National Arboretum Canberra Infrastructure Master Plan V4 2016 Note: This is a living document and subject to change. Projects described are conceptual and inclusion in the plan does not imply any commitment to funding, timeframe or scope. This plan describes only infrastructure projects and does not include consideration of education, research or other programs that may be funded through philanthropic donations. GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 | phone: 132281 Short Term Projects 0 - 5 years Projects with established funding Ref Project Explanation Priori ty High Location Notes 1 Stage 1 landscaping to the Margaret Whitlam Pavilion and Event Garden Detailed design of pavilion forecourt, landscaping and event garden; implementation if some landscaping elements. Immediate surrounds of the Margaret Whitlam Pavilion Funded in 2015-16 as part of Events Terrace project. Includes possible recognition of Waldron family. Stage 2 not funded- see item 7. 2 Complete landscaping to Events Terrace, including surfacing pathways, planting and turfing, connection to services (power, water, lighting) Improves accessibility and amenity. Connect power and water to selected focal areas such as event gardens and amphitheatre in order to facilitate events and functions. Establish tree avenues and lighting. High Events Terrace Funded in 2015-16 as part of Events Terrace project. Decomposed granite gravel or asphalt to be used for walkways. Site preparation funded in 2015-16.Two gardens being funded by donations for construction in 2016. Funding required for remaining gardens. Drinking foundations completed in 2015, Pod toilet funded in 2015-16 3 Gallery of Gardens – site preparation Provide a prepared site for the Gallery of Gardens and seek external funding to construct gardens. High Gallery of Gardens Events Terrace 4 Public amenities at Pod Playground Development of additional toilet and drinking water infrastructure at Pod High Pod playground toilet and drinking water; Events Terrace drinking water GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 | phone: 132281 Ref 5 Project Circuit Terrace trail incorporating lookouts Explanation Implement Circuit Trail linking the Village Centre to Dairys Farmers Hill Priori ty High Location Notes As identified in Trails Concept Plan Completed in spring 2015. Additional trail works can be rolled out as funds become available. Priori ty High Location Notes Gallery of gardens and Terrace One Two gardens funded bny donors(celebration Garden and Mununja the Butterfly garden). Two additional gardens in final stages of negotiation with donors. Projects for which funding may be sought in the future Ref Project Explanation 6 Gallery of Gardens garden development, Sky Garden Implement up to 7 gardens based on site preparation provided in 2015-16. Includes “Sky Garden’ along the top tier/terrace surrounding the Village Centre. 7 Landscaping to Margaret Whitlam Pavilion (Stage 2) Implement stage 2 of the Preliminary Sketch Plan to create the Event Garden. Very High Events Terrace Budget bid to be developed for 2016-17 or seek philanthropic funding Temporary arrangements in place, long term solution required within 3 years as per NCA advice. Budget bid to be developed for 2016-17 Sketch Plan developed in 2015. 8 Permanent parking at Margaret Whitlam Pavilion Provide parking within comfortable walking distance from Margaret Whitlam Pavilion Very High Near Margaret Whitlam Pavilion 9 Events Terrace large group facility Install bus turnaround, shelter and toilets at eastern end of Events Terrace to cater for bus groups, to complement Gallery of Gardens High Events Terrace GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 | phone: 132281 Ref Project Explanation 10 Thrive: Forest irrigation project Build on infrastructure established in Stages 1-4 of the project to maximize the number of forests that have access to mains-delivered irrigation 11 Implement strategic review of forests including planting remaining forests Grow and plant forests not yet planted and address failed forests 12 Federation Forest Provide area to facilitate Federation Forest plantings High Part of Forest 32 near Margaret Whitlam Pavilion 14 Additional multi-use trails for walkers and cyclists Provide quality trails to add to the range of products High and experiences for visitors. Encourage interaction with forest and facilitate interpretation. As identified in Trails Concept Plan 15 Trail gazebos and interpretation 16 17 Upgrade unsealed forest roads Accommodation for Arboretum staff Priori ty Very High Location Notes Whole of site Stages 1-4 completed, Budget bid to be developed for 2016-17. Very High Whole of site To be guided by a strategic review of forests being undertaken in 2015. Ministerial commitment. Initial concept plan produced but requires design. Trails to Wide Brown Land, STEP and DFH were installed in 201415. To be determined New project. Potential project for Friends fundraising. Install gazebos at strategic locations along new trails, to facilitate interpretation and add to the visitor experience Most roads require re-surfacing to shed water and thus reduce ongoing maintenance costs, reduce sediment movement, facilitate safer public access and provide for safe fire management High High Boundary road, River Road, Totara road, other connecting roads Medium term solution prior to sealing roads as per project 30. Develop permanent accommodation for staff including horticultural depot staff and office based staff. High Current depot location west of main car park Essential to replace temporary demountables. Potential links to Project 33Friends, Volunteers and Education Centre GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 | phone: 132281 Ref Project Explanation Priori ty Med Location Notes 18 Sealing of high use areas including asphalt seal to main car park Replace gravel surfaces with asphalt or concrete in high use areas including Events Terrace, admin buildings, MWP car park, depot and back of house Village Centre. Replace temporary 2 coat seal on main car park with permanent seal Around VC and Events Terrace, main car park New project . Safety and amenity issue. Priority will increase as existing surfaces age. 19 Upgrade overflow car park Improve parking conditions and accessibility of the site and provide for temporary use as an event centre for large events Med Overflow car park To include pedestrian movement improvements, lighting, access controls, parking machines, asphalt seal 20 Provide sustainable power supply to works depot Enable staff and contractors to operate safely and effectively from depot Med Depot Water connected in 1415. Off grid power supply the preferred option, being progressed as renewable energy project in 2015-16. 