5 School Lesson Plan Template Dates: February 17 – February 21 READING Objective & TEKS M Genre: Informational Text TEKS: 4.10 & 4.11 Obj: We will analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about informational text and provide evidence to support our understanding. Product: I will analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about informational text and provide evidence to support my understanding. Procedure Interactive Read Aloud: The Edible Schoolyard from Journeys Unit 4 Lesson 19. -Using your (TEKS 4.10 & 4.11), you will need to prepare deep comprehension questions, discussion stems, or opportunities for students to share their thinking during the read aloud. -Prepare sticky notes with the questions and place them on the appropriate page in a Student Book you will use for your IRA. (There are questions on pg. 77 of your CLLG.) -- Create the Informational Text Anchor Chart with your students. Your Anchor chart should include a working definition, noticings (author’s purpose, graphic features, text features, main idea, details, text structure, facts, and opinions) and book examples you complete using your IRA mentor text. (see handouts for details) Students read independent informational selections from Journeys or the leveled readers from your adoption. 4th grade has a TON of informational texts listed on pgs 108-109 in the CLLG. T W Genre: Informational Text TEKS: 4.11A Obj: We will summarize the main idea and supporting details in text in ways that maintain meaning. Minilesson: Main Idea Product: I will summarize the main idea and supporting details in text in ways that maintain meaning using the graphic organizer and my independent text. Text: The Edible Schoolyard Genre: Informational Text TEKS: 4.11C Obj: We will describe explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts. Product: I will describe explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts using the practice paragraphs. –USE Main Idea Lesson Overview for Expository Text (see handouts for details) -Create the Main Idea Anchor Chart with your students. Use preplanned stopping points to determine the main idea of paragraph(s) and then the entire selection using the Main Idea graphic organizer with your students (see handouts for details) Students use their independent informational text to complete the Main Idea graphic organizer in their Reader’s Notebook or on the handout provided. Minilesson: Text Structure: Organizational Patterns in Text ***PLEASE REFER TO DETAILED HANDOUT: INTRODUCTION TO TEXT STRUCTURES & ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERNS. THIS GIVES YOU STEP-BY-STEP DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO TEACH THIS MINILESSON!*** -Create the Text Structures & Organizational Patterns Anchor Chart with your students using the examples from the handouts. (see handouts for details) Students complete the Practice Paragraph activity for EACH structure in cooperative learning groups. ***YOU WILL NEED TO MAKE COPIES OF THE PARAGRAPHS, depending on how you choose to structure the activity!*** R Genre: Informational Text TEKS: 4.11C Obj: We will describe explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts (sequential) Product: I will describe explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts (sequential) by answering a STAAR formatted question using our shared text. Minilesson: Text Structures/Organizational Patterns – Sequential ***PLEASE REFER TO DETAILED HANDOUT: TEXT STRUCTURES & ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERNSSEQUENCE. THIS GIVES YOU STEP-BYSTEP DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO TEACH THIS MINILESSON!*** Text: The Trail of Tears You will need to download this text from our website under the STAAR Lesson Plans link. -Add the sequential information to the Text Structures & Organizational Patterns Anchor Chart with your students using the examples from the handouts for this lesson. (see handouts for details) F Genre: Informational Text TEKS: 4.11C Obj: We will describe explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts (cause & effect)) Product: I will describe explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts (cause & effect) by answering a STAAR formatted question using our shared text. Students complete STAAR formatted question for the shared text used during the Minilesson. There is a handout with these questions for you to use as their product for each text structure following that day’s lesson. Student responses can be recorded on the handout. Minilesson: Text Structures/Organizational Patterns – Cause & Effect ***PLEASE REFER TO DETAILED HANDOUT: TEXT STRUCTURES & ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERNSSEQUENCE. THIS GIVES YOU STEP-BYSTEP DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO TEACH THIS MINILESSON!*** Text: Butterflies at Risk You will need to download this text from our website under the STAAR Lesson Plans link. -Add the cause & effect information to the Text Structures & Organizational Patterns Anchor Chart with your students using the examples from the handouts for this lesson. (see handouts for details) Students complete STAAR formatted question for the shared text used during the Minilesson. There is a handout with these questions for you.