Final Exam Study Guide

Name ______________________________ Date __________ Class Period _________ Test Date: Friday, 6/7
6th Grade Final Exam Study Guide
Scientific Investigation skills:
Use the following words: conclusion, hypothesis, problem, research, experiment, observation.
1. ________________ Refers back to the hypothesis and compares results. Describes what you learned and
didn't learn. Tells whether you hypothesis was supported or not supported.
2. ________________ Information gathered from books, the internet and other resources about the
3. ________________ An educated prediction using the If I do ______ then _____ will happen.
4. ________________The step that states a question about what you're going to experiment on.
5. ________________ The step that describes by using your 5 senses and recording what you see/measure in
an organized way.
6. _________________ A detailed list of materials and instructions on how to test your hypothesis.
Use the following words: conclusion, hypothesis, problem, research, experiment, observation.
7. _________________ The scientists writes, "Therefore I suggest that my hypothesis was supported because
the salt water freezes at a lower temperature then the fresh.
8. _________________ A scientist wants to find out: Does sea water freezes at a lower temperature than
fresh water?
9. _________________ The scientist creates a list that includes, 2 beakers, 2 liters of water, 70 grams of
table salt, refrigerator. Then the scientist does the following in the laboratory:
1. Fills 2 beakers each with 1 liter of fresh water
2. Dissolves 35 grams of table salt in one of the beakers.
3. Places both beakers in a refrigerator whose temperature is -1 C.
4. Leave s the beaker in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
10. __________________ My prediction is that if I put a beaker of freshwater and a beaker of saltwater in
the freezer then the freshwater will freeze first.
11. __________________ The scientist used information from prior experiments and from books on salt
water and freshwater to gather information for his experiment.
12. ___________________ After 24 hours in a freezer set at 32°F the scientist examines the both beakers
and finds the fresh water to be frozen. The salt water is still liquid.
Label each example below with the correct measurements.
13. _____________
15. _____________
16. _____________ 17.______________
Our Solar System
Use the following words: gravity, comet, meteor, asteroid, rotation, revolution, year, day, tides, one, mercury,
Gemini, Apollo, Space Shuttle
20. __________ Chunks of metal or stone that orbit the sun freely, not in a group.
21. __________ Spheres of dusty ice that have a tail and orbit the sun freely. Their tails can be millions of
miles long.
22. __________ Pieces of metal or stone that fall through the Earth's atmosphere and burn up. The burning
material is often called a "shooting star".
23. __________ The force of attraction between objects. This causes the planets and other space objects to
maintain their elliptical orbit around the sun.
24.___________ Space object made of rock, metal or a combination of the two. Most lie in a belt between
Mars and Jupiter and can be quite large.
25. ____________ The amount of time it takes the Earth to revolve around the sun 1 time
26.____________ To orbit or move around another object.
27.____________ The amount of time it takes for the Earth to spin one time on its axis.
28.____________ To spin on an axis
29. ____________ The gravitational pull of the moon on the Earth’s oceans and other bodies of water.
30. ____________ Number of stars in our solar system.
31. _____________ Space program that flew astronauts to the moon to explore the moon. (1965-1972)
32. _____________ First space program to launch humans on rockets. (1940-1950’s)
33. _____________ Space program that practice traveling in space & docking rockets.
34. _____________ Space program that used a reusable, plane like rocket. Use to carry large objects/conduct experiments.
35. Label the picture day & night.
36. Label summer, fall, winter & spring.
37. Label the moon phases.
38. Write the 8 planets in order from the sun.
39. Which 4 planets are big, gassy, have many
moons, & long years because of their distance from
the sun?
The Sun:
40. Which 4 planets are smaller, rocky, few moons,
and shorter years because they are closer to the
Vocabulary review: atoms, elements, subatomic particles, nucleus, shells
41. ______________________ are the 3 smaller pieces found inside an atom.
42. ______________________ are the building block of matter/smallest part of matter.
43. ______________________ are pure substances made of only one type of atom.
44. ______________________ is the heavy center of the atom.
45. ______________________ energy levels around the nucleus where electrons are moving.
Vocabulary review: proton, electron, neutron, L shell, M shell, K shell
46. _______________________ holds 2 electrons.
47. _______________________ is the positive subatomic particle found in the nucleus.
48. ______________________ holds 8 electrons.
49. ______________________ is the negative subatomic particle found outside the nucleus.
50.______________________ holds 18 electrons.
