Annual Report 2012-2013 - Stephen F. Austin State University


James I. Perkins College of Education

Department of Human Services

2012-2013 Annual Report

Department Chair:

Departmental Advisory Council Members:

Robbie J. Steward, Ph.D.

Frank Brister

Paige Mask, Ph.D./Kathy Sheriff

Glen McCuller/Ginger Kelso

Michael Munro

Robin Rumph

Le’Ann Solmonson, Ph.D.

Frankie Swift

Bill Weber

Scott Whitney, Ph.D.

The Stephen F. Austin State University Department of Human Services

· 39 faculty (full-time, tenure-track and clinical);

· 15 part-time faculty;

· 5 administrative support staff;

· 7 clinics/laboratories (Counseling, Audiology, Speech and Language Pathology, Rehabilitation

Career Laboratory, Sign Language Laboratory, Neuroscience Laboratory, Autism, School

Psychology Assessment)

· 5 undergraduate programs (Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Special Education, Rehabilitation

Services, Communication Disorders, Orientation & Mobility);

· 8 master’s programs (i.e., Special Education, School Psychology, Orientation & Mobility,

School Counseling, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling, Student

Affairs, Speech & Language Pathology);

· 1 doctoral program (School Psychology)

· 2 certification programs (Visual Impairment & Educational Diagnostician).

· 21 graduate assistantships (16 doctoral and 5 master’s-level),

· 5 work study students, and

· 4 large training/service grants (e.g., Rehabilitation Services, Rehabilitation Counseling,

Orientation & Mobility, Visual Impairment).

Departmental Major Activities/Accomplishments (19)

Listing includes all citations that were announced between 09/01/2012 and 08/31/2013.

The Cole Audiology Lab, directed by Dr. Kelly Jobe, offered hearing evaluations to SFA employees, their families and the general public. Services include hearing evaluations for all ages, hearing aid fitting and repairs, earplugs for noise and swimming, and auditory processing evaluations. Faculty and graduate students in the Speech and Language completed hearing screenings for all students in the Nacogdoches Independent School District.

The Counseling Clinic , directed by Mr. Robert Patterson, provided Substance Abuse Screening for the general student body population.

The Rehabilitation Career Planning Clinic provided vocational testing and career guidance to adolescents participating in the Good-will Guide Program for at-risk populations in the surrounding community.

The Rehabilitation & Counseling Programs offered free anonymous depression screenings in recognition of

National Depression Screening Day (NDSD). Attendees had the opportunity to complete a written self-assessment

and talk one-on-one with a mental health counselor in training. Those who appear to need further evaluation will be given referrals to local treatment services.

The Speech and Language Pathology program held their second, annual, mini-conference that consisted of 19 empirical-based research presentations of collaborations between graduate students and faculty.

Two faculty/staff searches were completed successfully: Dr. Vickie Depountis (Vision Impairment) and Dr. Luis

Aguerrevere (Neuroscience Laboratory Director/School Psychology/Speech & Language Pathology). The School

Psychology and the Speech and Language Pathology/Communication Disorders faculty searches continue.

Ms. Crystal Evans was hired part-time as a secretary for the School Psychology program.

The National Association of School Psychologists’ (NASP) Program Approval Board has granted NASP

Approval—Full (National Recognition) for 2013—2017 ! This is an outstanding accomplishment that required extensive self-study and ongoing compliance to national training standards.

The School Psychology doctoral programs’ FIRST graduates participated in the summer graduation ceremonies: :

Dr. Carol Lynn Bradley , advised by Dr. Ginger Kelso and Dr. Robbie Steward; Dr. Stevie Gail Hight , advised by

Dr. David Lawson and Dr. Ginger Kelso; and Dr. Melanie Denise Kellam , advised by Dr. David Lawson). These graduates are to be considered our honored trailblazers, who verify that the pathway to degree completion in this program is stable and manageable. Their graduation also opens the door for application for accreditation that was not available before.

The Special Education program graduated fourteen (14) on-line completers, which is a major accomplishment attributed to the stellar work of faculty led by Dr. Mask in shepherding students to TexES success.

The Deaf and Hard of Hearing program received Special Recognition with Conditions from the

(NCATE) after the review of their Specialized Professional Association (SPA) report.

The School Psychology doctoral program secured membership with the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) as a Doctoral Program Associate, which allows our students to participate in the review and matching with pre-doctoral internship sites accredited by the American Psychological Association.

Dr. Scott Whitney developed software that will allow faculty to integrate LiveText data with TracDat domain and individual criteria reports . It is also not possible to manually copy and paste data for processing and uploading automatically to TracDat. This is a critical development instrumental in addressing the ‘conditional’ status received from NCATE.

The Department had 100% program representation during each summer academic informational and orientation sessions with parents and incoming students.

