day 1 depression lesson plan

Lesson Plan
Unit: Mental and Emotional Health
Materials Needed: ppdepression, case study, Kyle’s story, lyrics to How to Save a Life, notes on depression, depression case
Daily focus: depression
Obj 9.MEH.2.1: I will identify the causes and symptoms of depression
Obj: 9.MEH.2.2: I will design help-seeking strategies for dealing with depression.
Essential Question: What are the causes and symptoms of depression? What should you do if you or a friend may be suffering
from depression?
Students will know: coping strategies for sadness; signs and symptoms of depression, resources to help with depression
Vocabulary: depression, suicide, psychologist, psychiatrist
Writing: write case study on depression
Inquiry: Why does sadness and depression affect teenagers?
Collaboration: Partner assignment to evaluate and create a case study on depression; present to class
Reading: lyrics to song, case study on depression
Class Agenda:
Warm up:
1. Song: How to Save a Life (with lyrics to read along)
2. Kyle’s Story and discussion
Activating Strategy:
1. Class discussion
2. Continuum Class Activity
a. Activity explained on PowerPoint
3. Video clips (video clip from teenagers with depression)
Facilitated Learning
1. Teacher: Notes: causes, symptoms, strategies to deal with depression
2. Student: Balance Activity
a. Have 2 students stand on 1 foot in front of classroom. As they struggle to maintain their balance. Give out the
help-seeking strategies (laminate and make a necklace with string) to different students and allow them to help
one of the students balance
3. Student: Analyze Video Clip
4. Teacher: Empathy notes
5. Student: Role Play being empathetic to a situation
6. Student: If time: Partner assignment:
a. read case study on depression
b. create personal case study
c. present to class
1. True stories on overcoming depression
Literacy Connection: reading case studies and writing personal case studies
Summative Assessment: creating personal case study
21st Century Skills:
Use of technology
Accepting leadership roles in a partnership
Problem Solving with real life application
Real life application
Taking care of health
Lesson appeals to a variety of learners (auditory, visual, hands on application, presenters)
PowerPoint with pictures and simplified notes
Music Video “story”
Hands on Application of analyzing scenarios
Strategic pairing of students (allowing teacher to work with low level students)
Open-ended assignment allows for creativity and higher-level thinking
Depth and complexity questioning
Lesson Plan Reflection: