
The Goonies Film Analysis
CO State Standard:
 (3.3) Writing and Composition – Grammar, language usage, mechanics, and clarity are the basis
of ongoing refinements and revisions within the writing process
MYP Criterion D – Using Language:
Use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structure, and forms of expression
Write in a register and style that serves the content and the intention
Use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation
Spell and write with accuracy
DOK 1&
MYP Rubric
The Student:
 Effectively uses a range of appropriate
vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of
 Writes and speaks in a consistently
appropriate register and style that serve the
context and intention.
 Uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with
a high degree of accuracy; errors are minor
and communication is effective.
 Spells/writes and pronounces with a high
degree of accuracy; errors are minor and
communication is effective.
The Student:
 Uses a varied range of appropriate
vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of
expression competently.
 Writes and speaks competently in a register
and style that serve the context and
 Uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with
considerable degree of accuracy; errors do
not hinder communication.
 Spells/writes and pronounces with a
considerable degree of accuracy; errors do
not hinder effective communication.
The Student:
 Uses an adequate range of appropriate
vocabulary and forms of expression.
 Sometimes writes and speaks in a register
and style that serve the context and
 Uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with
some degree of accuracy; errors sometimes
hinder communication.
 Spells/writes and pronounces with some
degree of accuracy; errors sometimes
hinder communication.
Task-Specific Clarification
 The student will demonstrate sophisticated and
stylistic use of standard English grammar, usage,
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in writing (a
& b)
 The student will apply knowledge of language to
make engaging and effective choices for style (c)
o The student will consistently write in the past
tense and in a creative storytelling style
 The student will produce consistently clear, strong,
and sophisticated writing that demonstrates
perceptive knowledge of purpose, genre, and
structure of Hero and the Quest story (d)
 The student will use technology to produce and
publish individual writing (f)
 The student will demonstrate consistent and mostly
correct use of standard English grammar, usage,
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in writing (a
& b)
 The student will apply knowledge of language to
make effective choices for style (c)
o The student will consistently write in the past
tense and in a creative storytelling style
 The student will produce clear and coherent writing
that demonstrates adequate knowledge of purpose,
genre, and structure of mythic story (d)
 The student will use technology to produce and
publish individual writing (f)
 The student will demonstrate inconsistent and/or
incorrect use of standard English grammar, usage,
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in writing (a
& b)
 The student will apply limited knowledge of
language to make effective choices for style (c)
o The student will sometimes write in the past tense
and in a creative storytelling style
 The student may produce unclear or incoherent
writing that does not demonstrates adequate
understanding of purpose, genre, and structure of
mythic story (d)
 The student will use technology to produce and
publish individual writing (f)
The Goonies Film Analysis
CO State Standard:
 (3.2) Writing and Composition – Organizational writing patterns inform or persuade an
MYP Criterion A – Analyzing:
1. Analyze the content, context, language, structure, technique & style of text(s) and the
relationships among texts.
2. Analyze the effects of the creator’s choices on an audience.
3. Justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology.
4. Evaluate similarities and differences by connecting features across and within genres and texts.
DOK 1&
MYP Rubric Expectations
Task-Specific Clarification
The Student:
 Provides perceptive analysis of the content,
context, language, structure, technique, style of
text(s), and the relationship among texts.
 Perceptively analyzes the effects of the creator’s
choices on an audience.
 Gives detailed justification of opinions and ideas
with a range of examples, and thorough
explanations; uses accurate terminology.
 Perceptively compares and contrasts by
making extensive connections in features across
and within genres and texts.
The Student:
 Competently analyzes the content, context,
language, structure, technique, style of text(s),
and the relationship among texts.
 Competently analyzes the effects of the creator’s
choices on an audience.
 Sufficiently justifies opinions and ideas with
examples and explanations; uses accurate
 Evaluates similarities and differences by making
substantial connections in features across and
within genres and texts.
The Student:
 Provides adequate analysis of the content,
context, language, structure, technique and style
of text(s), and the relationship among texts.
 Provides adequate analysis of the effects of the
creator’s choices on an audience.
 Justifies opinions and ideas with some examples
and explanations, though this may not be
consistent; uses some terminology.
 Evaluates some similarities and differences by
making adequate connections in features across
and within genres and texts.
 The student will write a sophisticated analysis
of their story that demonstrates a perceptive
understanding of the elements of the Hero’s
Quest story
 The student will demonstrate a perceptive and
strong application of terminology associated
with the Hero’s Quest story in their analysis
 The student will write explanatory texts to
examine and convey complex ideas, concepts,
and information clearly and accurately through
the purposeful selection, organization, and
analysis of content (a)
 The student will write a general analysis of their
story that demonstrates an adequate
understanding of the elements of a myth
 The student will demonstrate a sufficient
application of terminology associated with
 The student will write explanatory texts to
demonstrate adequate knowledge of concepts
and information through the effective selection,
organization, and analysis of content (a)
 The student will write an incomplete analysis of
their story that demonstrates a limited
understanding of the elements of a myth
The student will demonstrate a limited or
incorrect application or understanding of
terminology associated with myths