This was the first year that annual reports from our university-approved laboratories and clinics were submitted and posted on the departmental website. In this age of accountability, these reports provide a space for the documentation of the need for our presence and the excellent services that we provide the university and surrounding communities.

The VI/O&M programs developed detailed descriptions of activities involved in the instruction of each required courses. This was instrumental in providing a guide for future instructors and in documenting instructional modality, time commitment, and travel associated with the unique training experience.

Faculty and students submitted eleven (14) IRB applications for review.

At this point of the academic year last year seven (7) courses required explanation for small course enrollment. This year, the number of explanations were required for only three (3) courses). The decrease in the petitions for approval of small course enrollment is noteworthy; the goal is 0% submission.

There was significant increase in faculty attention to regular submission of on-line, monthly, leave reports , which reached 88% by the end of the academic year.

Special Indi vidual Accomplishments of the Department Chair

(Dr. Robbie J. Steward) (31)

The Department Chair-facilitated faculty and student research team guided the research and scholarship of new faculty and doctoral students, resulting in increased number of conference presentations and publications.

Faculty/Staff who participated included Michael Munro, Barry Stafford, Nina Ellis-Hervey, Tracy Hallak, and Ms.

Amanda Flores (Office of Multicultural Affairs). Dr. Steward also worked with doctoral students Josh Staley and

Tiffany Wilbourne, and this supervised research activity resulted in a presentation at a national conference and an invited submission for publication. Weekly meetings were held with teams specifically for the purpose of proposal development, data collection, coding & analysis, and writing.

Dr. Robbie Steward orchestrated cross-departmental collaboration in instruction between the School Psychology program and the Department of Psychology facult. Dr. Glen McCuller’s graduate level course was co-listed with a required Psychology course increasing instructional efficiency and further securing the connection between the two academic units. Because of this connection, faculty in the Psychology Department served adjunct faculty during a time of program faculty retirements.

The Department Chair served as a guest lecturer on-campus each semester in Dr. Towns’ Crisis Communication course and Dr. Killam’s Counseling course.

Dr. Robbie Steward facilitated collaboration between the department and the Charter School through the development of a unique training model that will provide services to the Charter School, and place a faculty line on site to meet standards as a NASP-approved practicum and internship training site for School Psychology masters and doctoral students.

The Department Chair shifted faculty compensation practices to increase congruency with university workload policy. This involved of review of faculty instructional load and calculating TLCs for each.

The Department Chair orchestrated the means for all clinic and laboratory staff was established to receive the

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 199 6 (HIPAA) training required by law in the provision of services to non-university clientele. An established committee has planned to insure laboratory- and clinic- affiliated students’ receipt of training every two years as required by law.

Dr. Robbie Steward studied the implications of the use and purchase of a department-wide SONA System , which will provide web-based human subject pool management software for faculty in the Department of Human

Services. The purpose of this software is to improve the efficiency of faculty members’ scholarship by making students’ participation in research more accessible and the research process more easily managed. The system will be operational beginning Spring 2014 and faculty have been encouraged to include research participation in course syllabi, especial in courses that have content associated with research design and implementation.

Dr. Robbie Steward designed an ongoing research study and data analysis occurred for the continuous improvement of departmental training environments by program . Statistically significant results will guide discussions about improvements in training environments by program based on the comparison of the 2011 survey data and that collection during the Spring 2013. For the whole department, on a scale of 1 (least positive perception) to 5 (most positive perception) , a random sampling of advanced enrolled majors (n=112) resulted in mean ratings as follows: 3.8 on students’ perceptions of faculty members effective responsiveness to students; 3.7 on students’ perceptions of comfort approaching faculty for guidance; 4.4 on students’ perceptions of other students’ as sources of support and encouragement; and 3.2 on students’ perceptions of faculty members relationships with each other. Data were analyzed by program and students’ racial/ethnicity status, gender, and enrollment status (undergraduate vs. graduate) . Findings will be discussed and addressed during Advisory Council meetings during the 2013-14 academic year for the purpose of continuous improvement across the department. During the

next data collection period (Spring 2015), the variable of students’ disability status will be included in the data collection and analyses.

Dr. Robbie Steward developed a workload policy that included the evaluation of faculty members’ attention to required administrative responsibilities (i.e., leave reports, posted office hours & physical presence in office; timely submission of syllabi and vitae; regular attendance/participation at assigned meetings; attendance at graduation ceremonies as indicated in university policy; the collection of and submission of required assessment data) and provided for a more in-depth evaluation of course instruction (i.e., documentation of time commitment required beyond direct student contact; more detailed use of current evaluation form to distinguish attention to course content, instructor characteristics, student interest, and students’ learning). These course instruction variables are included in a study of course evaluation, which is currently in the data analysis process.

Dr. Robbie Steward developed guidelines and instruction for new adjunct faculty and doctoral teaching assistants . These guidelines are posted under faculty resources on the departmental website.

