love, grace
and wisdom as are the people they serve in ministry. Ignoring this hunger can lead to cynicism, apathy, burnout and … “sheepeating”! This breakout session will explore the practices and commitments that provide the rich nutrition ministers need to
sustain and strengthen them as they strive to hold firm to their call to ministry. TBA
B1. Getting the Most Out of Faith First Legacy – Anne will lead a breakout session for catechists and school teachers who use
or who are interested in learning more about how to teach Faith First Legacy. Lesson planning strategies, web site navigation,
and utilization of ancillary resources will be covered. Anne will also offer ideas on teaching children about the revised Roman
Missal changes. Please bring your catechist/teacher manual for this breakout session. Anne Campbell, RCL Benziger’s
representative for the Diocese of Lubbock.
B2. The Journey to First Eucharist: Helping Parents and Children to Feel at Home in the Assembly - This breakout session
will explore strategies for engaging parents, children and parish as all prepare for first Eucharist using the parish-based
preparation program “Do This in Memory.” Mindful of the current reality in which children are being presented for initiation,
we will outline an approach to the preparation process that ensures families will feel at home at our Sunday Eucharist and
have a sense of belonging to the faith community into which their children are being initiated. The Sunday Eucharist is the
setting for this approach to preparation, and families are sent forth with resources to deepen their experience and
understanding at home. Janie Lopez, Our Lady of Grace, Lubbock.
B3. Shut Up and Just Listen: Jesus Has Something to Say! - Alex Trebek, host of TV’s “Jeopardy,” once said, “It’s very
important in life to know when to shut up!” But, unfortunately, people don’t know when that is! God indeed has a lot He wants
to tell us. But first, we have to be willing to tune our ears to the voice of God. We have to be ready to listen because God has
some really cool things He wants us to know. This breakout session will focus on what it means to discern the will of God in
our everyday lives in order to be true disciples of the Lord. Sometimes the best disciples are the ones who know how to “shut
up and just listen!” Deacon Juan Cavazos, Deacon Formation Office, Diocese of Lubbock.
B4. Overview of Diocesan Finance and Accounting Policies - This session will provide an overview of Diocesan Policies and
Procedures that will provide good accountability and transparency for your parish. This overview is good for pastors, parish
secretaries, finance committee members, and bookkeepers. Annabelle Ocañas, Chief Finance Officer, Diocese of Lubbock.
B5. New and Revised Music Settings of the Mass - Estela García-López, in a two hour breakout session will introduce new
and revised Settings of the Mass for the New Roman Missal. This session is for all who are in Liturgical Music Ministry. If you
lead a choir or play an instrument come and prepare yourself – bring your instrument, and join in!! Estela García-López,
Oregon Catholic Press.
B6. “Do This in Memory of Me” - Do What, and Where, and How? The Eucharist is central to our Christian identity, yet many
people experience a eucharistic “famine,” others are excluded, and some treat it very casually. Was “Eucharist” only the endpoint of Jesus’ life – or its very heart? And what could this mean? We explore the idea that the whole life of Jesus was
“eucharistic” – and ours must be, too. TBA
B7. Will There Be Faith? - Toward the end of his public ministry, Luke’s Gospel has Jesus ask, “When the Son of Man comes
again, will there be faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8). Was Jesus imagining a time like ours? Today’s best-selling books recommend
a “new atheism.” Social commentators claim that ours is a “secular age” that actively discourages religious faith. The Pew
Report on Religion in America claims there are 30 million “former” Catholics in the United States alone. So, will there be faith?
This breakout session proposes that “it all depends on what, why, and how we teach it.” TBA
B8. Getting a Running Start - Helping new Catechists get started on the right foot. This session is for beginning Catechists,
and will cover the basic skills, tasks, and tools that will help us become good Catechists for our students, regardless of gradelevel. Sister M. Lalemant Pelikan, rsm, Office of Christian Formation, Diocese of Lubbock.
B9. Feed the Shepherds or They’ll Eat the Sheep - Nurturing Healthy Ministers Ministry is rewarding and life-giving but also
challenging and, at times, difficult. Ordained and lay ecclesial ministers are as hungry to be nourished by God’s love, grace and
wisdom as are the people they serve in ministry. Ignoring this hunger can lead to cynicism, apathy, burnout and … “sheepeating”! This breakout session will explore the practices and commitments that provide the rich nutrition ministers need to
sustain and strengthen them as they strive to hold firm to their call to ministry. TBA
B10. El Buen Humor en su Matrimonio - En esta sesión de trabajo cónyuges pueden aprender los temas difíciles del matrimonio en una
manera que es divertida y placentera. Richard and Elaine Ybarra, Marriage and Family Life Office, Diocese of Lubbock.
