23 July - Paulton Parish Council

Paulton Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of the Parks Committee held on
23 July 2013 starting at 7.00pm in the Meeting Room at the Village Hall
Attended by Mr A Arnold, Mr T Bridgeman, Mr M Colliver (Chair), Mr G Dix, Mr J Humphries,
Mrs S Long, Mrs L Madden, Mr L Wild and Mrs M Wild.
Also in attendance were Mr P Padfield and Mr P Davison (groundsman).
An apology for absence was received from Mr H Warren (refer to attendance register for detail of
Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes of the meeting held on 28 May 2013
The minutes of the above meeting were approved by the members as a true record and signed by
the Chair.
It was noted that since the last meeting applications for memorials have been approved for
the late Roma Elizabeth Bolton, Kenneth Dunmall, Kenneth Harris, Keith Dando and
Harold Thrilling.
Clerk read a letter of thanks and appreciation, received from a visitor to the cemetery, about
the high standard of maintenance and appearance of the cemetery.
Toilet – Memorial Park
Clerk advised members that since the last meeting investigations have been carried out
about the feasibility of building a toilet in the Memorial Park, next to the fire station. The area
property manager for the Fire Service has agreed in principle that a sewer pipe from a toilet
could link into the sewer from the fire station. The line of the water main has not yet been
determined but is likely to be in close proximity to the proposed toilet.
John Hooke, draughtsman, has advised that as the grass verge adjacent to the boundary
wall of the fire station is not wide enough the toilet would need to be built on the area of
grass adjoining the path, between the pre-school and the area of hardstanding. If this site is
agreed by the committee he will submit an application for planning consent for the toilet.
Pro. Mr Wild, sec. Mr Humphries that the committee approve the above site for a toilet
and Mr Hooke be instructed to prepare and submit a planning application.
Tree planting 689
The Chair reported that, as agreed at the last meeting, a variety of trees have been planted
in the Memorial Park. Unfortunately two of the trees have been vandalised but replacements
have been purchased and The Lamb Inn is organising a quiz on the 4 August 2013 to raise
funds to help cover the cost of the replacement trees. This was noted with appreciation by
the members.
The Clerk reported that Bath & North East Somerset Council has carried out their bi-annual
inspections of the trees on Wallenge Open Space and the Memorial Park and a report on the
inspections and works required has been received.
A quotation to carry out the required works, including obtaining the necessary consents (the
Memorial Park is in a Conservation Area), in the sum of £850 + VAT has been received from
Bath & North East Somerset Council. It was noted that as the works include the removal of
major dead wood the groundsman is unable to carry out the work. Members agreed that
Bath & North East Somerset Council be instructed to carry out the tree works as detailed in
their report.
The Chair advised members that there has previously been some discussion by the
committee about planting a hedge in the Memorial Park, along the boundary of the gardens
with Park Close. The residents he has spoken to are in favour of the scheme but he
suggested that it will be prudent to write to all the households affected to advise them of the
proposal. Mr Wild said that it should also be considered at the annual meeting of the
Trustees of the Memorial Park Charity. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the
householders in September, arrange for the annual meeting of the Charity to be held in
October and, if approved, the hedge can be planted in November.
Maintenance of graves and cemetery regulations
As agreed at the last meeting the Clerk advised members that she has written to a family
about the maintenance of their son’s grave and explained that the area in front of the
headstone does need to be grassed and kept clear of objects. Turf will be laid by the
groundsman in the Autumn which will enable them to plant spring flowering bulbs prior to the
grass being laid. The goundsman reported that he has removed a broken solar light from
the grave and moved the other items close to the headstone. Noted.
Mrs Lyons arrived at the meeting.
Traffic in cemetery
The groundsman advised that notices have been displayed in the cemetery advising visitors
that a one-way flow of traffic is going to be introduced. Having considered the difficulties of
implementing a one-way flow of traffic and the number of permanent advisory notices that
would be required members decided not to proceed with the scheme but agreed to monitor
the situation and review the matter at a later date, if necessary.
Miners’ Welfare Recreation Ground
The groundsman reported that the rubble and small stones have been cleared from the land
adjoining the recreation ground (the council leases the area for composting etc). There is a
pile of white and red lias stone remaining and it was suggested that this could be used
if/when the toilet in the Memorial Park is built.
Clerk read letter received from John Lawson’s Circus stating that they enjoyed their visit and
they would like to try and include a visit to Paulton in their tour next year. Mrs Madden
expressed her concern as the lorries are very large and there were problems accessing the
site. This was noted by the members but it was agreed that the Clerk should respond to
Mr Lawson stating that the members will look forward to the circus visiting Paulton again
next year.
Overhanging fir tree in cemetery
Clerk read email received from Mrs Pat Durrant concerning her grandparents’ grave
(Tom and Louisa West) in the cemetery. She explained that the branches of the fir tree by
the grave are so big that they encroach on the foot of the grave and shed needles on the
pebbles. She would therefore like the council to consider trimming back the branches either
side of the tree so that it looks symmetrical. The groundsman advised that if one of the fir
trees is trimmed back the other fir trees will need to be cut back in the same way.