The Department Chair developed a step-by-step guideline for students’ application to graduate-level programs in the department and posted on the departmental website.

The Department Chair developed plan, (approved by Dean Judy Abbott and Associate Provost Mary Nelle

Brunson), which facilitated VI/O&M students’ return to the program after a substantial time period to complete research projects so that they might proceed to degree completion.

The Department Chair served on the University Core Curriculum Committee , the College of Education

Diversity Committee , the College NCATE Steering Committee , NCATE Steering Committee Standard 4

(Diversity) Chair (collected data and wrote report), the SFA Distance Education Committee , the Professional

Educators’ Council , the Department Chairs’ Forum , the Assistant Dean Search Committee , and attended

Parents’ Day, Showcase Saturdays, and guided all but two of the Summer Academic Information meeting .

She also facilitated bi-monthly Departmental Advisory Council meetings, (agendas posted on the departmental website).

The Department Chair developed a department-wide Diversity Statement that provides students, faculty, and staff with guidelines for re-conceptualizing cross-cultural collisions as ‘normal’ and describing a structure for problem-solving toward effective resolution. The statement is posted on the departmental website.

The Department Chair, managed 20 departmental accounts and maintained fiscal solvency through weekly meetings with the administrative assistant and ongoing consultation with the Budget Office and ORSP. Funds were used to provide final critical upgrades in technology associated with training in the Counseling Clinic, the

Audiology Clinic, the Speech and Language Pathology Clinic, and the Neuroscience Laboratory.

The Department Chair, in addition to regular load, also assumed responsibilities associated with the position of

School Psychology Program Director , stabilized course sequence, wrote the annual report for the Texas Higher

Education Coordinating Board, instituted the practice of town hall meetings for faculty-student problem-solving and planning, and moved the program toward increased compliance to the THECB, NASP, and APA standards.

Dr. Robbie Steward orchestrated major technology updates for the SFA Counseling and Stanley Speech and

Language clinics, the Audiology Clinic, and the Neuroscience Laboratory, which will enhance training and research, insuring optimal levels of service delivery to students and clients from the surrounding communities. These upgrades will also increase the chances for positive outcomes of future internal and external grant applications.

The Department Chair was invited as the keynote speaker for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day SFASU

Celebration by the Office of Multicultural Affairs.

Dr. Robbie Steward served as a member of four doctoral dissertations : Gina Meyer (Counseling Psychology—

Western Michigan University, successfully defended & degree completed), Molly Heyn (Counseling Psychology—

Western Michigan University, successfully defended & degree completed), Carol Bradley (School Psychology—

SFASU, successfully defended & degree completed—co-director), and Josh Staley (School Psychology—SFASU, proposal development stage--Chair).

Dr. Robbie Steward served as a member of the university-wide Core Curriculum Committee charged with developing the format for the evaluation of courses for inclusion in the list of core curriculum. She extended this educational improvement effort to include the development of course syllabi that integrate the core-curriculum language/objectives and criteria for disposition evaluation into all course content and instruction associated with programs housed in the Department of Human Services.

Dr. Robbie Steward developed a course syllabus evaluation guideline for faculty to use to update course syllabi for compliance to THECB, university, and College required standards.

After review of faculty and students’ IRB applications, and serving as consultant on faculty and students’ research projects, Dr. Robbie Steward guided faculty in curriculum improvement by incorporating the requirement of the

CITI, on-line, ORSP Research Training module in research related courses to insure that all students are aware of the meaning of ethical practice in research.

Dr. Robbie Steward served on the College Diversity Committee and developed guidelines for culturally-sensitive recruitment, interview, and candidate evaluation to increase diversity in faculty representation. The developed plan proposed the inclusion of a Diversity Committee representative and a member of the Office of

Multicultural Affairs on each search committee. She implemented these standards, developed position announcements, and consulted with the Chair of two (2) Search Committees that resulted successful hirse.

Dr. Robbie Steward assumed the position of Interim Program Director for the School Psychology program .

New program plans were developed; the concept of guidance committees began; a town hall meeting was held and strategic responses were developed to student concerns; and the course sequence was stabilized and synchronized with the Fall schedule. In this capacity, Dr. Steward developed a NASP-based proposal for collaboration between the program and the SFA Charter School. The proposal was submitted and discussed with the Principal, Lysa

Hagan, and the Elementary Education Department Chair, Dr. Elizabeth Vaughn. Deliberations resulted in the submission of a position announcement for a School Psychologist in the Charter School, who would engage in service delivery there, which would include serving as the on-site supervisor for School Psychology practicum/internship students placed there in the future.

Dr. Robbie Steward was invited to serve as program reviewer for the Multicultural Psychology Conference , which is an annual conference sponsored by Divisions 17 (Counseling Psychology), 35 (Psychology of Women), and 45 (Psychology of Race and Ethnicity) of the American Psychological Association (February, 2013).

