4. Water Chemistry – Dissolved Oxygen, Phosphorus and Trophic State Draft Guiding Question: comedian Johnny Carson described Lake Erie as “the place where fish go to die”. In 1969 an NBC documentary declared the entire lake dead. The scientific community indicted phosphorus discharges, aided and abetted by the thermal stratification process, as the perpetrators of the crime. Describe the interaction between nutrient loads, the mixing regime and the needs of aquatic organisms that forms the basis for this indictment. A comprehensive examination of topics relating to Great Lakes water chemistry could easily occupy hundreds of pages. These systems exhibit seasonally and spatially diverse chemistries, attracting the attention of environmental scientists for decades and yielding a body of knowledge supporting a dedicated outlet, the Journal of Great Lakes Research. Management of the lakes with respect to water chemistry, however, focuses on two topic areas: the persistent bioaccumulative toxins treated in Section 9 and the phosphorus – algae – oxygen dynamic examined here. Among the general rules established under the Clean Water Act (formally, the 1972 amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act; see Section 10), is that ‘fishable/swimmable’ conditions are to be achieved for all of the Nation’s waters. Fundamental to such conditions is the maintenance of adequate concentrations of dissolved oxygen. Absent consumptive chemical or biological processes, levels of oxygen in lakes remain in equilibrium with the essentially constant partial pressure of the gas in the atmosphere and concentrations are said to be at saturation. This relationship is described by Henry’s Law where dissolved oxygen concentrations increase as water temperature decreases due to the impact of temperature on the Henry’s Law coefficient (equilibrium constant). For the range of temperatures typically observed in Great Lakes waters (0-25 C), saturation oxygen concentrations range from approximately 8-14 mg·L-1. Biological and chemical consumption of 1 oxygen in lakes is balanced by reaeration, i.e. transfer of the gas across the air-water interface. The rate of reaeration increases with temperature, turbulence at the air-water interface and the degree of departure from saturation. In the spring and fall, when the water column in the Great Lakes is well mixed, oxygen concentrations are near-saturation (~13 mg·L-1 at 4 C) from surface to bottom. During summer stratification (see Section 3), mixing between well-aerated surface waters (the epilimnion) and bottom waters (the hypolimnion) becomes limited. Microbial consumption and respiration of particulate organic matter (largely algae) settling to the lake bottom exerts a sediment oxygen demand (SOD; see Section 7), the magnitude of which is proportional to the degree to which the lake receives fertilizing nutrients. In Lake Superior, where nutrient levels are low and consumptive processes are negligible, oxygen levels remain near saturation and the summer depth profile tracks that of temperature (Figure 4.1a). More highly enriched systems such as Lake Erie and Green Bay in Lake Michigan harbor organicrich sediments which exert a significant demand on oxygen resources. In this case, bottom water oxygen resources are consumed over the summer with little replenishment from surface waters (limited vertical mixing) and hypoxia (oxygen < 2 ppm) or anoxia (absence of oxygen) may result (Figure 4.1b). Hypoxia in Lake Erie covers much of the system’s central basin (Figure 4.2), an area roughly equivalent to the combined size of Delaware and Rhode Island. Re-supply of oxygen to bottom waters occurs at turnover. Oxygen depletion under the ice in winter, a common feature of ponds and shallow, inland lakes is not an important phenomenon in the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (see Section 10) states that oxygen in hypolimnetic waters should not be less that that necessary for the support of fish life and 2 specifically calls for restoration of the required levels of oxygen to the bottom waters of the central basin of Lake Erie. However, the engineered approaches used to address the problem in ponds and small inland lakes, increasing oxygen input through mechanical mixing or hypolimnetic aeration, are not feasible for systems the size of the Great Lakes. Thus, attention must turn to reducing the degree of anthropogenic impact on ecosystem processes resulting in oxygen consumption. In his classic text on Surface Water Quality Modeling, Dr. Steven C. Chapra introduces the concept of slow and fast response times (eigenvalues) for the water and sediment components of lakes. Supported by rates of flushing and reaction typically much faster than those of the sediments, the water column will respond to changes in the input of fertilizing materials more rapidly. Sediments, containing a substantial fraction of the materials discharged to and produced within lakes over decades, will require an extended period to reach equilibrium with the ‘remediated’ water column lying above them. The first step in initiating that response is to implement controls on sources of the fertilizing nutrients stimulating algal growth and attendant accumulation of organic matter in the sediment. Like all plants, algae require light, a temperature consistent with their growth optimum and a suite of nutrients to support growth. The