21 Internal upgrade to Margaret Whitlam Pavilion Internal furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E) not Med up to level required for paid events Margaret Whitlam Pavilion Requires functional brief and design 22 Upgrade to Sprout Café serving area Required to improve service times and ease of customer access. Med Inside Village Centre New project .Ginger Catering to have input. 23 Upgrade of interpretation Implement upgraded interpretive features both within and outside the Village centre, with an emphasis on utilizing mobile technology Med Village Centre and whole of site Includes progression of APositive multi media initiative and Arboretum app. GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 | phone: 132281 Ref Project Explanation Priori ty Low Location Notes 24 Wetland /viewing platform at the Western dam, including bird hides Storm water management and additional visitor cohort Western dam Link ANBG and Arboretum by a walking trail to the north of the site Low Northern section of the site Requires design, Government grant/ sponsorship funding to be sought. Good links to trail network. Partnership to be developed with ANBG and Parks Service. 25 Walking track to Australian National Botanic Gardens 26 Amphitheatre stage Permanent stage for events/ performances Low Base of Amphitheatre Feasibility study required. Potential for external sponsorship. 27 Pin Oak Forest viewing platform and pathway (Freefall) Implement the winning design for the 2014 Engineers Australia Freefall Design Competition Low Freefall Pin Oak Forest 41 Engineers Australia are actively seeking corporate and private sector funds for construction in partnership with ACT Gov. Low priority for funding but high priority for in kind support 28 Recycling and storage area Install on-site facilities to recycle and reuse green waste Low Former quarry site Forest 39 Project added as per TCL Master Plan. Site has been partially developed for such use but requires additional infrastructure and equipment. GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 | phone: 132281 Medium Term Projects 5 - 10 years Ref 29 Project Boutique accommodation Explanation Boutique accommodation/tree houses Location Appropriate forest to be determined Cork Oak Road, River Road, parts of Boundary Road Forest Drive adjacent to forests 19, 21, 23, 40, 44 30 Sealing of major roads Sealing of key roads to facilitate visitor access to forests 31 Pull off zones for parking Enable children, seniors and people with disabilities better access to forests and facilities 32 Additional picnic / BBQ areas and toilets As the Arboretum matures, additional visitor facilities will be required within the forests Requires further analysis to Link to development of trails and determine suitable sites increased road access. 33 Friends, Volunteers and Education centre 34 Conference facility and tourist accommodation (hotel) Provide a facility for Friends, and volunteers and incorporate a n education space 9classroom, theatre etc) Medium sized facility with meeting rooms and accommodation. Commence EOI process when economic conditions suitable. To be consideredpotentially same location as arboretum staff depot. Appropriate forest to be determined – indicate site north of Forest 76 35 Canopy walks Canopy walks through a semi-mature to mature forest Himalayan Cedars - Forest 11 Major attraction 36 Village Centre amenity improvements Install glass roof to cutting, glass wind shelter to north deck to increase useabiity of these areas in windy and rainy conditions. Install additional bike racks to VC precinct. Village Centre New project 37 Extension of Margaret Whitlam Pavilion Extend/augment existing building to increase its capacity as a function venue Margaret Whitlam Pavilion New project 38 Conservatory or belvedere to Events Terrace Install additional facility for use a function venue Events Terrace GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 | phone: 132281 Notes Public/private partnership when economic climate conducive. Tie in with future connections to Molonglo suburbs. Potentially major works required to achieve. Requires design and input from ACT Roads Public/private partnership. Links to boutique accommodation. Project added as per TCL Master Plan. Long Term Projects 10+ years Ref 39 Project Welcome Centre Explanation Develop a Welcome Centre to the south of the site as part of the Molonglo Estate development. Includes sealing of River Road to existing Forest Drive Location South boundary of the site near future second entrance Notes Welcome Centre to include coach parking, toilets, refreshments, tours start point 40 Second entrance Develop a second public entrance to the south of the site as part of the Molonglo Estate development. Includes sealing of River Road to existing Forest Drive South boundary of the site Contingent on connections to Molonglo. Linked to project 39 Welcome Centre. 41 Artist studio and residence Provide working and accommodation facilities Forest 62 and Forest 47 for artist in residence program Project added as per TCL Master Plan.. Studio located east of DFH; residence near quarry. 42 Quarry garden Transform quarry site into a focal point for visitors Near Forest 47 Project added as per TCL Master Plan. Quarry requires rehabilitation, at minimum 43 Add seed bank to Research Centre Extend operations of the research facility to a seed bank Future accommodation building 44 Third entrance to site Likely to be located to the north west of the Arboretum to connect to Molonglo North west of the Arboretum Can only be progressed in conjunction with plans to develop Molonglo. 45 Estate security The development of Molonglo will necessitate improvements to fencing and access arrangements along the Arboretum’s boundary. Boundary of Arboretum New project References 1. National Arboretum Canberra Advisory Board Master Plan workshop notes, 17 October 2013. 2. Taylor Cullity Lethlean - Landscape Architecture concept design, 2008 - 2011. GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 | phone: 132281