Dr. Robbie Steward was named a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) through Division 35,

Psychology of Women.

Nominees for fellowship through Division 35 must receive letters of endorsement from the body of current Division 35 Fellows, and their dossiers must reflect evidence of outstanding and unusual contributions that have had national or international impact in the psychology of women. She also holds Fellow status in Division 17, Society of Counseling Psychology, and Division 45, the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues.

Classroom computer tables in the Human Services’ building were connected and operational for the first time.

The need for this correction was brought to the Department Chair’s attention by the Speech and Language Pathology students, under the leadership of Mr. Max Pell.

Dr. Robbie Steward was elected to serve on the Editorial Board for The Counseling Psychologist and

Professional Issues in Counseling for 2 nd terms.

Dr. Robbie Steward authored the nomination letter for Dr. Ginger Kelso’s recognition for Teaching Excellence at the university-level.

Dr. Robbie Steward purchased the roster of all previously un-contacted licensed Psychologists and School

Psychologists in the Deep East Texas area and progressed the identification of NASP and APA-accredited

practicum/internship sites and individual supervisors for the School Psychology program . E-mail invitations were sent and information packets developed and distributed. Two, potential, qualified, individual licensed practitioners and one site were identified.

Dr. Robbie Steward authored this annual report for submission to Dean Abbott.

Faculty/Staff Acknowledgements, Honors, & Awards (22)

The Continuing Education Board (CEB) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) granted our very own Dr. Frank Brister a 1 st Award for Continuing Education (ACE). Speech-Language Pathologists and

Audiologists receive special recognition for remaining informed of best practices and current knowledge and skills within their field of study and practice. It is an honor to have among us tenured faculty who continue to see the importance of being familiar with the most cutting edge literature and critical issues within their disciplines. Thank you, Dr. Brister, for your long-standing commitment to excellence so that our students will be best prepared for the world of work.

Ms. Sharon Davis , adjunct faculty affiliated with our Special Education program, was highlighted in the local media for her work with the Anderson County District Attorney’s Office. Ms. Davis and her 3 1/2 year old

Labradoodle, Sophie, recently qualified to become a registered Pet Partners (formerly Delta Society) Therapy

Animal Team (, joining over 11,000 other animal/ human teams in all 50 states and 13 other countries. Registered teams are competent to provide emotional support, well-being, comfort, and companionship in settings such as schools, nursing homes, hospitals, and rehabilitation/crisis centers. To qualify, volunteers must complete special training, the animal/human team must pass a 22-part skills and aptitude test; and the animal must complete a health screening test. Teams are required to pass an evaluation every two years.

Dr. Nina Ellis-Hervey, School Psychology faculty, was an invited TEDxIIT speaker, viewed by the entire global community. Only seven (7) openings for selection are available each year. Dr. Ellis-Hervey’s presentation,

Psychological Well-Being through Healthy Coping Strategies: The Path to Holistic Healthiness and Happiness , addressed strategies to holistically enhance mental, spiritual, and physical states toward life success.

Dr. Nina Ellis-Hervey , School Psychology faculty, was an invited speaker at the Teen Summit sponsored by The

Concerned Black Men of Lufkin Texas, which address self-esteem issues related to 6 th —12 th grade students.

Dr. Ellis-Hervey was invited to serve as the key note speaker at the NOBLE Scholars Banquet, which is a

Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce-sponsored event honoring graduating seniors.

Dr. Ellis-Hervey was an invited contributor to the edition of the Columbus African American , a monthly publication that informs, educates, and empower readers through positive narratives highlighting strategies for self-help and life success. Dr. Ellis Hervey’s contribution address “Identity Crisis in the 21 st Century—Who am I?”

Dr. Nina Ellis-Hervey , Assistant Professor in School Psychology, was an invited, keynote speaker for the mental health conference, Mission Possible XVIII: Recovery and Resiliency, Friday, March 8. The conference was sponsored by the SFA Schools of Social Work and Nursing in addition to 10 other mental health associations and agencies. Her keynote address, “Psychology of a Healthy Lifestyle”, is scheduled for 8—8:45 AM in the SFA

Baker Pattillo Student Center.

Dr. Nina Ellis-Hervey , a faculty member in the School Psychology program, has been elected to The Honor

Society of Phi Kappa Phi in commendation of her work and dedication to academic excellence. Phi Kappa Phi, founded in 1897 at the University of Maine, is the nation’s oldest, largest, and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. It is a global network comprised of the best and brightest community of scholars and professionals.

Dr. Nina Ellis Hervey provided School Psychology students with a summer workshop to supplement curriculum addressing socio-psycho-emotional assessment, which had been a limitation in the current required curriculum. This

content will increase in student competitiveness in application for internships approved by the American

Psychological Association and in subsequent employment as School Psychologists.

