Report to the Board of Education March 1, 2012 Career and Technical Education Tony DiLucci, Director Curriculum Alignment and NYS Program Approval In December, I reported that work continues in the area of curriculum alignment with the NYS Common Core Learning Standards in math and ELA along with the NYS standards in science. Lauren Faessler, our curriculum specialist continues to work with two academic teachers and four CTE teachers and has been doing so since the beginning of the school year. Those teachers are Sandy Chrzan (math), David Syracuse (science), Andrea Perkins (cosmetology), Vicki Fitzgerald (culinary arts) and Duane Randall (construction technologies). The CTE teachers all teach courses that must be approved or re-approved by the end of this year. Laruen has effectively engaged the assistance of the Association of Career and Technical Education Administrators, the CTE Technical Assistance Center, an Rubicon, the publishers of a curriculum mapping software called Atlas. The goals of this work include: 1. Developing a clearly articulated, all inclusive curriculum for each CTE course of study 2. Aligning (cross walking) CTE curricula with NYS learning standards for the purpose of NYS CTE approval and to offer integrated academic credit to students in certain CTE programs 3. Increase the number of CTE students passing math and science at the secondary level and to offer additional credit opportunities in ELA Our expectation is that the bulk of the curriculum development and academic standards alignment will be completed soon and will be presented to our external review committee on April 18. Although we may need to continue using a pull-out model to deliver math and science instruction, we will be applying for NYS Approval with specialized/integrated academic credit. It is likely that fully specialized/integrated model will not be created until all CTE courses have undergone curriculum alignment. March Events: March 6, 2012 – New Visions Health Science open house at Cayuga Medical Center March 7, 2012 – New Visions Life Science open house at Cornell University’s Guterman Lab March 15, 2012 – CTE Community open house at the main campus on Warren Road TST BOCES Career and Technical Education Annual Goals 2011-2012 Goa #1l: Develop academic integration model in CTE Objective: Have four CTE programs approved with at least one integrated academic credit (each) available by the end of the 2011-12 school year. Activities Identify those CTE course due for reapproval at the end of 2011-12 Resources SED Evidence of Attainment Time Frame Cosmetology, Carpentry, Auto Tech, Culinary Arts, Summer 2011 Results Review process has been put into place for Culinary Arts, Construction Tech, Auto Tech, Cosmetology, and Digital Media. Lauren Faessler has been meeting with teachers to review curriculum and align integrated Math and Science Common Core Standards. Work with CTE Technical Assistance Center in the development of models for CTE program approval and curriculum crosswalks CTE TAC, N/A Summer 2011 Hire coordinator for curriculum, instruction, professional development and assessment to lead curriculum development and alignment effort Engage component school core academic teachers to participate in curriculum crosswalk evaluation Assistant Superintendent and School Improvement team Hired Fall 2011 Assistant Superintendent, HS Principals’ Council, Superintendents’ Council Networks will be in place and communicating effectively School year External review conducted by the CTE Advisory Council by end of 2011-12 school year CTE Advisory Council N/A April 2012 CTE TAC provided inservice to our staff during the summer and on opening day on this topic. Keith Babuszczak, and Tom Venezio were the lead presenters. Keith has continued to work with Lauren and our teachers on their approval process. Completed. Presented in the fall at the high school principals’ monthly council meetings. Anticipating establishing successful networks between CTE and home school math and science teachers. In progress… TST BOCES Career and Technical Education Goals 20011-12 GOAL # 2: Increase number of CTE program completers. Objective: -Number of program completers will increase from 85% to 100 % by the end of the year 2011-12 -Number of program completers with 75% > will increase from 86% to 95 % by the end of the year 2011-12 -Number of program completers will increase from 85% to 90 % by the end of the year 2011-12 (Spec. Ed) -Number of program completers with 75% > will increase from 89% to 92% by the end of the year 2011-12 (Spec. ED) Activities Resources Evidence of Attainment Time Frame Benchmark following criteria at 2nd , 3rd marking periods -65% Avg. over 2 years -75% Avg. over 2 years -passing Nat. Standards exam -successful work experience -Student data system -CTE Internship Coordinator -CTE Curriculum committees Meetings with teachers and positive trend in student improvement within these data points 2nd and 3rd marking periods Principal will meet with teachers at 2nd and 3th marking period to review progress on above criteria and will provide recommendations to those who have not demonstrated progress toward goal Office professionals for scheduling teacher meetings, Student data system Increased awareness of tracking student progress Third, fourth, and fifth marking periods Focus on lowering the number of students who are failing CTE, math and science courses who are at risk by having poor attendance or an IEP. Counselors, staff, student