The latest in equine laminitis by Dr. Sallie Hyman from DVM360

Recent advances in veterinary equine laminitis
Feb 01, 2015
By Sallie S. Hyman, DVM, DACVIM, CVA
In addition to promising treatment options, veterinary equine researchers are working to
identify horses at risk for laminitis before the debilitating disease sets in.
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Laminitis has been around for millions of years. However, only in the last century (and primarily over
the past 25 years) have we dramatically expanded our understanding of the pathophysiology,
potential treatment protocols and prevention methods for this equine disease. Our ability to treat and
prevent laminitis is still in its infancy, compared with the millions of years it has been afflicting
Laminitis classification
We now understand that there are four main forms of laminitis: endocrinopathic, sepsis-induced or
systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)-associated laminitis, support- or contra laterallimb laminitis and traumatic laminitis.
In endocrinopathic laminitis, hyperinsulinemia and elevated ACTH concentrations (Cushing’s
disease) are the main triggers. Risk factors include obese horses, those with pituitary pars
intermedia dysfunction and those with equine metabolic syndrome (EMS).
Endotoxemia or sepsis may cause sepsis-induced laminitis, which involves increased levels of
inflammatory mediators (cytokines) such as chemokines and tissue necrosis factor (TNF), among
others. Matrix metalloproteinases can become up-regulated with the inflammatory cascade and play
a role in the breakdown of the basement membrane and separation of the epidermal and dermal
lamellar tissue.
Support limb laminitis may be a result of altered blood flow in the foot because of a decrease of
loading and unloading. Glucose metabolism may also be affected during overloading of the support
limb, which can contribute to lamellar damage.
Disease progression
Each form of laminitis has its own unique triggers, but at some point in the disease progression, the
results are the same—an inflamed and damaged lamina (see “Anatomy of laminitis” on page E8). In
recent years, we’ve acquired a better understanding of disease progression. Laminitis is divided into
four phases: developmental, acute, sub-acute and chronic.
Developmental phase This phase is the period between the initial incident or exposure to the
causative agent up to the onset of clinical signs (which may include lameness, increase in digital
pulses with or without fever). It generally lasts 24 to 60 hours.
Acute phase This phase is defined by the onset of clinical signs, including bounding digital pulses,
lameness, heat and possible response to hoof testing. If the horse doesn’t experience mechanical
failure of the foot, the acute phase is over within 72 hours of the onset of clinical signs and is
followed by the sub-acute or chronic phase.
Sub-acute phase This phase occurs if there is minimal damage to the lamellae and no radiographic
evidence of rotation or sinking of the third phalanx (P3). This is an important time to prevent disease
recurrence and to heal the foot. Clinical signs that were seen in the acute phase will resolve in the
sub-acute phase, and the horse will become sound with healing. This phase can last up to several
Chronic phase This phase is initiated if lamellar damage is not controlled and rotation or distal
displacement (sinking) of P3 occurs. Chronic laminitis can cause coffin bone remodeling and
decreased sole concavity (dropped sole). Development of a lamellar wedge (in other words,
disorganized hypertrophied lamella or “scar horn”) can also result. This will cause an improper
interdigitation of the lamellae between the coffin bone and hoof capsule. There can also be damage
to the solar dermis, preventing growth.
Prevention and treatment
Despite our new and better understanding of laminitis pathophysiology, treatment continues to pose a
challenge. Ideally, veterinarians would be able to identify horses at risk for developing laminitis and better
manage them through diet, exercise and medications (for example, pergolide for Cushing’s disease, metformin
for EMS) so they never get to the developmental stage of laminitis, says James Orsini, DVM, DACVS,
associate professor of surgery and director of the Laminitis Institute at the University of Pennsylvania’s New
Bolton Center.
Orsini and researchers at the New Bolton Center are looking at improved ways to identify the at-risk horse,
using epidemiology studies before the developmental phase sets in and biomarkers during the developmental
phase. Their goal is to develop a stall-side test.
Once a horse develops laminitis, there are several newer treatment modalities to address the pain and aid in
Cryotherapy For horses with sepsis or SIRS, initiating cryotherapy at the start of the illness can be beneficial.
