Days of Week Held Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS AND BOOSTERS FOR AUTUMN TERM 2015-2016 Activity Time Room Year Member of Staff Group(s) Running Activity Before School Supervised Music Practice Lunchtime Music Theory Baby Barbershop Table Tennis (Girls) After School Science Club Monday Monday Polish Club/GCSE Preparation Barbershop Boys (audition only) Geography Study Sessions Table Tennis Netball Monday Basketball Monday Monday (for the first five weeks of term) Trampolining Drama Club Monday Monday Monday 7.30am8.30am Music Dept All Years Miss L Fugard 7, 8 and 9 Mr H Eagles 12.45-1.35pm Gym 1 All Girls Mr C Pyke 3.15-4.00pm A32 Year 7 3.15-4.15pm CB2 9 and 10 Miss J Walburn Miss F Kelly Mr P Burke Miss A McKeon Miss V Balan Miss A Tworek 3.30-4.45pm Music Dept All years Mr S Beston 3.30-4.30pm C17 12 and 13 Miss E Wilson 3.30-4.30pm Gym 1 3.30-4.30pm Lower Playground 3.30-4.30pm Sports Hall All Years Mr C Pyke 10 and 11 Miss S Andrews Thompson Tigers Coach Mr L Croucher 3.30-4.30pm Gym 2 Elite Squad Miss R Wells 3.30-4.30pm Drama Studio 8 Miss C Lingham Tuesday Tuesday Dance Document1 Mr H Eagles 12.45-1.35pm Music Dept 12.45-1.35pm Music Dept Before School Supervised 7.30amMusic Dept Music Practice 8.30am Lunchtime Year 7 Choir 12.45-1.35pm Music Dept Tuesday All years 12.45-1.35pm Gym 2 7 All years Mr H Eagles 7 Miss S Poole Mr H Eagles Miss S Burke All years Tuesday After School Science, 3.15-4.00pm A32 8 Technology, Engineering and Maths Club Orchestra 3.30-4.45pm Music Dept. All years Mr P Burke All years 13 Miss C Harvey Tuesday Media 3.30-4.30pm CB6 Production Club PE Coursework 3.30-4.30pm S12 Booster Netball 3.30-4.30pm Sports Hall Ms S Poole Mr H Eagles Mr S Beston Mr D Manning 8 and 9 Tuesday Tuesday Rugby Rugby 3.30-4.30pm Grass Area 3.30-4.30pm Dulwich Sports Ground All girls 9 Miss S Burke Miss S Andrews External Coach Mr T Overbury Tuesday Tuesday Volleyball History 3.30-4.30pm Gym 1 3.30-4.30pm C12 All years Miss R Gardner 7, 8 and 9 Miss S De Stefano Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday (Week 1) Wednesday Document1 Before School GCSE Biology 8.00-8.45am A37 Lunchtime Geography 12.45-1.45pm C14 Club (to start on 23/9) Politics Club 12.45-1.35pm C15 Close Harmony 12.45-1.35pm Music Dept Group (Girls) Chess 12.45-1.35pm A10 Table Tennis 12.45-1.35pm Gym 1 After School Biology Drop 3.15-4.15pm A37 in Portuguese 3.15-4.05pm SG1 11 Miss J Walburn 7 Miss R Gardner 12 and 13 Miss S Tice All Years Miss H Eaves All years Mr K Dete 7, 8 and 9 Mr T Overbury 12 and 13 Biology Teachers 8 and 9 Bronze Duke of 3.30-4.30pm C17 10 Edinburgh Award Business 3.30-4.30pm AB3 7 and 8 Challenge Chapel Choir 3.30-4.45pm Music Dept. All years (audition only) Mrs M SimoesRodrigues Miss E Wilson Miss R Gardner Mr P Burke Miss L Waterman Miss D O’Neil Ms S Poole Mr S Beston Mr H Eagles Wednesday Handball Wednesday Girls Football 3.30-4.30pm Upper Playground PE Booster 3.30-4.30pm C14 Set Design 3.30-4.30pm C27 Club Spanish 3.30-4.30pm CB4 Booster Before School Supervised 7.30amMusic Dept Music Practice 8.30am