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Cortes 1
Gilbert Cortes
ENG 121
Professor Hamilton
May 11th, 2015
Life on Other Planets
The purpose of this research paper is to give the reader a better understanding about the topic of
habitable planets, contrary to those who do not believe in such things. This research paper argues
that habitable planets along with alien life is indeed real although scientist have not found hard
evidence, they are on the verge of finding them due to NASA space missions and astronomical
studies of the habitable zones in space. There is countless testimonies and information regarding
the existence of habitable planets, some of which are hard to believe. The essay cites many sources
from credible authors and publishers using scholarly databases and books.
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The belief about whether Alien life exists is highly controversial. Many strong believers of
religious backgrounds cease to believe these theories, dis crediting all scientific and astronomical
analysis and evidence. From plenty astronomical analysis and studies, life on other planets in
different galaxies may very well be present due to the many findings scientist have discovered
using the ongoing NASA landing programs. With incredible evidence from these discoveries, it is
fair to say that habitable planets along with possible alien life may exist else wear in the universe.
For centuries astronomers and scientist have been trying their hardest to get the answer.
Astronomers and writers in early years predicted and questioned whether or not there are other
planets with alien life forms on them:
From the Epicurean Greek philosophers more than
2000 years ago to fiction writers of the late 19th
century, people have speculated about the
possibility that there might be other worlds which
are home to alien life. Yet it is only with the
gigantic telescopes and interplanetary probes of
the space age that we finally have a realistic hope
of answering the question. (p. 10 Astrobiology)
In essence the answer to whether or not life lives on other planets may be hard to convey
due to the fact that for hundreds of years humans have only used technology that limits their
findings such as telescopes, satellites, and space missions. From this perspective, an individual
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may simply start to think about what humans have done and are starting to do to find other planets
out there that can sustain life. NASA space mission Kepler has already been getting the job done
finding millions of habitable planets outside of our solar system and astronomers along with
NASA have sent rovers to mars in search of any molecular activity.
In new studies there has been more speculation regarding life in other galaxies. An article
written by Louis N. Irwin, Abel Mendez, Alberto G. Fairen and Dirk Schulze Makuch discusses
the possibilities of life actually being outside of our solar system and how scientists along with
astronomers have found molecules elsewhere on other planets either then earth, using space rovers
and satellite data:
While life is known to exist with certainly only on earth, there
are compelling reasons for assuming that it could exist
throughout the universe in abundance. Organic molecules
have been found in star forming regions, around
proto-planetary disks, in meteorites, in comets, and in deep
space. (p. 160 Assessing The Possibility Of Biological
Complexity On Other Worlds)
In other words the possibility of habitable planets in other areas in the galaxy are highly
possible due to the fact that there has been evidence of organic molecules formed around
astronomical remnants such as star regions. These organic molecules can very well be the back
bone to life itself, rather than life on earth. Evidence of molecules on other planets is a clear
indication that those planets can sustain living organisms:
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The molecule found by Hubble is methane,
which under the right circumstances can play a
key role in prebiotic chemistry -- the chemical
reactions considered necessary to form life as
we know it. This discovery proves that Hubble
and upcoming space missions, such as NASA's
James Webb Space Telescope, can detect
organic molecules on planets around other
stars by using spectroscopy, which splits light
into its components to reveal the "fingerprints"
of various chemicals (Hubble Finds First
Organic Molecule on an Exoplanet)
This quote is from an article written about the findings of molecules on other planets,
indicating how NASA along with other scientist have done a successful job in finding molecular
activity elsewhere rather than earth. These planets have the ‘necessary chemical reactions to form
life’; this statement alone opens new theories and questions in regard to there being life outside of
earth. Once you open your eyes to these possibilities, the evidence is all around you.
An article written by Judith Braffman- Miller brings forth great evidence as to why people
should believe the possibility of habitable planets using satellite information. She discusses the
discovery of the first earth sized planet captured by the Kepler space mission and how it has
similar aspects parallel to that of earths:
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In April, a team of astronomers announced that Kepler had
succeeded in detecting the first Earth-sized planet orbiting a distant
star within its habitable zone … however, the newly bagged exo
planet named Kepler-186f, if not earths twin, certainly is its kissing
cousin… this distant world is a bit chiller and bigger than our own,
but it likely is composed of the same stuff, liquid, rock, iron, and
ice. (p. 49 Looking for life as we know it)
From analyzing this evidence, one cannot simply sit there and say there isn’t any chance of
life outside of earth. These Kepler mission discoveries open more and more questions in regards to
other galaxies throughout the universe. If the Kepler missions keep these great discoveries coming
in, the chances of humans finding a habitable planet are very likely to come true. The overall
advancement of technology and help given by scientist and astronomers has had good outcomes in
the search for organic organisms and habitable planet’s.
The more effort scientist and astronomers put in to the discovery of living organisms
elsewhere rather than earth can change the way humans see themselves and what they believe in.