Ms. Tracy Hallak , tenure track faculty in Orientation & Mobility, was the recipient of the Virginia Bishop Award, which is presented to an individual, group, or agency who has contributed outstanding service and/or contributions to the field of early childhood education in relation to blindness and visual impairment. Ms Hallak was one of seven

(7) instructors recognized for their leadership and innovative practices in the provision of Orientation and Mobility

Services to infant and toddlers in the state.

Ms. Tracy Hallak, tenure-track faculty in Orientation & Mobility, was elected for a two-year term as a board member for this state-wide organization. Both Mr. Munro and Ms. Hallak will serve together on the board next year;

Mr Munro’s term will end after the 2014 conference.

Dr. Kelly Jobe , Director of the Audiology Clinic, received the honor of being an invited presenter at the 19 th

Expanding Your Horizons Annual Science and Mathematics Conference for Young Women this past weekend

(March 2 nd ). The conference, hosted by the American Association of University Women, was attended by more than 500 middle school girls from the surrounding community. Dr. Jobe presented three 45-minute sessions regarding the field of Audiology as a future career choice.

Based on her long-standing pattern of excellent course evaluations, commitment to instructional effectiveness, and the outstanding course evaluation outcomes of her supervision of doctoral students’ instruction, Dr. Ginger Kelso ,

School Psychology faculty, was nominated for the Teaching Excellence Award from the Department of Human

Services, and selected as the university-wide representative for the James I. Perkins College of Education.

Dr. Ginger Kelso served as the co-director of two dissertations in School Psychology, which were successfully defended: Dr. Carol Lyon Bradley and Dr. Stevie Gail Hight.

Dr. David Lawson was the co-director of Dr. Stevie Gail Hight’s dissertation in School Psychology, which was successfully defended.

Ms. Debbie Louder , adjunct faculty in VI/O&M, was named the Chairperson of the Texas Chapter Host Committee for the 2014 AER International Conference that will be held in San Antonio in the summer of 2014. To have adjunct faculty in important state-wide, professional leadership positions of influence provides our students with unique exposure to the inside track of the professional organization and conference development.

Dr. Herbert Christopher Ninness , the program director of the School Psychology program, has accepted an invitation to serve on the The Psychological Record Editorial Board. This is a very special honor for this publication, founded by J.R. Kantor and B.F. Skinner, is one of the leading journals in psychology.

Drs. Chris Ninness and David Lawson began negotiations for the development of two new internship sites: Rusk

State Hospital and Tyler ISD. Both sites reserved spaced for paid internship placements. After review by General

Counsel, negotiation and revision, and final approval by President Patillo, both agreements were finalized in July.

Dr. Le’Ann Solmonson , the Program Director of the MA Counseling program, has been elected to serve as

President-Elect for the Texas Counseling Association beginning July 1. TCA represents 6500 professional counselors across the state and provides leadership, advocacy, and education to promote the growth and development of the counseling profession and those who are served. Dr. Solmonson has served on the TCA Board of Directors for two years representing the Texas Association of Counselor Education and Supervision. She has been an active advocate and received the TCA Advocacy Award in 2010. In 2012, Dr. Solmonson was named the TACES

Outstanding Counselor Educator. The upcoming year as President-Elect will be the first of a three year term on the

Executive Committee of the organization.

Dr. Le’Ann Solmonson, the Director of the MA Counseling program was invited by the Executive Director of the association to sit on a national panel of advocates in Washington DC this summer during the American Counseling

Association Leadership Institute. Now, isn’t that a respectable sphere of influence that brings national acclaim to

SFA and to our Counseling program!

Channel 9 highlighted Mr. Barry Stafford and the Orientation & Mobility program students, who experienced Mr.

Stafford’s in-the-field, best-practices, training exercises. During these well-supervised, on the street activities in

Lufkin and Shreveport, students are blind-folded and required to respond to direct instructions so that they might be informed of the utility of the most effective teaching strategies with students who are visually impaired.

Dr. Nagalapura Viswanath , program director and Professor in Speech and Language Pathology), who is the recipient of a 3 rd Award for Continuing Education (ACE), which indicates a commitment to continued learning to remain informed and most current in his content area. Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists may meet the requirement of the ACE by earning seven ASHA Continuing Education Units in a 36-month period. Dr.

Viswanath joins a select group of individuals who have made a concerted, personal effort to continue professional learning beyond an academic degree.

Dr. Nagalapura Viswanath was invited by the American Speech and Hearing Association—Academic Affairs &

Research Education unit to join a pool of reviewers for its student and faculty award programs that support research in the discipline and the PhD pipeline. This honor is indicative of Dr. Viswanath’s special leadership in service to the profession of Speech and Language Pathology and brings nation-wide positive attention to the SFASU Speech and Language Pathology/Communication Disorders programs and the Department of Human Services. He was instrumental in identifying ten (10) students nation-wide as the recipients of the 2013 Students Preparing for

Academic-Research Career (SPARC) Award. Ten different institutions were represented among the recipients and with this experience, I’m certain that SFASU will soon be included on this list of stellar budding academicians.