How and when the veterinarian institutes cryotherapy is critical to its success. At the University of
Pennsylvania, Orsini and Andrew Van Eps, BVSc, PhD, MACVSc, DACVIM, studied the best methods for
adequately cooling the feet of at-risk horses. It’s generally accepted that cold therapy should be continuous for
48 to 72 hours, during the entire developmental phase and for another 24 hours beyond the end of clinical signs
of the primary disease. It’s important to include the foot, pastern, fetlock and distal cannon region in the cold
therapy for the best results and to maintain intimate cold contact with the limb to achieve therapeutic
temperature ranges.
The suggested range for therapy is from 41 to 50 F (5 to 10 C). To achieve intimate contact, crushed ice is
preferable to ice cubes. Ice wraps were not suitable because of their size and the air space created between the
wrap and the leg. Dry cold therapy provided by a Game Ready Equine system (CoolSystems Inc.) provided the
most intimate contact and also provided intermittent pressure that may aid in blood and lymphatic flow.
Treatment should continue 24 hours beyond resolution of the primary disease. New studies are demonstrating
the benefit of cryotherapy in the early acute phase.
Pain Management Pain management has improved despite the fact that phenylbutazone and flunixin
meglumine are still the primary NSAIDS in use. Orsini says that the administration of newer cyclooxygenase-2
(COX-2) inhibitors, such as firocoxib (Equioxx—Merial), make better sense and seem particularly useful in
many of the chronic laminitis cases.
Mechanical Support Methods for mechanical support have improved in recent years, and all are designed to
relieve forces on the laminar tissue, unload the sole corium (especially at the toe) and move the break-over
back to improve comfort and stimulate sole growth. These include roller shoes, synthetic shock-absorbing
shoes that reduce vibration and glue-on shoes. Pour-in pad products or dental impression material can also
provide sole support. Soft-Ride (Soft-Rider Inc.) boots are another option.
To provide mechanical support and stability that allow the foot to grow, Scott Morrison, DVM, of Rood and
Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky, says that using a deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) tenotomy
combined with derotational shoeing can help many cases. “A normal horse is a toe loader. With rotation of P3,
you get pressure on the sole corium that prevents it from growing,” says Morrison. “If you cut the DDFT, you
move the load back. Once you shoe the foot to get the coffin bone parallel to the ground, you have relieved the
pressure, and the sole corium will grow.”
Bisphosphonates Both Orsini and Morrison agree that bone disease of P3 is occurring earlier in the disease
process than once thought and before it is radiographically apparent. Inflammation of P3 leads to bone loss.
Data are still lacking, but science suggests that bisphosphonate drugs such as Tildren (Ceva) and Osphos
(Dechra) may be beneficial. By decreasing ostoeclastic activity, the drugs can help stop bone pain, damage and
Stem cell therapy. Also promising, stem cells are thought to help in the repair phase after rotation, and
Morrison thinks they can influence healing in the lamellar zone. Treatment is via regional limb perfusion. As
the lamellae begin to heal, the process often occurs in an unorganized and a hypertrophied manner. This can
result in a lamellar wedge—a thick, rubbery unstable mass of tissue that prevents proper attachment of the
coffin bone to the hoof capsule.
The critical period of lamellar wedge formation appears to be 60 days after rotation, so the critical period for
stem cell therapy would be before the 60-day mark. Once the lamellar wedge forms, stem cell therapy does not
appear to change or improve this tissue. “Cases that are treated with stem cells early after rotation
radiographically heal back tighter,” Morrison says. Stem cells are an exciting adjunctive therapy, but
differentiation of stem cells would be an improvement, he adds. A cell that is more specific and effective for
laminar tissue could improve outcomes.
When it comes to laminitis therapies, progress is slow, says Orsini. Future research will include exploring
better ways to deliver matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors more cost effectively as a potential treatment for
sepsis-induced laminitis, as well as exploring the role of stem cells and other regenerative therapies.
Dr. Sallie S. Hyman is an equine veterinarian with Total Equine
Veterinary Associates (TEVA) and a veterinary writer in
Purcellville, Virginia.