Goal 2 Area: Prof Growth - Berea City School District

Berea Teacher Development and Evaluation System
Goal Area 2: Teacher Performance Growth Goal Examples
Write your professional growth goal(s) based on the priorities as identified on your Teacher Self-Assessment Summary Tool. This table represents how the Ohio Standards
for the Teaching Profession and Professional Growth Goals are connected to the Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric.
Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and Sample Teacher Performance - Goal Area 2 Professional Growth Goal
Standard 1. Students: Teachers understand student learning and development, and respect the diversity of the students they teach.
1.1 Knowledge of how students learn and of student development
1.2 Understanding of what students know and are able to do
1.3 High expectations for all students
1.4 Respect for all students
1.5 Identification, instruction and intervention for special populations
English - Effectively implement the Common Core State Standards - English by increasing my skill in using the writing workshop instructional model, with particular attention to
modeling all components of the writing process as it relates to the varied needs of the learner.
Reading - Effectively implement the Common Core State Standards - English by developing a deeper understanding of the essential elements of reading instruction, which may
1) phonological awareness, the alphabetic principle, fluency and vocabulary;
2) development, academic language, reading comprehension, and motivation;
3) use of evidence-based instructional practices and materials for the core reading program, supplemental reading programs, and interventions;
4) learning how to incorporate particular features of evidenced-based practices in reading instruction.
Standard 2. Content: Teachers know and understand the content area for which they have instructional responsibility.
2.1 Knowledge of content
2.2 Use of content- specific instructional strategies to teach concepts and skills
2.3 Knowledge of school and district curriculum priorities and Ohio academic content standards
2.4 Relationship of knowledge within the discipline to other content areas
2.5 Connection of content to life experiences and career opportunities
English - Effectively implement the Common Core State Standards - English by developing a deeper understanding of essential elements of written instruction, to increase
student engagement and written expression by implementing Writer's Workshop and models of practice aligned to the standards.
Any Subject - Develop a deeper understanding of the [insert any Standard/Subject Area] content and study instructional practices that include implementing formative
assessment practices (developing clear learning intentions, high-quality feedback and questioning strategies) to improve student learning. (Also Standard 3)
Science - Develop a deeper understanding of the Ohio New Learning Standards- Science content standards by using instructional practices that include design concept
development and inquiry-based lessons/unit design to increase student learning, encourage student collaboration and develop critical thinking.
Content Literacy – Develop a deeper understanding of the CCSS for Historical/Social Studies/Science or Technical Subjects by effectively implementing the standards and focus
on incorporating instructional strategies that focus on how to teach literacy in non-fiction, increase student’s skills centering on evidence gathering and critical thinking.
Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and Sample Teacher Performance - Goal Area 2 Professional Growth Goal
Standard 3. Assessment: Teachers understand and use varied assessments to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure student learning.
Knowledge of assessment types
Use of varied diagnostic, formative and summative assessments
Analysis of data to monitor student progress and to plan, differentiate, and modify instruction
Communication of results
Inclusion of student self-assessment and goal-setting
Mathematics - Develop a deeper understanding of the CCSS-Mathematics [insert any subject]content domains and study instructional practices that include implementing
formative assessment practices (developing clear learning intentions, high-quality feedback and questioning strategies) to improve student learning. (Also Standard 2)
Any Subject - In collaboration with other teachers in my department, I will create, effectively implement and reflect on formative classroom based measures based upon the
Ohio New Learning Standards for Social Studies [insert any subject] that will help measure the growth of students over the course of the year.
Any Subject - Increase my understanding of data literacy to analyze and use data to monitor student progress and plan, differentiate, and modify instruction to improve
student learning.
All Subjects - Improve my understanding of quality assessment and item development and use varied assessments to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure student learning.
All Subjects - Increase my understanding of assessment selection and design so that I effectively identify and develop high-quality assessments that measure student progress
in a particular discipline and know how to link specific objectives to specific assessments.
Standard 4. Instruction: Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction that advances the learning of each individual student.
Alignment to school and district priorities and Ohio academic content standards
Use of student information to plan and deliver instruction
Communication of clear learning goals
Application of knowledge of how students learn to instructional design and delivery
Differentiation of instruction to support learning needs of all students
Use of activities to promote independence and problem-solving
Use of varied resources to support learner needs
Any Subject - Improve classroom assessment practices to improve student learning to include 5 key classroom assessment competencies: clear purpose, clear targets, sound
design, effective communication and student involvement.
Writing Workshop - I will improve my ELA instruction to increase student engagement and achievement by attending and implementing Writer’s Workshop training, refining
implementation of the standards, researching and implementing engaging and rigorous teaching strategies, and refining my use of formative assessment to impact daily
Common Core - Increase my understanding of the Common Core State Standards (insert standard area) in order to implement the instructional shifts to increase student
Math - Increase my understanding on how to implement questioning strategies and techniques to improve students reasoning and sense-making abilities.
Core classes – Increase my understanding on how to implement integrated, text-based instruction by:
1) assigning increasingly complex reading, listening, speaking, language, and writing tasks that engage students with engage students with complex literary and
informational text;
2) demonstrate close and careful reading strategies;
3) and ask high-order, text dependent questions that require students to respond by using evidence from the text
Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and Sample Teacher Performance - Goal Area 2 Professional Growth Goal
Standard 5. Learning Environment: Teachers create learning environments that promote high levels of learning and achievement for all students
5.1 Fair and equitable treatment of all students
5.2 Creation of a safe learning environment
5.3 Use of strategies to motivate students to work productively and assume responsibility for learning
5.4 Creation of learning situations for independent and collaborative work
5.5 Maintenance an environment that is conducive to learning for all students
Any Subject - Improve my understanding of culturally relevant teaching practices to create, plan, and refine teaching activities, lessons, and assessment practices to increase
student motivation and student learning in a holistic and culturally responsive way.
Any Subject - Improve my [insert any subject]content instruction to increase student engagement and learning by refining implementation of the standards, researching and
implementing engaging and rigorous instructional strategies, and refining my use of formative assessment to impact daily instruction. (This is also Standard 3.)
Technology - Effectively implement technology tools to promote personalized learning, encourage collaboration, and increase student learning through the integration of
standards and instructional strategies.
Standard 6. Collaboration and Communication: Teachers collaborate and communicate with other educators, administrators, students and parents and the community to
support student learning.
6.1 Clear and effective communication
6.2 Shared responsibility with parents/caregivers to support student learning
6.3 Collaboration with other teachers, administrators, school and district staff
6.4 Collaboration with local community agencies
Physical Education - Increase my collaboration with other teachers, administrators, school and district staff to understand and incorporate how the Physical Education
standards learning progressions, new practices, and the ways in which content and practices support each other in instruction to improve student learning.
Standard 7. Professional Responsibility and Growth: Teachers assume responsibility for professional growth, performance, and involvement as an individual and as a
member of a learning community.
7.1 Understanding of and adherence to professional ethics, policies and legal codes
7.2 Engagement in continuous, purposeful professional development
7.3 Desire to serve as an agent of change, seeking positive impact on teaching quality and student achievement
SAMPLE GOALS FOR STANDARD 7: No examples provided.