Arts Media Enterprise CROSS COLLEGE ASSIGNMENT BRIEF –PART 1 COURSE BTEC Level 3 Photography AWB QUALICATION TITLE BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma in Art and Design, Photography UNIT - NAME & NO Unit 2; Materials, Techniques and Processes in Art and Design LEVEL 3 Unit 23; Photographic Media Techniques and Technology ASSIGNMENT TITLE Project 3 – Hidden Being LECTURER/ASSESSOR Andrew Wiskowski ISSUE DATE 07 December 2015 FINAL SUBMISSION DATE Student declaration 14 March 2016 (check task deadlines for internal due dates) I declare that this assignment is all my own work and the sources of information and material I have used (including the internet) have been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required. I understand that plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated, and may result in grades being revoked and that I may be subject to disciplinary action STUDENT NAME SIGNATURE ASSESSMENT DETAILS & GRADING CRITERIA (NB: Tasks, criteria & evidence should be aimed to give the learner the maximum grade available within their qualification (i.e. A, Pass, Distinction) VOCATIONAL CONTEXT/SCENARIO FOR ASSIGNMENT (See specification guidance) What does it mean to be small? What does being “hidden” mean? Is there a world on the super-small scale that we can’t even see? What would it be like to be able to enter that world and actually see what is there? These questions dominate our next project which considers HIDDEN BEING – things that are hidden from normal view simply because they cannot be seen (or seen well) with the naked eye. Macrophotography is a huge area within photographic work that is often overlooked; however, if we learn this process and technique of photo capture you can begin to explore deep issues of the hidden and small world. Some of the things you might learn from that world, in turn, you will find to be very important and influential to the human scale world or the extremely big world (the cosmic world). Grains of sand and galaxies, for instance, mirror each other’s shape; the cells of the nervous system become like the electrical grid for a city; the internet and the mind, if we imagine their shapes, seem to be similar. Through this project you will work as a scientist. You will explore the limits of optics in lenses and learn how to manipulate them to explore this deep, hidden world. You will also be exploring the application of macro (and sometimes it is called micro) photography in biology and medicine. Your work will undoubtedly also become what we tend to call “art”. The exhibitions we will attend push you to consider the limits of seeing, what you don’t see, and the feelings that emerge as you explore the unseen and unseeable. SUBMISSION NOTES: Task 11 1. Table of lighting points TURNITIN 2. Production process chart TURNITIN Task 12 1. Template safety tick list TURNITIN 2. 3 completed safety tick lists HARDCOPY 3. Contact sheets TURNITIN Task 13 1. Contact Sheet TURNITIN 2. Podcast EMAIL Task 14 1. Macrophotography Gallery WEEBLY 2. 200 word evaluation TURNITIN TASK – Please provide listed details of the exact requirements of the task – The bullet number here should inform the ref no below GRADING CRITERIA – Please detail exact criteria as found in the Specification EVIDENCE - Please detail the format evidence to be provided in TASK 11 You must begin to understand and be comfortable manipulating light in your photographs. You will be taught in a studio the different elements of light, the different lighting points, and be taught the production process for studio work. To achieve you must: 1. Create a table of the different lighting point set-ups 2. Capture example images of lighting points that you will add to the table 3. Annotate the table entries describing, detailing and evaluating the use of each set-up 4. Make a chart on the production process for photography – including the ideas, planning, experiments, capture, edit, and evaluation and submission stages Unit 2, GC 3 P (no M or D in spec) Task 11 Prepare a lighting points table Produce example images (at least 1 per set-up) of different lighting points for the table Annotate the different lighting points table with descriptions, detail, evaluation of use Create a production process chart for photographing in studio Due 14 December 2015 TASK 12 You will be exploring macrophotography and the related equipment needed. You must show that you understand how to conduct yourself and use the equipment and materials for photography safely in the studio. You will need to produce a few different materials in order to demonstrate achievement: 1. Generate a safety tick list to follow during all experimental work 2. Conduct 3 out of 5 macro experiments in class, completing a safety tick list for each one 3. Produce 3 out 5 contact sheets for your macro experiments Unit 23, GC 2 PMD Due 15 December 2015 TASK 13 You will need to conduct your own planned macro shoot and generate intended outcomes. You will also need to show that you understand the different methods used for capturing macro work. In order to achieve you must: 1. Produce plans for a macro shoot with a planned intention and clear expectations of outcomes for a DoF stacked image TASK 12 Produce an accompanying safety crib sheet/tick list Explore macro studio work 3 times, filling your tick list for each experiment contact sheets (3) to accompany each Unit 2, GC 2 PM (no D in spec) TASK 13 Contact sheet of planned stacked macro intentions Photoshop 5+ outcomes to high standard Produce 1 stacked image out of those 5+ Produce a 2 minute podcast on macro techniques and processes Due 18 January 2016 2. Conduct your macro shoot and capture a variety of potential images to use. 3. Produce a contact sheet of your planned macro work 4. Use photoshop to enhance 5 of your intended outcomes as final outcomes 5. Produce a 2 minute podcast that explains what macro is, how it is captured, and what techniques/equipment are needed in order to achieve it. TASK 14 You must show that you understand your processes, materials, and equipment used in the macro work. You will do this mainly through annotating your work and evaluation. You should place your 5 finest images (one of which is the stacked image) on a gallery on your website titled MACROPHOTOGRAPHY. In order to achieve you must: 1. Create 5 annotation captions for your 5 final outcomes – each should be about 30-50 words long and explain composition and capture methods: focal length, depth of field, equipment etc.. 2. Write an evaluation of all of your macro work, particularly focusing on the processes (200 words) 3. Present your outcomes to the cohort in a live presentation Unit 23, GC 4 PMD TASK 14 Macrophotography gallery 5 annotations captions for 5 macro images Written evaluation 200 words on macro photography and processes Present macro outcomes Due 25 January 2016 NB: Please note when marking learners feedback all assessors should indicate on the work where grading criteria has been met by indicating the grading criteria on the sheet. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date assignment brief IV’d/IQA’d prior to distribution Name of IV / IQA Name of Lead IV / IQA Unit 2 Grading criteria Unit 23 Grading Criteria