requirement for some nutrients is a significant fraction of the total plant biomass (macronutrients, e.g. N, P and K) and for others much less so (micronutrients, e.g. Fe, Mn, Zn). Leibig’s Law of the Minimum (Figure 4.3), formulated and popularized in the 19th Century, states that plant growth will be is limited by the nutrient present in the smallest amount relative its requirement. In the Great Lakes, this growth- limiting nutrient is phosphorus. As phosphorus is added to the lakes, algal growth (water level in Figure 4.3) increases until the next nutrient, present in the least amount relative to the needs 3 of the algae, becomes limiting. Phosphorus-rich waters will exhibit a drawdown in nutrients such as silicon and nitrate over the growing (Figure 4.4), however this does not result in a limitation on production of total algal biomass. Rather, shifts in the algal species contributing to the phytoplankton community occur, with diatoms declining in abundance as silica is depleted and nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria increasing in abundance as fixed inorganic nitrogen ( NH 3 , NO3 ) concentrations fall. The degree to which a lake is supplied with nutrients is described by its trophic state (from the Greek trophe or nourishment). Trophic state categorized based on the TP concentration and lakes of a particular trophic state share certain characteristics: oligotrophic poorly nourished, TP <10 ppb, low levels of algae, high water clarity and abundant hypolimnetic oxygen reserves; mesotrophic - moderately nourished, TP 10-20 ppb; and eutrophic - well nourished, high levels of algae, poor water clarity and oxygen-depleted hypolimnia, TP >20. It is generally assumed that all of the Great Lakes were oligotrophic following the retreat of the glaciers (see Section 1) and that they are moving along a natural continuum of nutrient enrichment (eutrophication) that will transform them into dry land in a period of thousands of years. The rate of enrichment has, however, been vastly accelerated through anthropogenic activity (cultural eutrophication), leading to a contemporary interest in reducing nutrient levels and returning the lakes to a trophic state condition consistent with the geology of their watersheds (see Section 1). An extensive body of scientific study, including the dramatic divided lake experiment of Dr. David W. Schindler (Figure 4.5), has clearly identified phosphorus as the driving force behind excessive algal growth leading to oxygen depletion, nuisance growth of the attached alga 4 Cladophora and proliferation of harmful algal blooms (HABs; see Section 5). Phosphorus is thus the appropriate focus for management. Work pursuant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (see Section 10) established guidelines for in-lake total phosphorus concentrations and trophic state (Table 4.1) and called for the allocation of total phosphorus loads to meet these guidelines. A suite of mathematical models (e.g. Figure 4.6) were used to calculate the target load which would yield the lake response called for in the guidelines. The major point and nonpoint sources of phosphorus to the Great Lakes were identified (Table 4.1) and loading reductions were sought by: (1) requiring all municipal waste treatment facilities discharging more than one million gallons per day to the Great Lakes or waters tributary to the Great Lakes to achieve an effluent TP concentration of 1 ppm, (2) placing restrictions on the phosphorus content of detergents and (3) implementing phosphorus management plans for urban and agricultural nonpoint sources. The response to implementation of load reductions has, in some cases, been dramatic (Table 4.2). For example, TP levels in Lake Ontario declined to one-third of their 1979s concentrations, moving the trophic state from eutrophy to oligotrophy. TP in Lake Erie declined by about one-half, a monumental achievement in this heavily loaded system, with trophic state conditions in the eastern and central basins approaching mesotrophy. It is only in the shallow water of Lake Erie’s western basin that eutrophic conditions persist. Total phosphorus concentrations in Lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron have declined slightly, maintaining the target trophic state of oligotrophy. The Great Lakes phosphorus story is, however, not yet fully told. For example, rather than declining in response to changes in phosphorus loading, the areal extent of hypoxia in the 5 central basin of Lake Erie has recently expanded. And, the oligotrophication of Lake Ontario has been decried by the sport fishing industry due to suspicion that attendant changes in food web dynamics are unfavorable for the support of target recreational species, e.g. salmonids. However, perhaps the most challenging issue lying before the Great Lakes scientific community is to understand and incorporate in management plans the dramatic changes in patterns of phosphorus cycling initiated through colonization by invasive zebra and quagga mussels. The total phosphorus analyte consists of three fractions: soluble reactive P which is fully and immediately available to algae and dissolved organic particulate phosphorus, fractions of which may eventually be made available to algae through enzymatic hydrolysis. The particulate fraction yields it phosphorus slowly and thus is transported out of the Great Lakes