Some people often do not believe in habitable planets or other life outside of earth. There are some
who do not believe in the evidence and findings of these habitable planets, nor the belief of there
being possible alien life else were in the galaxy. Some individuals see this discussion and tend to
shoot down the possibility of alien life forms or habitable planets due to their extreme belief in a
certain religion or stand point. To them, the thought of possible alien life elsewhere may be too
confusing for them to handle or simply it is not what they choose to believe in since they put God
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above all else. Physicist Paul Davies writes, “The knowledge that intelligent aliens exist would
makes it extremely hard to sustain the miraculous hypothesis” (.143) the miraculous hypothesis in
essence is that God put us here on earth, along with the animals. Although wouldn’t God create
other planets along with living civilizations as well if this matter was truly about the supreme
Strong believers of religious backgrounds seem to have what is called by Author David
Cook, the God-of-the-gap phobia in which individuals tend to strike down the belief in habitable
planets due to their ‘god’ belief:
As a Christian, one could equally argue that the postulation
that life is not a miracle inhibits the theological quest for
evidences of God’s special providence in the cosmos. The
fact is that anyone who takes the bible at all seriously must
leave a place for the God-of-the-gaps. (p. 143)
In essence Cook reveals why so many religious believers shoot down the possibility of
there being other life forms, or habitable planets out there either than earth. To them it is like
questioning Gods creation, thus making it wrong to do since God is the creator. In my perspective,
strong religious believers do not open there minds to things that questions the divine power of the
creator. What if we do find aliens along with habitable planets? These strong believers would
probably worship these beings as gods. In a book named ‘Are we Alone’ author and physicist Paul
Davies argues that in the near future human beings will encounter an alien civilization so advanced
that they discarded religion, or their religion will be so far advanced, us humans will have to alter
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ours. This argument pertains back to my thesis on the possibility of alien life and the affect it has
on religious believers, Davies raises an even deeper discussion regarding the possibility of an
advanced civilizations religion. So what will alter if we encounter another civilization from
another planet? Or I should say what aspect of religion should change? Only that god created more
civilizations either than ours, maybe to these advanced civilizations there is no god. I do not argue
with the church, I am just trying to open more eyes and ears for those wondering about habitable
planets and alien life. There are so many species on earth, so imagine in the universe. More people
should open there eyes and see that were not alone in this galaxy.
To get a better outlook on this whole habitable planets and alien life research I interviewed
my astronomy instructor, Professor O’ Dowd in an effort to gain more knowledge on the subject of
habitable planets, extraterrestrial life and the Kepler space mission. In the interview, I asked him
many questions concerning the chances of life on other planets and the possibility of mankind
finding these habitable planets to then explore them. When I asked Professor O’ Dowd how does
he feel about their being possible habitable planets he responded, “It is extremely likely there are
habitable planets . . . The Kepler space mission proved they exist.” O’ Dowd went on to explain in
detail how the Kepler space telescope mission was designed with a spectacular camera that takes
photographic images of stars that have planets orbiting them. If a star has a planet or planets
orbiting them, then this gives astronomers a strong indication that those planets are “habitable”,
they can tell if it’s habitable by the distance its located from that star it orbiting. So far the Kepler
space mission has found billions if not trillions of habitable planets like ours. From this evidence,
an individual can already make out there is a high chance that there might be other life forms or
habitable planets in the universe; it’s only a matter of time until NASA finds or explores these
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Another topic I discussed with Professor O’ Dowd is the possibility of extraterrestrial life
living in our universe, he distinctly told me that since Kepler has found over 11 billion earth sized
planets, the chances of extraterrestrial life (living organism and other living civilizations outside of
earth) out there is very high, he also stated, “I do believe there is an advanced civilization out
there” astronomers and scientist have some clue of habitable planets and extraterrestrial life,
although they do not have hard evidence. The evidence they do have on the other hand has many
individuals like me thinking. Molecules formed outside of this earth that can possibly sustain and
somehow be the backbone of organic life have been found by NASA astronomers:
In the past year astronomers working at the National
Radio Astronomy Observatory's Green Bank Telescope
have identified eight new molecules that are some of
the largest and most complex compounds discovered in
space. The finds suggest that elaborate organic
chemistry--chemistry that might have helped seed life
on Earth--may be widespread throughout our galaxy
and beyond…The reactions that produce these new
molecules probably take place on the surfaces of
interstellar dust grains, says Jan Hollis of NASA's
Goddard Space Flight Center; those surfaces serve as a
meeting ground where atoms, electrically charged
radicals, and small neutral molecules can combine.
(Complex organic molecules formed in Outer space)
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With the discovery of organic molecules located out of space, which scientist believe
helped seed life on earth, it is very likely that other life forms exist out there in space, regardless of
all the doubters and people who have different beliefs, organic molecules are formed only when
there is sustainable territory.
I was very curious as to how planets produce their own life and when I tried getting this
information from Professor O’ Dowd, he basically told me the elements of RNA creates life as we
know it. This seemed very interesting to me because I didn’t know what RNA was until I did
research and found that it is the basic structure of DNA, which carries molecules and enzymes to
produce life in the body. From this analysis and data, an individual may question if there is RNA
located on other planets, Professor O’ Dowd told me NASA and scientist have never found RNA
on any other planet either than earth, scientist have only found organic molecules on rocks,
asteroids, and stellar gases.
Lastly when I asked Professor O’ Dowd if humans will ever travel to other habitable
planets in search of sustainable life and possibly other civilizations he simply told me that from his
understanding there are already talks of billionaires wanting to create small colonies on these
habitable planets. He went on to say that as for now, NASA along with scientist are working there
hardest to create a spacecraft that can get astronauts across the galaxy in a fast but short period of
time, though they have not created such technology. Instead they have satellite images and space
voyagers travelling across the universe in search of planets. Up until today the human society has
already been introduced to other habitable planets with pictures taken from the Kepler space
mission telescope along with other satellite images.
Due to the many astronomical discoveries and critical analysis, it is evident that life may
very well be present on other galaxies throughout the universe. Since the early years of this planet,
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many individuals would like to know if there not alone in this universe. Much of the astronomical
evidence found regarding this topic can back up the claim that there is indeed life on other planets
and humanity needs to know. There are some who do not believe in habitable planets and do not
believe in alien life forms. For these people they are blind and are closed minded. With a lot of
astronomical analysis and reading many sources to back up my claim on the belief of alien life and
findings of habitable planets, I concur that there is a high possibility that these matters exists. If
you look at the beginning of time people would worship the sun, and look at the stars not knowing
what they were, in the modern day humans have had the chance to go outer space and have a vast
look at our universe, only to find out it keeps growing. As time goes by, the subject of habitable
planets seems to be the future, more and more people are wondering what is out there. With precise
data we can now capture habitable planets light years away from our earth.
Astronomers along with scientist are reaching a goal some individuals say cannot be
achieved and that is to find habitable planets with alien life forms living on them. Galileo Galilei
once stated, “The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen
a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.” In essence we have a sun, we are
living, and thus we are those grapes. There are trillions of suns (stars) in the vast universe, imagine
how many other living civilizations and habitable planets are current right now around each
galaxy. The universe cannot sustain planets of just rock and gas; the universe cannot just be a vast
stellar grave yard with no habitants, they are hiding until one day NASA has the right technology
to discover them.
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Works Cited
Scharf, Caleb. "Astrobiology." New Scientist 210.2811 (2011): i-vii. Academic Search Complete.
Web. 11 Feb. 2015. Talks of whether or not there is life on other planets. Good for readers
who want to explore the astronomical perspective. Goes in detail about the possibility of
habitable planets, author uses NASA evidence and research. Gives good analysis of other
scientific studies and work regarding the exploration of life on other planets. Cites the role
that astrobiology and technological exploration play in the search for life on planets other
than Earth is discussed.
Irwin, Louis N., et al. "Assessing The Possibility Of Biological Complexity On Other Worlds,
With An Estimate Of The Occurrence Of Complex Life In The Milky Way Galaxy."
Challenges (20781547) 5.1 (2014): 159-174. Academic Search Complete. Web. 11 Feb.
2015. This article discusses whether or not there is life on other planets either than earth.
The article explores many aspects regarding life on earth in comparison to life on other
planets. The author’s explore the different habitats other planets may have and
evolutionary changes in other planets soon to be discovered. This article is reliable for
anyone discussing the possibility of life on other planets and their habitats.
BRAFFMAN-MILLER, JUDITH. "Looking For Life As We Know It." USA Today Magazine
143.2832 (2014): 48-49. Academic Search Complete. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. This article
questions whether or not there is life on other planets. The article discusses NASA’s plan to
start exploring life on other planets, discussed at NASA headquarters in Washington D.C
2014. The article explains how many astronomers and scientist believe every star has a
planet, some may thing there’s at least one living planet. The article discusses
“exo-planets” or dead stars. This article is a reliable source for an individual in search for
Cortes 12
discussing the possibility of life on other planets and what scientists are doing to get it.
Cook, Rob. "Would The Discovery Of Alien Life Prove Theotogically Embarrassing? A Response
To Paul Davies." Evangelical Quarterly 84.2 (2012): 139-154. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 19 Apr. 2015. This article counter argues Paul Davies statement and
argument on the possibility of discovering alien life forms in other parts of the galaxy.
Shows Davies perspective on what he thinks will happen when Christians and other
religious groups come face to face with extraterrestrial life forms explaining how humanity
will possibly alter their own religious beliefs. This article is very helpful for any one doing
research on region in contrary to scientific and astronomical belief.
Webb, Sarah. "Complex Organic Molecules Formed In Outer Space." Discover 28.1 (2007): 55.
Academic Search Complete. Web. 19 Apr. 2015. Article talks of molecules that have been
found in the outer galaxy.