Name Date Period ______ Unit 1 Study Guide

Name _______________________ Date ________________ Period ___________
Unit 1 Study Guide- Chapters 1,2,3
Complete each pair with term or definition, by completing the statement, or answering the
1. archaeologist
2. historian
3. geographer
4. prehistory
5. history
6. artifact
Studies the past by examining the objects
that people have left behind, studies the time
before man invented writing.
Social scientist who studies and records the
past; the time after man learned to write, he
uses documents such as diaries, newspapers,
inscriptions, photos, videos, journals, letters.
An expert who creates and studies maps of
Earth’s natural and man-made features.
Examples: mountains, rivers, oceans, deserts,
canals, bridges, reservoirs, ice caps.
The time before writing was invented, no
written records of events.
The time after writing was invented, lots of
documents, recordings, photographs and even
An object made or used by man (tool, weapon,
utensil, jewelry, medicine…)
The mineralized (rock like) remains of any
living organisms.
8. In order to find out what happened and why
9. The cave drawings from France were only
about 17,000 years old. Which type of hominid
drew them?
10. What clue makes archaeologists believe
that cave men had scaffolds of some type?
11. Why would it be better for cave artists to
mix their ground minerals with fat instead of
water to make their paints?
read documents like letters, newspapers,
diaries, tombstones, speeches, and look at
photos, paintings, and video.
Homo sapiens sapiens- Doubly Wise Man
Drawings on the ceiling; out of reach without a
scaffold or ladder.
Then they would be water resistant.
12. Homo Habilis means
Handy Man
13. Australopithecus Afarensis”s nickname
14. Homo Habilis had 2 capabilities:
1. Could use and make simple tools.
2. Lived in groups- improved food gathering
and security.
15. Lucy had one good capability which was …
16. Anthropologists are most interested in
She could walk upright and use her
hands to do other activities at the same time!
People’s development and culture. Culture
includes the language they speak, food they
eat, how their family is arranged, dances they
do, music they play, games, religions, etc.
17. Homo Erectus made a huge discovery. What He discovered how to make and use fire; for
was it and how did he use it?
light, warmth, cooking and protection.
18. Homo Erectus didn’t actually have to be
“cave men” because they had the ability to
Simple shelters. (branches, hides,
grasses, even large bones.)
The first group to migrate out of Africa.
19. Homo Erectus / Upright Man
The first hominids to hunt in an organized
20. Homo Sapien Neanderthalensis
Indications that the sick and injured were
21. Clues that Neanderthal Man had a sense of helped not abandoned.
Burial mounds indicating ritual for burial
performed- respect/protection for the dead.
22. What happened to the Neanderthals?
23. The most skilled tool making hominids are
24. How did Doubly Wise Man (Homo Sapien
Sapien) migrate to North America?
25. Homo Sapiens Sapiens had a capability no
other hominid had before, they could express
ideas through…
No one knows! They may have blended in with
the Homo Sapiens Sapiens population or died
off from disease.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens- Doubly Wise Man
The theory is he walked from Northeast Asia
across a land/ ice bridge which is now covered
over with water.
Drawing images on walls; cave drawings
and also sculptures.
26. Homo Sapiens Sapiens have been around
8000 B.C. E. (Before Common Era)
for 150,000 years but they only learned how to
B.C. (Before Christ)
plant seeds around the year…
The Old Stone Age- Period of time when man
used stone and wood for tools but was only a
27. Paleolithic Age
hunter/ gatherer.
28. Neolithic Age
The New Stone Age- Period of time when man
still used rock and wood for tools but now he
could plant crops and raise animals for help and
29. Fertile Crescent
Area in Middle East with fertile soil, warm
temperatures and access to fresh water,
where many Neolithic communities began.
30. In the Neolithic age, people domesticated
animals to use for…
1. food- slaughter animal
2. food- milk, eggs ; keep animal alive
3. labor- use animal to hunt or carry/move
heavy objects.
31. People in the Paleolithic Age got food by
Hunting and gatherering.
32. Describe the shelters of Paleolithic man.
33. People in the Neolithic Age got food by
Portable, temporary shelters.
Made of branches, hides, leaves, grasses.
Not sturdy, they were flimsy. The people were
nomadic, always moving. Did not have time or
reason to build a permanent shelter.
growing crops and raising animals. This took
less time than hunting and gathering and in
their free time they learned other skills.
Sturdy, permanent structures made from mud
bricks, not portable. Larger with many new
34. Because farmers had a reliable food source conveniences!
their shelters became…
35. Because farmers could grow so much food
some people were no longer farmers but
instead became…
Artisans, or craftspeople.
36. Because of a reliable food source and more
time to do other activities, people did not have
to wear skins any longer instead they
37. Trade began because…
(use the term “resources”)
38. Describe the early Neolithic Homes
39. In the Neolithic time why were there
decorations on pottery and shiny polished
40. obsidian
the weaving of cloth!
Communities in different regions had access to
different valuable resources and could make
different cool products that other
communities wanted also.
1. Made from mud bricks strengthened by
straw and sticks.
2. Entrance was on top of flat roof (used as a
deck and workspace.)
3. Ladders up to roof.
4. Windows high up by roof
5. Pits dug in home floor:
Fire pit- roasting, cool pit- food storage and
clay lined water pit- boiling food
They wanted beautiful things, they had
developed an appreciation for things that were
A shiny black glass that comes from volcanoes.
Can be very sharp.