B11. Discipleship Training: Helping Children Be Like Jesus - Discipleship is the goal of all of catechesis. The National Directory for
Catechesis states it this way: “The fundamental task of catechesis is to achieve this same objective: the formation of disciples of Jesus Christ”
(NDC, p. 59). This breakout session will focus on this discipleship and the ways in which we can achieve it in our religious education
sessions. The six tasks of catechesis, parental involvement and creative, engaging activities will all be part of this breakout session. In the
end, good, hands-on ideas ready for implementation will be shared. Janie Hernandez, Our Lady of Grace, Lubbock.
C1.What’s My Motivation? - This session will present the liturgical mission of the Lector. How does a Lector live out this
mission during the Liturgy? What does it take to be a good Lector? How do you motivate yourself and others while
proclaiming the Word of God? – Alfred Moreno, Christ the King Cathedral, Lubbock.
C2. Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage - In this breakout session spouses can learn how to deal with tough issues in a way
that is fun and non-threatening. Richard and Elaine Ybarra, Marriage and Family Life Office, Diocese of Lubbock.
C3. Catechesis in a Digital Age - This session will explore the phenomenon of social networking and examine the use of an
online infrastructure to involve teens in the process of catechesis, by utilizing the skills they have established through social
networking and using online applications. This will include the use of personal profiles, blogs and journals, as well as the use of
digital video and audio as a means of expression and as a tool for faith formation. Nicholas Flores and Lucas Flores, Office of
Communications, Diocese of Lubbock.
C4. Room for All God’s Children: Strategies for Inclusive Parish Catechesis and Sacramental Preparation - Rooted in
parish experience and sound educational theory, this session focuses on practical strategies for meeting the needs of children
with special needs in parish catechetical and sacramental preparation programs. Stacie Bonner, Christ the King Cathedral.
C5. Shut Up and Just Listen: Jesus Has Something to Say! - Alex Trebek, host of TV’s “Jeopardy,” once said, “It’s very
important in life to know when to shut up!” But, unfortunately, people don’t know when that is! God indeed has a lot He wants
to tell us. But first, we have to be willing to tune our ears to the voice of God. We have to be ready to listen because God has
some really cool things He wants us to know. This breakout session will focus on what it means to discern the will of God in
our everyday lives in order to be true disciples of the Lord. Sometimes the best disciples are the ones who know how to “shut
up and just listen!” Deacon Juan Cavazos, Deacon Formation Office, Diocese of Lubbock.
C6. The Single Life: How I Stopped Dating and Started Living - Whether you are single by choice or by circumstance, those
who find themselves without a permanent life partner are constantly challenged to think beyond the stereotype that life
begins when you walk down the aisle. This breakout session takes a candid look at some of the myths that singles face and
explores how a Eucharistic outlook can help singles lead a full and abundant life. Rafaela Hernandez, Christ the King Cathedral,
C7. Overview of Diocesan Finance and Accounting Policies - This session will provide an overview of Diocesan Policies and
Procedures that will provide good accountability and transparency for your parish. This overview is good for pastors, parish
secretaries, finance committee members, and bookkeepers. Annabelle Ocañas, Chief Finance Officer, Diocese of Lubbock.
C8. “Do This in Memory of Me” – Do What, and Where, and How? The Eucharist is central to our Christian identity, yet many
people experience a eucharistic “famine,” others are excluded, and some treat it very casually. Was “Eucharist” only the endpoint of Jesus’ life – or its very heart? And what could this mean? We explore the idea that the whole life of Jesus was
“eucharistic” – and ours must be, too. TBA
C9. Getting a Running Start - Helping new Catechists get started on the right foot. This session is for beginning Catechists, and
will cover the basic skills, tasks, and tools that will help us become good Catechists for our students, regardless of grade-level.
Sister M. Lalemant Pelikan, rsm, Office of Christian Formation, Diocese of Lubbock.
C10. Stewardship as Spirituality - Helping busy people grow closer to the Lord. Good stewardship of temporal and fiscal
resources is a key element in sustaining and furthering the mission of the Church. Charlotte will emphasize stewardship as a way of
life, a way of holiness. She will discuss the four qualities of a good steward – gratitude, responsibility, generosity, and making a
return to the Lord with increase – and the difference these qualities make in the life of the parish. Charlotte Amato, Christ the
King Cathedral, Lubbock.
C11. Discipleship Training - Helping Children Be Like Jesus - Discipleship is the goal of all of catechesis. The National
Directory for Catechesis states it this way: “The fundamental task of catechesis is to achieve this same objective: the formation
of disciples of Jesus Christ” (NDC, p. 59). This workshop will focus on this discipleship and the ways in which we can achieve it
in our religious education sessions. The six tasks of catechesis, parental involvement and creative, engaging activities will all
be part of this workshop. In the end, good, hands-on ideas ready for implementation will be shared. Janie Hernandez, Our Lady
of Grace, Lubbock.