nearshore and deposited in deep waters before it can be made available to algae (Figure 4.7a). Attached algae (Cladophora) and phytoplankton (including cyanobacteria, HABs) then compete for the remainder, i.e. the dissolved fraction. Filter-feeding mussels impact this cycle in two ways: first by capturing particulate-P and releasing it to nearshore waters as dissolved-P and second by consuming phytoplankton and recycling the P contained therein (Figure 4.7b). The effect of this phosphorus shunt (as conceptualized by Dr. Robert E. Hecky) is to re-structure phosphorus cycling in the Great Lakes nearshore in a manner that favors organisms which are not grazed (e.g. HABs species and Cladophora). While an appropriate management response to this change in the function of the Great Lakes has not yet been formulated, scientists and engineers laying the groundwork for a proposed revision of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement have recognized that nuisance conditions may be experienced in nearshore areas even as water quality objectives are met in offshore waters. 6 Table 4.1. Top-ranked point and nonpoint source total phosphorus loads to the Great Lakes (metric tons·yr-1) . Provided courtesy of D. M. Dolan, University of Wisconsin – Green Bay. a. Nonpoint Sources River Load Discharging To 1. Maumee River 2947 Lake Erie 2. Sandusky River 741 Lake Erie 3. Fox River 630 Lake Michigan 4. Cuyahoga River 586 Lake Erie 5. Thames River 533 Lake Erie Discharger Load Discharging To Detroit WWTP 662 Lake Erie Toronto Metro WPCP 269 Lake Ontario b. Point Sources Birds Island (Buffalo) WWTP Cleveland Metro WWTP Rochester WWTP 161 157 145 Lake Ontario Lake Erie Lake Ontario 7 Table 4.2. Great Lakes phosphorus and trophic state management: targets and status. Lake TP Load (metric tons·yr-1) TP Concentration (gP·L-1) Trophic State (TP-based) 19761 Target1,2 20063 1970s4 Target1 2000s4 1970s5 Target1 2000s5 Superior 4212 3400 6512 3.8 5 2.8 O O O Michigan 6700 5600 3037 5.9 7 3.9 O O O Huron 5050 4360 3018 4.6 5 4.1 O O O 52.9 15 28.3 E M E 20.2 10 12.6 E O-M M 19.8 10 12.3 E O-M M 21.5 10 7.3 E O-M O Erie western basin Erie central basin Erie eastern basin 20000 Ontario 11000 11000 7000 8924 5287 Trophic state abbreviations: O, oligotrophic; O-M, oligomesotrophic, M, mesotrophic; E, eutrophic 1Phosphorus Management Strategies Task Force. 1980. Phosphorus Management for the Great Lakes. Final Report to the International Joint Commission. Great Lakes Water Quality Board and Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Windsor, ON. 125 pp. 2Great Lakes Water quality Agreement, Annex 3 3Courtesy 4State of D.M. Dolan, University of Wisconsin – Green Bay. of the Lakes 2009. 5Based on the trophic state classification of Chapra 1997. 8 Figure 4.1. Depth profiles of dissolved oxygen and temperature in (a) Lake Superior and (b) Lake Erie during summer stratification. Bottom waters in Lake Superior have higher oxygen concentrations than surface waters due to lower temperatures. Bottom waters in Lake Erie have lower oxygen concentration than surface waters due to consumption of oxygen by the sediments. Figure 4.2. An illustration of the areal extent of hypoxia and anoxia in Lake Erie in 2005 (NOAA GLERL). 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Dissolved Oxygen (mg·L-1) 9 Figure 4.3. Liebig’s Law of the Minimum. Algal growth (level of water in the barrel) rises only as high as the shortest stave (limiting nutrient). Increasing the concentration of that nutrient (raising the stave height) allows algal growth to increase to the level where it is limited by the next nutrient least in supply with respect to its growth requirement. Figure 4.4. Elevated levels of phosphorus can cause concentrations of other nutrients to be drawn down leading, in the case of silica to reductions in the number of silica-demanding diatoms and in the case of nitrate to proliferation of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. These data from Lake Ontario were collected by Dr. J.C. Makarewicz of SUNY Brockport. 0.6 Lake Ontario 0.6 0.4 silica (2004) 0.4 0.2 nitrate (2006) 0.2 0.0 Silica (mgSiO2·L-1) Nitrate (mgN·L-1) 0.8 0.0 M J J A S O N Figure 4.5. Lake 226, the divided lake, in Canada’s Experimental Lake Area was separated into two parts with a curtain. Carbon and nitrogen were added to one side (top) and carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus to the other (bottom). The algal bloom that developed in the side receiving phosphorus helped confirm that this nutrient was limiting in freshwaters. 10 Figure 4.6. Mathematical models for total phosphorus were used to set target loads for the Great Lakes. This output from a mass balance or budget model developed by Steven C. Chapra and William C. Sonzogni provides an example of such a tool. 11 Figure 4.7. The filtering activity of mussels served to modify phosphorus cycling in the nearshore waters of the Great Lakes. Particulate phosphorus originating from the watershed and delivered largely unutilized to offshore waters and dissolved phosphorus sequestered by phytoplankton was captured by mussels and released in soluble form through this nearshore phosphorus shunt. Pre-mussels phytoplankton transport and deepwater deposition Post-mussels phytoplankton Cladophora watershed dissolved P mussels Cladophora watershed particulate P watershed dissolved P watershed particulate P 12