Vocabulary review: element symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, proton, electron, neutron, element
symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, element name
51._______________ number that tells the number of protons PLUS neutrons.
52. _______________ letter(s) that chemically represent each element
53. _______________ number that tells the number of protons and electrons.
54. _______________
55. _______________
56. _______________
57. ________________
58. ________________
59. ________________
60. ________________
Use the following words: renewable, transformation, biomass, the sun, geothermal, solar, kinetic,
potential, fossil fuels, chemical, wind, hydropower, non-renewable
61. ___________________stored energy of position or structure
61. ___________________energy of motion or movement
63. __________________ Energy that was created from dead plants/animals that were under heat and
pressure for millions of years. Coal, oil, gas were created into hydrocarbons that can be used as fuel.
64. __________________energy that comes directly from the sun.
65. __________________energy that hasn't been used yet. Batteries, food, and wood are examples. Energy is
release when bonds between atoms are broken.
66. __________________ energy that comes from water heated by hot magma inside the Earth. Usually
creates steam to turn a turbine.
67. __________________energy created from the uneven heating of the Earth's surface.
68. __________________energy created from the burning of plant material, animal waste, trash and wood.
Often a methane gas is released that can be used as a fuel.
69. __________________energy created by moving water. Usually involves dams on rivers.
70. __________________how energy changes from one type of energy to another.
71. _________________energy that can be recycle/reused again and again. Includes solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and bio-mass energy.
72. __________________energy that cannot be recycled or reused. The Earth will eventually run out of these fossil fuels.
73. __________________ Source of all energy sources except geothermal & nuclear.
74. What are the 5 renewable energy sources?
75. What are the 4 non-renewable.
76. Write the energy transformation for the following object
Heat in Our atmosphere
Write the correct word for each definition. Use: conduction, convection, radiation, convection currents
77.) ____________________________ The process of warm air rising, cold air sinking in a repeated pattern.
78.) ______________________________ heat transferred though a liquid or a gas
79.) ______________________________ heat transferred directly from one solid to the next through direct contact.
80.) ______________________________ heat transferred through electromagnetic waves
Write the correct word for each definition. Use: The Earth’s energy budget, wind,
Greenhouse effect, The sun, greenhouse gases
81.) _________________________ The concept that certain gases trap heat in our atmosphere.
82.) __________________________ This is responsible for powering the atmosphere, oceans, causing weather,
providing heat, light, energy, and causing life processes.
83.) __________________________ The unequal heating and cooling of land and water that causes air to move.
84.) __________________________ The concept that energy in our atmosphere is balanced by being absorbed and reflected.
__________________________ methane, water vapor, carbon dioxide
86. Draw and label an illustration of warm air and cold air for each box. Beside each box tell 3 facts.
d. _______________
b. ___________________
e. _______________
c. ___________________
f. _______________
Water & Watersheds
Use the following words: surface tension, water, adhesion, polor, cohesion, hydrogen & oxygen,
condensation, hydrogen, oxygen, positive, positive, negative
88. ____________ _____________The two elements that make up water.
89. ___________________ The act of water molecules sticking together.
90. ___________________The Universal Solvent
91.____________________ The act of water sticking to other substances.
92. ____________________ The act of cohesion forming a “skin” on the surface of water.
93. ______________________The process of water vapor turning into a liquid when cooling.
94. _____________________ The process of water changing from a liquid to a gas when heat is added.
95. ____________________ Water is considered this because it has a 2 positive and a negative end.
96. ______________________
97. ______________________
98. ______________________
99. ______________________
100. ______________________
101. ______________________
102. Why does ice float?
Use the following words: macroinvertebrates, biotic, abiotic, topographic, pollutant, divides, estuary,
tributary, watershed, ecosystem
103. _________________A system formed by interactions between a community of living and non-living things in an
104. ___________________All the land that drains water into a waterway.
105. ____________________A body of water that contributes its flow to a large body of water.
106. ____________________A partially enclosed body of water where freshwater and salt water mix. Along coastlines
and the Chesapeake Bay is the largest in North America.
107. _____________________Points of higher ground that separate different watersheds.
108. _____________________Substance that contaminates/harms the environment.
109. _____________________A map that shows the land features of an area.
110. _____________________The factors in an ecosystem that are not living; water, sun, air, land.
111. _____________________The factors in an ecosystem that are living-plants, animals, insects.
112. _____________________Small animals without backbones, includes insects, larvae, snails and clams. A good
indication of good water quality.