Retirements (3)

Three of our leading scholars, program developers, and long-term faculty members within the Department of Human

Services, Dr. Dixie Merc er (12/2012) (Vision Impairment and Orientation & Mobility—Program Director), Dr.

Chris Ninness (07/2013) (School Psychology Program Director), Dr. Robin Rumph (07/2013) retired during this academic year. Their contribution to the development and maintenance of their respective programs has been significant and their absence will reflect a meaningful loss to the program and to the department.

Special Announcements

Congratulations to Lydia Richardson and family! Her brand new baby boy, Eli Richardson was born December, 4,



Lawson, D. M.

(2013). Family Violence: Explanations and Evidence-Based Clinical Practice. American

Counseling Association: Alexandria, VA.


Bold indicates student status.

Killam, W., & Weber, W. (2013). Career adaption wheel to address issues faced by older workers.

Adultspan Journal , the journal of the Association for Adult Development and Aging (AADA), a division of the American Counseling Association.

Killam, W., & Reppert, M.

(2013). Interviews with formerly homeless African American women about the benefits of counseling and the process of change. American Counseling Association

VISTAS, Fall issue.

Lawson, D. M., Davis, D., & Brandon, S . (2013). Treating complex trauma: Three interventions with adults who experienced trauma in childhood. Psychotherapy, 50, 267-271.

Lawson, D. M., & Quinn, J . (2013). Complex trauma in children and adolescents: Evidence based practice in clinical settings (Special issue on Complex Trauma). Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, 69(5).


Lawson, D. M., & Brossart, D. F. (2013). Interpersonal problems and personality features as mediators between attachment and intimate partner violence . Violence and Victims, 28(3), 414-428. DOI: 10.1891/0886-


Munro, M., & Munro, H. (2013). Infusion of print literacy methodology into Braille instruction for students with visual impairments. The Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research .

Ninness, C., Rumph, M., Clary, L., Lawson, D., Lacy, J.T., Halle, S., McAdams, R., Parker, S., &

Forney, D.

(2013). Neural network and multivariate analysis: Pattern recognition of academic, social and environmental measurements . Behavior and Social Issues , 22, 45-64.

Ninness, C., Lauter, J., Clarey, L, Rumph, M., Coffee, M., Kelly, E., R., Kyle, B., &

Ninness, S. (2012). Behavioral and biological neural network analyses: A common pathway toward pattern recognition, The Psychological Record, 62, 579-598.

Rumph, R., Ninness, C., Lacy, J., Rumph, M., Halle, S., Clary, L., Lacy, S., McKee, K., Rinewalt, T.,

& Ninness, S. (2013). The automatic graphing/rotation scan procedure for laptops and cellphones:

An ecological assessment system for developing local norms. Behavior and Social Issues , 22,


Solmonson, L., & Killam, W. (2013). A national study on crisis intervention: Are school counselors prepared to respond?

American Counseling Association’s VISTAS, Summer Issue.


Ms. Lydia Richardson , the Director of the Speech and Language Pathology (SLP) Clinic, and clinical instructor in the related program, was selected as a recipient of a Texas Speech and Hearing Association (TSHA) Regional

Seminar Grant in recognition of her excellent efforts on behalf of the profession. The honor was awarded at the

TSHA Annual Convention in Dallas, Texas, March 7 th .

Dr. Kathleen Sheriff received a service learning grant from the SFA Service Learning Advisory Board for her work with “The Helping House”, a local site that provides early intervention services to children in the surrounding community, who have a diagnosis on the autism spectrum. Dr. Sheriff’s project proposal was deemed ‘truly impressive’ by reviewers.

Dr. Kathleen Sheriff received an ORSP mini-grant for travel to an international conference, the Oxford Education

Research Symposium, where she presented research results.


Bold indicates authors with student status.

Brandon, S. K., Davis, D., & Lawson, D. M . (April, 2013).

Trauma symptoms as predictors of therapeutic alliance at three points across treatment . Presented at the annual conference for the Southwestern Psychological

Association, Ft. Worth, TX.

Callaway, S. (2013, April). Autism and art: A summer art camp adventure. Council for Exceptional

Children’s National Convention, San Antonio, TX.

Degges-White, S.E., Killam, W., Michel, R., Colon, B.R., Stoltz, K., & Dryja, D. (2014, March).

Creative career counseling interventions for clients across the lifespan. Presentation at the American

Counseling Association, Honolulu, HA.

Ellis-Hervey, N. (2013, February). The utilization of social media for professional development and scholarly research: The 21 st century new and effective way to educate. Workshop presentation at the

Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education, Austin, TX.