data system, parents, home school counselors Keeping student failing grades under 20% who don’t have poor attendance or IEP’s. Each marking period Results Data retrieval from Classmate has been challenging to this point. Principal will meet with teachers involved before the last week of February. Students have been identified and prescribed practices have been set into place via teachers and counselors. Ongoing as data becomes available from Classmate. Form communities of practice to reflect on ITIP, literacy, professional practice, action research and youth development through CTSO’s School Improvement Services Beth Dryer literacy and formative assessment in-service provided to all CTE teachers Teacher participation in appropriate staff development opportunities; enhanced student performance School Year Written findings report at the end of February (principal). Develop an intervention plan and implement by February 1st By January 1, 2012. Form PLC that will sustain and address student achievement Conduct an analytical study that will address increasing the CTE % completers for general education Past student information system data, exit survey’s and or student interviews, counselors and teachers Use the CTE data inquire team results to complete study and implement prescribed change This process has been set into motion through the CTE data inquiry team. Teachers are putting into practice what they have learned via professional development opportunities offered over the last 3 years. This has been observed by administration via drop-ins and formal observations. Study has been completed TST BOCES Career and Technical Education Goals 20011-12 GOAL # 3: Increase % of completers earning diploma Objective: Increase number of students successfully completing math and science by the end of the 2011-12 school year. Activities Decreasing the number of students with special needs failing math and science Resources Special Education Consultant teacher Evidence of Attainment Tracking grades of students with special needs at each marking period creating trend lines, and targeting students at risk Time Frame Ongoing throughout the year Decrease the number of students failing math or science who have poor attendance or IEP’s Counselors, home school counselors and principals, parents or guardians and teachers Tracking grades of students who are failing math and science who do not have poor attendance or an IEP’s. At each marking period creating trend lines, and targeting students at risk Ongoing throughout the year Results Special ed consultant teacher has continued to work with teachers to identify students who are struggling in CTE classes. This process has been slow this year b/c of the inability to retrieve data from Classmate. Counselors, principal, consultant teacher, and CTE teachers have been tracking grades and attendance of students with special needs. Calls to parents or guardians are on-going. Home school counselors and principals have been contacted. Attendance issues are discussed with students in a oneon-one setting with a counselor, principal or special education consultant teacher. Develop and use the CTE data inquire team to assess and develop strategies for improving the number of students passing math and science Add math and science metrics to the CTE strategic plan Counselors, Sandy Chrzan, and princpal Tracking grades of students who are failing math and science who do not have poor attendance or an IEP’s. At each marking period creating trend lines, and targeting students at risk Ongoing throughout the year Principal will meet with math and science teacher to assess progress toward stated objective 2nd and 3rd marking period Math and science teacher notifies parents with regard to under-achieving students at every marking period; and especially at 2nd and 3rd. Office professionals for Increased awareness of tracking scheduling teacher meetings, student progress Student data system 2nd and 3rd marking periods Math and Science Teachers Principal Counselors Competing and sending letters/ checking the number of phone calls home to parents Track student grades for math and science CTE counselors notify component school counselors with regard to underachievers Teachers, Counseling staff, and office professionals Reporting the number and frequency of communications with parents to the Principal At the end of marking periods Team has met 4 to 5 times as of 1/1/12. The faculty has been trained in the “Data Wise Cycle” and will continue to collect data and identify gaps in student learning. Meeting conducted on 2/17/12 Ongoing throughout the year. Phone calls are completed by teachers, counselors, and administrative staff. Counseling staff and office professionals complete grade reporting and attendance issues to principals of our component schools. CTE Performance Measures 08 09 10 11 13 % average daily attendance * % completers ˜ (General Ed) % completers (Special Ed) % completers earning Regents or local diploma (General Ed) % completers earning Regents or local diploma (Special Ed) 83 98 86 85 91 89 83 94 83 89 85 85 90 100 90 89 74 76 86 95 55 73 60 70 70 % completers with ≥ 75% course average (General Ed) 82 84 89 86 95 % completers with ≥ 75% course average (Special Ed) 64 75 77 87 82 * 10/1 to 5/31 Average of daily percentages of students present ˜ (# completing the program)/(#enrolled in 1- & 2-yr program on BEDS day who are eligible to complete˚) ˚ Plus or minus students who transfer with documentation