It was agreed that members should look at the grave individually and advise the Clerk if they
consider the tree should be cut back. The Clerk and Chair will then consider the responses
received and determine if any action should be taken.
Hanging baskets
It was noted that the hanging baskets (approximately 35) in the village, organised by Pride in
Paulton Partnership (PiPP) are being watered by the groundsman and when he is not
available by Mr Colliver. The baskets were purchased by PiPP but funded by a grant from
the parish council. Members were advised that the watering of the baskets was not taken
into consideration when they were purchased and is very time-consuming for the
Mr Wild suggested and it was agreed that the Clerk should advise PiPP that, although the
parish council has not budgeted for the watering of the baskets, the council will assist by
continuing to water the baskets three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,
when necessary until the end of August 2013. The last “watering day” will be Friday
30th August. If more frequent watering is necessary or to extend the time that the hanging
baskets are left on display after 1st September, PiPP will need to make the necessary
arrangements to do this; possibly by engaging the assistance of the occupiers of the
premises on which the baskets are attached.
Members agreed that if the assistance of the council is going to be requested to water
hanging baskets in the village in future years this must be considered and agreed by the
council prior to the baskets being purchased.
Adult fitness equipment – Memorial Park
Clerk informed members that a new planning application for the development of the former
builders’ merchants’ site in Church Street has been approved and forming part of the
consent is a new section 106 agreement. Unfortunately there is no provision in the new
agreement for the developer to make a financial contribution to the enhancement of
recreational facilities in Paulton. The Parks Committee had anticipated being able to use the
funds designated in the original s106 agreement to install adult fitness equipment in the
Memorial Park.
The Clerk then advised members that in the s106 agreement for the former print works site
there is a sum of £20,000 allocated “for or towards the improvement of the existing play
areas within the Paulton area”. This money will be paid to Bath & North East Somerset
Council and the Clerk has made a request for this money to be transferred for expenditure
by the parish council. It was noted that the £20,000 should be paid by the developer prior to
the occupation of the 50th residential unit on the site. The Clerk is trying to ascertain how
many units are occupied at the present time.
Mr Wild showed members a scheme prepared by a company for the installation of adult
fitness equipment, on the area of hardstanding in the park at the rear of the pre-school, and
he also circulated to members a summary of the benefits of an “outdoor gym”.
Members agreed that considering the above information three quotations for an adult fitness
scheme in the park should be obtained. Mr Bridgeman queried if the council has the funds
to proceed with the project prior to s106 funds or possibly a grant being obtained. The Clerk
responded that reserve funds of £13,933 are held by the council for the Memorial Park,
£10,000 for the Miners’ Welfare Recreation Ground and £950 for the Wallenge Open Space
and members could consider if they wish to utilise part of these funds.
Health & Safety
Clerk reported that a report on the quarter year inspection of the play equipment carried out
by Bath & North East Somerset Council has been received. Some of the minor repairs
required have been completed by the groundsman and the repairs to the safer surfacing in
the Memorial Park are going to be carried out by GB Sport and Leisure in the next few days.
Clerk advised members that the 5 year periodic inspection of the electrical installation in the
Noah’s Ark Pre-school is due to be carried out by the beginning of October 2013. The
pre-school are having some other electrical works carried out and the electrical contractors
John D Hill will carry out the inspection at the same time – the quoted cost by the company
for the inspection is £95. Noted.
Use of tennis court
Clerk reported that a parishioner has advised her that he is a very keen tennis player but at
times has difficulty in finding someone to play with. He suggested that a scheme could be
set-up whereby the contact details of residents who would like to play are available. This
was considered by members to be worthwhile and the Clerk will liaise with the parishioner to
set up a scheme. It was noted that there could be a press release and the scheme could
also be advertised on the council’s website. Mrs Lyons advised members that Cam Valley
Tennis Club has provided the council with tennis rackets and balls which can be used by
parishioners who do not have their own equipment (subject to a £5 deposit being paid).
Cemetery memorials
The groundsman advised members that a suggestion has been made that the kerbings
removed from graves on the consecrated side of the cemetery (consent has been obtained
from the Diocese of Bath & Wells), currently laid down in the grass at the bottom of the
cemetery, could be displayed on the raised flower bed by the side of the track. He explained
that the ground is very dry and it is difficult for plants to grow in the area. This was agreed in
principle by members and the groundsman will prepare a section, for viewing by the
committee, prior to a formal decision being made.
Flag pole – Memorial Park
Clerk advised members that she has been informed that a furrell is needed on the top of the
flag pole to prevent the flag from catching on the pole. The Chair agreed and advised that
he will arrange to have the pole taken down and a furrell connected to the top of the pole.
Party in the Park
Mr Dix reported that he has been advised that a resident took his vintage car to Party in the
Park, as agreed with the organisers, but when he arrived no provision had been made for his
car to be parked in an appropriate place. The Chair responded that the organisers did not
know that he would be attending but the matter will be referred to the organising committee.
The meeting ended at 8.05pm.