Kaitlin Scott Chapter 14 Outline: Soil Resources China Many dust storms occur here from the expanding Gobi Desert The storms damage crops, grounds, air traffic, and cause other inconveniences The Three-North Shelterbelt was formed to protect China from the dust storms It reduces the frequency and severity of the storms It is a wall of millions of trees that slow the wind’s force The trees also provide a moist forest floor that prohibits more loose dust to join the storm Humans help cause the dust storms by the removal of forests, over collection of firewood, and overgrazing by sheep and goats on semiarid steppes (shortages prairies) which caused the soil to loosen and make it easier to become part of the dust storms Desertification is a big problem in China Desertification-the progressive degradation of grassland and other productive lands into unproductive desert Planting trees can improve soil quality China has started grassland restoration projects in some areas of northern China and Mongolia, these areas are too dry to grow trees Soil-the uppermost layer of Earth’s crust, which supports terrestrial plants, animals, and microorganisms -filled with minerals and organic matter -natural actions like weather, wind, water, and organisms modify it -supports almost all terrestrial food webs -microorganisms inhabit it and depend on it for shelter, food, and water -plants attach themselves in soil where they receive important nutrients -humans cannot exist without soil because we depend on plants for dood and the plants depend on soil and we eat State Factors: Soil Forming Factors State factors-determine the state of the soil system Main factors: parent material, climate, topography, organisms, and time Parent material-rock that is slowly broken down into smaller pieces by biological, chemical, and physical weathering processes in nature Parent material forms soil A lot of time is needed for the rock to disintegrate into soil, and time is needed for organic material to form in soil Forming soil is a process of interactions between Earth’s solid crust and the biosphere The process of weathering parent material under already formed soil help adds new soil Thin layers of soil dorms on young lands, thick layers form on old lands Carbon dioxide is formed when plant roots and other organisms in the soil respire The carbon dioxide goes into the soil and reacts with the water in the soil to from carbonic acid The acid and water goes into the cracks of rocks If there is temperate weather when the parent material is in the rock, freezing and thawing of water during the winter will cause the cracks to get bigger and the rock breaks Small plants form in the cracks and their roots cause the rock to break evern more Topography affects formation of soil Steep slopes don’t have soil because gravity and precipitation causes it to fall down Moderate slopes help soil form Humans are state factors because they influence environmental processes like carbon and nitrogen cycles They effect soil formation by agriculture, urbanization, mining, pollution, deforestation, and forestation Soil Composition Four layers: mineral particles, organic matter, water, air Soil has layers The organisms that live in soil interact with it (plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms) Nutrients are always cycled in soil because when organisms die they are then broken down Minerals makes of most up of soil Comes from weathered rocks Provides nutrients needed for plants and has pores where water and air is stored Various types of rocks provide various types of nutrients in soil Soils from the same parent material may be different because of weather, topography, and organisms Soil age affects its mineral composition Older soils have lower amounts of nutrients and are weathered New soils have more nutrients and can be found in geologically young soils and in areas formed by volcanic activity Soil organic matter-natural litter, animal poop, dead plants, animals, and microorganisms that are being decomposed The decomposition of this adds nutrients to the soil and increases the amount of water the soil can hold Humus-dark colored organic material that is left after decomposition Is a combination of many organic compounds and holds water Last in soil for many years and is broken down by earthworms, termites, and ants Pores in soil hold water to makes a moist but aerated soil Provides great habitat for plants and other organisms Water held in smaller pores, air held in bigger pores Soil water is either provided by precipitation which drains down, or groundwater which moves up Water has low concentrations of dissolved nutrient mineral salt Soil air has same gases as atmospheric air Contains a little more carbon dioxide then oxygen because of cellular respiration Important gases in soil include oxygen (used for cellular respiration), nitrogen (used by nitrogen-fixing bacteria), and carbon dioxide (used in soil weathering) Soil Horizons Deep cuts through many soils Soil profile-a vertical section from surface to parent material Top layer of soil (O-Horizon) has a lot of organic material A-Horizon is next layer, has a lot of organic matter and humus, nutrient poor E-Horizon, which is heavly leached, sometimes forms between the A and BHorizons B-Horizon, beneath A-Horizon, nutrient minerals that have leached from previous horizons form here C Horizon has weathered pieces of rock Soil Organisms Many mircoorganims in soil Bacteria most common in soil Organisms provide important ecosystem services (marinating soil fertility, preventing soil erosion, breaking down toxic pollutants, cleansing water, affecting the composition on the atmosphere Worms important Ingest soil and get energy by digesting compounds in humus Castings (bits of soil that have passed through gut of worm) are left on soil surface and helps distribute nutrient minerals Ants help aerate soil by having tunnels Food not eaten by them help add to organic material Plant growth either depends on the soil type, or the soil type depends on the plant and what it provides it Mycorrhizae-symbiotic relationship between fungi and roots Allows plants to absorb nutrients Fungi mycelium (thread like body) helps it absorb more nutrients which it transport to the plant The plant helps provide food to fungi through photosynthesis Nutrient Cycling Decomposition part of it Nutrient cycling is the passage of nutrients from the environment through organisms and back to the environment Bacteria and fungi decompose dead organisms which releases nutrient minerals that return to the soil and environment Weathering of parent material is a abiotic nutrient cycle Soil Texture Soil texture-proportions of different inorganic mineral particles of sand, silt, and clay The size of these particle allow scientists to classify soil texture Sand largest particle Silt medium sized Clay is the smallest Soil texture affects soil’s properties Clay has greatest surface areas so is most important Soil minerals are either in charged forms or ions Either positively or negatively charged Clay particles have mostly negative charges which attract positively charge ions Positively charged ions are important and stored in plants for interaction with clay Negatively charged ions are usually washed away Loam-ideal agricultural soil Loam has many different soil particle sizes Bigger particle proved structural support, aeration, and permeability to soil Smaller particles bind close together and hold nutrient minerals and water Soil with a lot of sand is not good because it doesn’t hold mineral ions r water Soil with a lot of clay is not desirable because it has poor drainage and not enough oxygen Soil Acidity Measured using pH scale Most soil’s pH range is from 4 to 8 Soil nutrients are available based on their pH levels Plants can absorb soluble elements not insoluble pH affects leaching acidic soils are not able to hold positive ions as well which results in important nutrients like potassium are leached from the soil quicker the prime pH level is 6.0 to 7.0 because that is when most important minerals are available decomposition of humus and cellular respiration decreases pH levels the needles of conifers has acids that power the pH level acid precipitation-air pollution that has human-produced sulfuric and nitric acids that enter the ground through acid rain, sleet, snow, or fog Soil Types climate, vegetation, parent material, underlying geology, topography, and soil age help produce various types of soil soil taxonomy-method of classification of the soils into 12 orders, which are then subdivided into series most common orders: spodosols, alfisols, mollisols, and oxisols spodosols-distinct layers, located in cold regions with a lot of rain, has OHorizon of acidic litter, leached and acidic E-Horizon, illuvial B-Horizon, not good for farming because it is too acidic alfisols-temperate deciduous forests grow on it, brown to brow-gray AHorizon, precipitation washes clay and soluble minerals into B-Horizon, fertilized needs to be used to maintain fertility if soil is used for farmland mollisols-in temperate and semiarid grasslands, fertile, nutrients remain in top level, most of world’s grain grows here example of the involvement of organisms in soil formation aridisols-in arid regions, lack of rain prevents leaching, lack of vegetation limits organic matter, no definite layers of leaching and illuviation, some have a salty A-Horizon, provide land for grazing animals, crops can be grown with provided with water by irrigation oxisols-low in nutrient minerals, in tropical and sub-tropical areas with a lot of rain, not a lot of organic matter, A-horizon rich with humus, B-Horizon highly leached and nutrient poor, nutrient rich vegetation is quickly decomposed for nutrient minerals humans need to understand how soil works in order to protect it Sustainable soil use-wise use of soil resources without a reduction in soil fertility so that soil remain productive for the future Soil Erosion When water, wind, ice caries away and removes soil, especially top soil Rain loosens soil which makes it easier for water to carry it away Wind loosens soil and blows it away Soil erosion is a natural process, but humans quicken the process Soil lessens the amount of nutrients in soil which then causes the need to use fertilizer Humans accelerate soil erosions by having poor soil management Soil erosion affects other natural resources because sediment gets in streams, rivers, and lakes which affects water quality Erosion is a big problem in the United States especially in Iowa, northern Missouri, western and southern Texas, and eastern Tennessee Erosion did decrease by 38% between 1982 and 1997