Ellis-Hervey, N. (2013, July). African American Personal Presentation: Psychology of Hair and Self


Presentation at the Association of Black Psychologists International Convention, New Orleans,


Hallak, T., & Cady, D. (2013, March). How a family tackles Alstrom syndrome. Presentation at the

Annual Texas Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired

Conference, Dallas, TX.

Killam, W. (2013, July). Using the career adaptation wheel with older working adults: Coping with stress. Symposium presentation at the Association for Adult Development and Aging Conference, New

York, NY.

Lacy, J.T., Sarah A. Law , Ninness, C., Halle, S., Rumph, M ., Rumph, R., McKee, K., & Lawson, D . (2013,

May), Automatic Graphing on Laptops and Smartphones. Paper presented at the Annual Association for

Behavior Analysis International Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

McGill, M. (2013, March) Special education online degree completion program for paraprofessionals.

Presentation at the American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES) Conference, Orlando, FL.

Munro, M., & Stafford, B.H. (2013, XXXX). Transforming training in orientation & mobility.

Presentation at the Association for Education and Rehabilitation (AER) Orientation and Mobility

Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Munro, M. & Munro, H. (2013, March). Student voices: Reflections on public education experiences and intervention. Presentation at the Annual Texas Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the

Blind and Visually Impaired Conference, Dallas, TX.

Munro, M ., Bacerra, R.

, & Murrell, M. (2013, March). The legislature and you—You make the difference. Presentation at the Annual Texas Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and

Visually Impaired Conference, Dallas, TX.

Munro, M. (2013, November). Identity development and progressive vision loss: Analysis of an

Individual’s Story of becoming Visually Impaired . Presentation at the American Association for the Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) 62nd Annual Conference, Lexington, Kentucky.

Sheriff, K. (2013, May). Parent and teacher perceptions of challenging behavior in their children and students with CHARGE syndrome. Presentation at the Oxford Education Research Symposium,

Oxford, England.

Solmonson, L. & Stewart, T. (2013). The impact of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms on maternal parenting behaviors. Michigan Journal of Counseling.

Solmonson, L. (2013, October). When Values Conflict with Ethics. Accepted as a Round Table

Discussion at the 2013 American Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Denver, CO.

Stafford, B.H., Munro, M., & Johnson, J. (2013, March). Collaborating to meet the expanded core curriculum and industry standards: A partnership. Presentation at the Annual Texas Association for

Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference, Dallas, TX.

Steward, R.J., Staley, J., & Wilbourn, T.

(2013). Students’ perceptions of the training environment: A study of race and gender. Poster presentation at the 45

Psychologists’ Convention, New Orleans, LA. th Annual International Association of Black

Swift, F. & Mercer, D. (2013). A book back and a glance forward. Presentation at the Annual Texas

Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference, Dallas, TX.


Membership listed is based on the report from College of Education. Currently there is no means of documenting attendance or degree of contribution. Beginning Fall 2013, Committee Chairs will assume the responsibility of monitoring attendance and contribution.

Committee chairs will report members’ participation to the Department Chair to be included and considered in annual evaluations.

Choate, R. (TBD). Institutional Review Board for Protection of Human Subjects in Research.

Ellis-Hervey, N. (2012-2015). College Diversity Committee.

Ellis-Hervey, N. (2011-2013). Recruitment and Retention Committee.

Ellis-Hervey, N. (2012-14). College Scholarship Committee.

Hallak, T. (2011-2013). Recruitment and Retention Committee.

Kelso, G. (2011-14). College Council.

Kelso, G. (2012-13). Perkins Professional Development Committee.

Kennon, L. (Ad-hoc). Professional Educator’s Council.

Killam, W. (2012-13). College Tenure Committee.

Larson, A. (2012-2013). College Teaching Excellence.

Lawson, D. (2012-15). SFA Grievance Panel.

Mask, P. (2012-14). SFA Distance Education.

Mask, P. (Ad-hoc). SFA Professional Educator’s Council.

McCuller, G. (2010-13). College Council.

McCuller, G. (2012-13). College Promotion Committee-Associate.

McCuller, G. (Ad-hoc). Professional Educator’s Council.

McGill, M. (2012-2014). SFA Faculty Development Leave.

Munro, M. (2012-13). College Service Learning Advisory Board.

Munro, M. (Ad-hoc). Professional Educator’s Council.

Munro, M. (2012-13). SFA Service Learning Advisory Board.

Ninness, C. (2012-13). College Promotion Committee-Full.

Rumph, R. (2012-14). College Unit Assessment Oversight Com-HSMV Initial.

Solmonson, L. (2012-14). College Curriculum Committee.

Solmonson, L. (2011-13). College Unit Assessment Oversight Com-HMSV Advance.

Whitney, S. (Ad-hoc). Professional Educator’s Council.


