Lesson Plan Castle Proper

KS1/2 Short-Term Lesson Plan
Programme of Study: History
Year Group:
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding:
Activity: Northampton Castle Introduction
Learning Intentions: To be able to identify key features of Northampton Castle and facts related to its construction and demolition
Progression of Learning and Teaching:
Key Teaching Points
 Give brief introduction about the Medieval Period and key historical facts surrounding the Castle (Built during reign of William the
Conqueror, Held trial of Thomas Becket, Demolished during reign of Charles II after the 1666 Restoration)
 Give examples of types of Castles built in this period and ask children who would live in a Castle.
 Show PowerPoint about the History of the Castle
Activities and Experiences:
 Draw a replica Castle or make a Castle out of Junk Modelling or paper maché in small groups of 5-6 children.
 Write a leaflet, poster or article (depending on age of children) advertising the castle as if still in use today. Emphasis on literacy
and use of persuasive writing techniques.
Conclusion/ Plenary:
 Quiz about Castle and surrounding History
 Write a brief history of the Castle
 Teacher led questions about what they have learned throughout the session
Points to Remember:
Key Learning & Teaching Strategies
Paper Mache, Junk Modelling, Quiz,
Key Vocabulary:
Key Questions:
Who would live in a Castle?
What would it be made out of?
How long do you think it would take
to build?
How do you think it was built?
What would happen inside the
Cross Curricular Links:
Literacy: Persuasive writing techniques, Correct Punctuation and Grammar
Geography: How the position of the Castle relates to local geography e.g. Closeness to River for trading and commerce
Success Criteria:
 Able to describe in some detail the history of Castle and the type of structure it was
 Explanation of how Castle links into history of the surrounding areas and buildings.
Evaluation/ Next Steps:
Assessment Methods:
Teacher led Questions at end of
session and examples of work and
explanation of how it was created.