CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE Department of Geological Sciences Hydrogeology (Geology 575/L) Geology 575 & 575L Fall 2015 (Field Related Activities, TBA) Text: - Applied Hydrogeology (Fetter) Instructor: Dr. Tabidian Office: LOH 1232 Office Hours:0730-0900 TTH Telephone: 677-2536 EXAMS AND GRADING: There will be two midterm exams and one final exam. The final will be about 1/2 comprehensive (mostly problem solving) and 1/2 on the final material of the course (mostly essay questions). Exams will be in two parts. Part one will be in the form of essay type questions, short answers, and sketches. The second part (open book/notes) will be numerical/mathematical problems oriented toward specific applied methodologies that are used in quantification of groundwater resources and characterization of hydrogeologic systems. Weekly homework, and field trips or other projects will be assigned. All the homework and project reports will be collected, checked, and discussed in the class, some selected ones will be graded. Homework and other projects including field trips/field methods and related reports Water quality field project (written report and oral presen.) Midterm exams Final exam Oral presentation Total Points 130 pts 40 200 100 30 500 90-100 A 87-89 A83-86 B+ 79-82 B 74-78 B70-73 C+ 66-69 62-65 58-61 54-57 50-53 <50 COURSE OUTLINE TOPICS - Introduction - Hydrologic cycle - Hydrologic equation - Evapotranspiration TEXTBOOK Ch.1,2 2 - Rainfall/runoff - Stream/aquifer interaction Ch. 2,3 Ch. 3 3 - Infiltration, unsaturated zone - Recharge Ch. 6 Ch. 3,6,7 4 - Saturated zone - Hydraulic head - Subsidence - Soil mechanics Ch. 4, 5,6 Ch 6,7 5 - Basic groundwater hydraulics Ch. 4,5,8 - Unsaturated zone moisture potential analysis report ****EXAM#1, OCT. 1**** 1 1 C CD+ D DF 6 - Aquifer characteristics Ch. 3, 4, 5 - Permeameters - Short period fluctuations of groundwater levels - Openings in rocks 7 - Flow equations - Mathematical models - Analytical solutions - Numerical solutions - Groundwater maps Ch. 4, 5 8 - Aquifer test, confined aquifers Ch. 5, 7 9 - Aquifer test, unconfined and leaky aquifers Ch. 5, 7 10 - Slug test (injection or withdrawal) - Superposition and Image-well models Ch. 5, 7 11 - Unsaturated zone hydrology - Infiltration and recharge ****EXAM#2, NOV. 5**** Ch. 6 12 - Partial penetration of production wells -Well design, construction and efficiency - Well-field design - Wellhead protection Ch. 5,7 13 - Hydrogeology of rocks Ch. 8 14 - Chemical characteristics of GW resources Ch. 9, 10 15 - Natural sources of chemical constituents Ch. 9, 10 FINAL: 12/10/2015 (1700-2000) WEEKLY HOMEWORK Late homework and projects will not be graded. 2 ORAL PRESENTATION General guideline for the presentations: - Time limit: 15-20 minutes - Handouts designed to compliment your presentations. Your presentations will be enhanced and more effective with the use of supporting materials such as handouts. - Required: before its presentation, as an attachment, email a copy to SUGGESTED TOPICS FOR PRESENTATION (GENERAL GROUNDWATER TOPICS): (Formal presentation topic with a presentation date should be emailed not later than September 10, 5 pts) Note: To avoid topic duplication and for scheduling purposes, as soon as you have a topic and date, please let me know through an email. -Local superfund sites and landfills -Groundwater remediation techniques -Isotopes and groundwater resources -Land subsidence and liquefaction -Saltwater intrusion in California -Mining and groundwater resources in California -Fracking and groundwater resources -Vapor intrusion -Nitrate in groundwater resources of California -Surface water/groundwater interactions (hydraulics and water quality) -Artificial recharge activities in southern California -Viruses in groundwater -Landfill and animal-yard microbiology -Microbe-mineral interactions (hydro-geo-bio chemistry) -Saltwater intrusion effects on subsurface microbiology -Septic tank systems and its biological impacts on groundwater -Other approved topics SUGGESTED TOPICS/GUIDELINES FOR PRESENTATION (GROUNDWATER QUALIT TOPICS): (Formal presentation topic with a presentation date should be emailed not later than September 10, 5 pts) -Any chemical species or contaminants concerning groundwater resources -Emphasize physical/chemical properties, water quality standards, health issues, remedial techniques, field sampling protocol, analytical lab/field methods, natural attenuation, examples or cases of local occurrences, etc. Suggested contaminants/chemical species: Perchlorate, radioactive material/isotopes, TCE, PCE (perchloroethylene), nitrate, mercury, arsenic, chromium, lead, organisms, and other approved contaminants. 3 PRESENTATION DATES: GENERAL GROUNDWATER TOPICS SEPTEMBER 17 12SEPTEMBER 24 12OCTOBER 8 12OCTOBER 15 123OCTOBER 22 123- GROUNDWATER QUALIT TOPICS OCTOBER 29 123NOVEMBER 12 123- WATER QUALITY FIELD PROJECT PRESENTATIONS NOVEMBER 19 Group 1Group 2………. DECEMBER 3 Group? ………. 4