GCSE 8.00-8.45am A36 Chemistry Football 7.30-8.30am Sports Hall Lunchtime Latin Clinic 12.45-1.35pm C02 Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday 3.30-4.30pm Lower Playground All years Fulham Football Club Miss C Harvey 7, 8 and 9 Miss C Harvey 11 All years Mr R Shedwick Miss R Partleton 11 Miss A CruzadoSanders All years Mr H Eagles 11 Miss F Kelly 11 Mr R Shedwick 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 All years (Language Gifted and Talented students) 12 Dr E Sini-Spencer Thursday Ambassadors Club (MFL) 12.45-1.35pm CB4 Thursday Geography 12.45-1.35pm C14 Thursday Thursday Thursday Art Booster Guitar Group Polish 12.45-1.35pm C26 12.45-1.35pm Music Dept 1.10-1.35pm CB2 11 Mrs Halloran-Pine All years Mr W Cashel 7, 8, 9 and Miss A Tworek 10 Thursday After School Chemistry 3.15-4.15pm A35 12 and 13 Chemistry Teachers 7, 8, 9, 10 Miss D Wilkinson and 11 Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday French 3.15-4.00pm Homework Club Junior Chamber 3.15-4.30pm Ensemble Computing 3.15-4.30pm Booster Film Club 3.15-5.00pm C03 C21 A01 A23 Miss R Gardner 9, 10, 12 & Mr H Eagles 13 11 Miss L Odewale All Years Miss N Durling Miss A Hilliard Miss L McAdam All Years Miss K O’Brien Thursday Week 2 only Thursday German Club 3.30-4.30pm CB3 Geography 3.30-4.30pm C14 and C17 11 Thursday Thursday BTEC Business 3.30-4.30pm CB5 Debate Club 3.30-4.30pm A20 Document1 Miss A CruzadoSanders 11 All years Miss E Wilson Miss R Wells Mr A McCarthy Miss J Gray Thursday Jazz Band 3.30-4.45pm Music Dept. All years Thursday Backstage Production Club Rugby 3.30-4.30pm Main Hall Thursday 3.30-4.30pm Dulwich Sports Ground Girls Football 3.30-4.30pm Lower Playground All years Mr S Beston & Mr C Prior Mr D Manning 8 Mr T Overbury Thursday Thursday Rugby Badminton 3.30-4.30pm Grass Area 3.30-4.30pm Sports Hall 10 and 11 Fulham Football Club Miss A Keane 10 and 11 Mr S Olendzki All years Miss A Keane Thursday Trampolining 3.30-4.30pm Gym 2 All years Friday Before School Basketball 7.30-8.30am Sports Hall Thursday Friday Supervised 7.30amMusic Dept Music Practice 8.30am GCSE Physics 8.00-8.45am A39 Friday Friday Lunchtime Art Booster 12.45-1.35pm C26 Training Choir 12.45-1.35pm Music Dept Friday Friday Friday Week 2 only Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Document1 Table Tennis Eco Schools Committee Medical Society After School Physics Aspire Programme Miss R Gardner Miss S Burke 10, 11, 12 Thompson Tigers and 13 Coach Mr L Croucher All years Mr H Eagles 11 Mr P Athans 10 8 and 9 12.45-1.35pm Gym 1 1.00-1.35pm A32 Mrs Halloran-Pine Ms S Poole Mr H Eagles 10 and 11 Mr L Croucher All years Mr P Burke 1.00-1.30pm A33 12 Mr M Todd 3.15-4.15pm A39 12 and 13 Biology Teachers 3.15-4.30pm Drama Studio 8, 9, 10, Miss S Poole 11, 12 and 13 (by invitation) BTEC Business 3.30-4.30pm S12 12 and 13 Mr W Stapelberg Miss L Waterman Miss D O’Neil Rugby 3.30-4.30pm Dulwich 7 Mr T Overbury Sports Ground Netball 3.30-4.30pm Lower 7 Miss S Burke Playground Miss C Harvey Basketball 3.30-4.30pm Sports Hall 8 and 9 Thompson Tigers Coach Document1