UPDATED Digital Agenda #2S.11 ALGEBRA 2 June 1st – June 15th, 2012 Agenda for MATRICES Check In/Do Know: Download files Essential Question (s): 1. How to work with Matrices Standard(s) from Instructional Guide: (TCRP Domains 1-3) Algebra II 2.0: Students solve systems of linear equations and inequalities (in two variables) by using substitution, with graphs or with matrices. Student Objective (s): 1. The students will learn what Matrices are, and how to work with matrix addition, subtraction and multiplication. 2. The students will learn how to work with Determinants 3. The students will learn how to use Cramer’s Rule 4. The students will learn how to solve Matrix Equations Assessment and Student Reflection: 1. Exit Slip: the material that will be collected when the students are done •Agenda: •Agenda: •1. Review Solving systems of Linear Equaltions. •2. Mini Lecture on MATRICES •3. Activity sheet on adding and subtracting matrices: •http://www.kutasoftware.com/Fre eWorksheets/Alg2Worksheets/Basi c%20Matrix%20Operations.pdf •Matrix Multiplication: •http://www.kutasoftware.com/Fre eWorksheets/Alg2Worksheets/Mat rix%20Multiplication.pdf •Matrix operations combined: •http://www.kutasoftware.com/Fre eWorksheets/Alg2Worksheets/All% 20Matrix%20Operations.pdf •2x2 Determinants: •http://www.kutasoftware.com/Fre eWorksheets/Alg2Worksheets/Det erminants,%202x2.pdf •3x3 Determinants: •http://www.kutasoftware.com/Fre eWorksheets/Alg2Worksheets/Det erminants,%203x3.pdf •Cramer's Rule 2x2: •http://www.kutasoftware.com/Fre eWorksheets/Alg2Worksheets/Syst ems%20of%20Two%20Equations% 20Cramers%20Rule.pdf •Cramer's Rule 3x3: •http://www.kutasoftware.com/Fre eWorksheets/Alg2Worksheets/Syst ems%20of%20Three%20Equations %20Cramers%20Rule.pdf •Matrix Equations: •http://www.kutasoftware.com/Fre eWorksheets/Alg2Worksheets/Mat rix%20Equations%201.pdf •Difficult: •http://www.kutasoftware.com/Fre eWorksheets/Alg2Worksheets/Mat rix%20Equations%202.pdf •4. Exit Slip and Reflection. Explicit Direct Instruction Individualized Online Instruction •Agenda •1. Vierual Ner Matrices •2. Watch the following videos and take careful notes please •http://www.brightstorm.com/math/algebra2/matrices/introduction-to-matrices/ •http://www.brightstorm.com/math/algebra2/matrices/matrix-operations/ •http://www.brightstorm.com/math/algebra2/matrices/matrix-operations-problem-1/ •http://www.brightstorm.com/math/algebra2/matrices/matrix-operations-problem-2/ •http://www.brightstorm.com/math/algebra2/matrices/augmented-matrices/ •http://www.brightstorm.com/math/algebra2/matrices/augmented-matrices-problem-1/ •http://www.brightstorm.com/math/algebra2/matrices/augmented-matrices-problem-2/ •http://www.brightstorm.com/math/algebra2/matrices/augmented-matrices-problem-3/ •http://www.brightstorm.com/math/algebra2/matrices/matrix-multiplication/ •http://www.brightstorm.com/math/algebra2/matrices/matrix-multiplication-problem-1/ •http://www.brightstorm.com/math/algebra2/matrices/matrix-multiplication-problem-2/ •3. Go onto Compass Learning and complete the forler labeled 2S.11 MATIRCES STD 2.0 •4. Start working on the activity sheets from direct instruction the links are there, work them in order on a clean sheet of paper, and be ready to turn them in and make sure that you show EVERY SINGLE STEP. •4. Exlit Slip and Reflection. •1. PROJECT BASE LEARNING ACTIVITY: Car or Cell phone plan •2. In your groups use the collaborative group role expectations and assign a role to each person in your group and read the following purple math article on Matrix Definitions •http://www.purplemath.com/m odules/matrices.htm •Matrix Addition and Subtraction: •http://www.purplemath.com/m odules/mtrxadd.htm •Matrix Multiplication: •http://www.purplemath.com/m odules/mtrxmult.htm •Matrix Row Operations: •http://www.purplemath.com/m odules/mtrxrows.htm •Matrix Inversion: •http://www.purplemath.com/m odules/mtrxinvr.htm •3. In your groups create one BIG MASSIVE graphic organizer about what you just read, don't forget to list and give credits to all of the sites that you use to create your graphic organizer. •4. Download the Pizza Wars Matrix project and follow the instructions and create an imove, power point, graphic organizer or prezi to explain in detail your answer. •5. Exit Slip, Reflection Collaborative Standards-Driven Activities and Stations