The front page of the Sunday, June 30 th issue of The Daily Sentinel, highlighted one of our very own students. Mr.

Rudy Becerra , a graduate student in Counseling, has become a part of history due to his work with Texas legislators in the drafting of a bill, now law (SB39), signed by Governor Rick Perry, which will ensure quality of service to visually impaired students in the Texas public education system. Mr. Michael Munro, faculty and co-

Program Director of the Visual Impairment program, was noted as an excellent mentor in encouraging Mr. Becerra’s professional advocacy toward long-term institutional and legal change.

Ms. Summer Koltonski , a School Psychology doctoral student, who will move forward this Fall to the final stage of her doctoral degree, dissertation, passed the Praxis Examination for School Psychology. We might all be very proud of Ms. Koltonski in achieving this critical professional milestone, which will significantly enhance her professional dossier.

The School Psychology doctoral program continues to bring in the good news about major accomplishments! Mr.

David Milem was notified by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board that he has passed the Board examination. Applied Behavior Analysis is a well-developed discipline among the helping professions, with a mature body of scientific knowledge, established standards for evidence-based practice, distinct methods of service, recognized experience and educational requirements for practice, and identified sources of requisite education in universities. Mr. Milem is now a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, who is able to work as an employee or independent contractor for an organization.

While attending the 2013 Council for Exceptional Children Convention, Dr. McGill, by chance, had opportunity to cross paths with the now Dr. Eleazar Vasquez , who apparently is a rising star researcher in Special

Education. After completing a graduate degree from SFA, a doctorate degree from Utah State University became his next academic accomplishment. He was hired as faculty at the University of Central Florida Toni Jennings

Exceptional Education Institute (another outstanding program in special education like Vanderbilt) and has been the recipient of a NSF grant, a Gates Grant as well as funding from the Morgridge Family Foundation (Cisco

Systems). How wonderful for our two programs and the Department of Human Services for being a critical part of this individual’s history!

SFA's National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) Chapter accomplished this past year

(based on student report).

Last Fall, the students held an annual Fall Festival, where members of the community, clients from the clinic, and local schools were invited to a carnival in the Human Services building. Over 50 student volunteers helped out with the festival and had a great turnout from the community.

In February, the students held their annual Winter Conference, where students and local professionals were invited to campus for an opportunity to receive CEUs. Dr. JoAnn Wiechmann and Dr. Judy Rudebusch were the invited speakers, who addressed Response-to-Intervention and Ethics. Over 100 students and professionals attended.

In March, at the Texas Speech & Hearing Association (TSHA) state convention, SFA won University Day

(earning a $200 Super Duper Giftcard), a Facebook photo challenge (winning a pizza party for our entire chapter), and our PRAXIS Bowl team advanced to the final five. Students donated a basket to the TSHA

PAC Silent Auction, which was sold to an SFA Alumna. The students also supported the Texas Tech

NSSLHA's "Give Back" program, where food donations were collected to give to the local Dallas food bank. SFA NSSLHA was also represented by student volunteers at the convention.

Also in March 2013, in honor of National NSSLHA Virtual Advocacy Day, an event was held encouraging students to take action online in support of NSSLHA and ASHA's legislative interests. Over 50 students sent a total of 379 e-mails to their elected officials in Washington, DC.

On April 19, 2013, Max Pell represented the Nacogdoches Chapter in Austin, TX, at the TSHA Capitol

Visit Day. Members of our Chapter were encouraged to contact their elected officials in the State

Legislature through TSHA's Grassroots: Voter Voice program and Mr. Pell met with Congressmen and

Staffers representing five different offices.

On April 25, 2013, the Chapter had its final meeting of the year where new officers were elected and refreshments were served. The cake served donned the NSSLHA logo and the image that won the

Facebook photo challenge at TSHA.

And on May 18, 2013, the NSSLHA Executive Council voted on incoming Council Members.

Max Pell, a member of the National Board for NSSLHA, and will serve as one of two core representatives for NSSLHA Region 9, which includes Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Alberta

(Canada), Puerto Rico, and Mexico. His term begins on July 1 and he had orientation at the ASHA National

Office in Rockville, MD August 8-11.

Selected Goals for 2013-14

Secure an additional faculty line in both Speech and Language Pathology and Special Education programs.

Fill all faculty-lines (SLP/COMDISC, SPED, VI/O&M, SP).

Stabilize course schedules department-wide to maintain low small course approval petitions.

Develop Chair-student e-mail communication department-wide to encourage participation in research, timely enrollment, participation in commencement ceremonies, and major cohesiveness, and school spirit.

Develop student awards with certificates and regalia cords for academic excellence.

Implement faculty and student use of SONO.

Mobilize faculty to begin 2014-15 with course syllabi compliant with THECB, SFA, and College standards.

Increase student recruitment.
