Scoping Study for the CPC08 Plumbing & Services Qualifications and the CPP07 Fire Protection Inspection & Testing Qualifications Draft Proposal for the redesign of CPC50612 Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design At the National Plumbing and Services Continuous Improvement Reference Group (NPSCIRG) meeting held on 1st May 2015 it was agreed to seek wider stakeholder feedback on the following proposed changes to CPC50612 Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design: delete the units from the Certificate IV qualification from the Diploma, as the Certificate IV is an entry requirement implement changes and additions as advised and in consultation with SMEs. Table 1, following, shows the units currently listed in the CPC50612 Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design and includes a column outlining the proposed treatment of units based on the decisions taken by the project governance groups (NPSCIRG and NFIRG) including input to the survey from industry practitioners and VET stakeholders. Following the table is the proposed structure of the DRAFT redesigned qualification – based on Table 1. Note STP = Standards for Training Packages Overarching issues: Some assessments are too prescriptive regarding building type and should be broadened to allow RPL on other similarly complex facilities. Operation and Maintenance Manuals are often prepared by the trade contractors – rather than the hydraulic design consultant – this is a requirement in some units. Feedback has been received from both the ABCB and the VBA that increased specificity regarding regulatory compliance is required across all units i.e. references to: NCC, PCA and AS. Draft proposal for CPC50612 Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design 12-05-15 Page 1 of 9 Scoping Study for the CPC08 Plumbing & Services Qualifications and the CPP07 Fire Protection Inspection & Testing Qualifications Table 1: Proposed redesign of units in CPC40912 Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (HSD stream) Note: Units in shaded rows are also listed in the Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Hydraulic Systems Design) qualification. The Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Hydraulic Systems Design) qualification is also an entry requirement for this Diploma qualification It is proposed to delete Certificate IV in Hydraulic Services Design units from the Diploma core/ elective core Unit code Unit title Redesign proposals NFIRG comments/decision BSBITU201A Produce simple word processed documents Delete from the qualification Embed content in relevant units – assessment must be done within context of a work task No comment core BSBITU202A Create and use spreadsheets No comment core BSBITU301A Create and use databases core BSBWRT401A Write complex documents core CPCCBC4012B core CPCCBC4034A Read and interpret plans and specifications Apply codes and standards to building trade and services contracting Replace with BSBITU402A Develop and use complex spreadsheets or develop HSD specific unit for hydraulic calculations Replace with BSBITU402A Develop and use complex spreadsheets or develop HSD specific unit for hydraulic calculations Delete from the qualification but allow a limited number of nontechnical units to be drawn-in if required Embed content in relevant units – assessment must be done within context of a work task Redesign to STP Redesign to STP No comment Draft proposal for CPC50612 Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design 12-05-15 No comment No comment No comment Page 2 of 9 Scoping Study for the CPC08 Plumbing & Services Qualifications and the CPP07 Fire Protection Inspection & Testing Qualifications core/ elective core Unit code Unit title Redesign proposals NFIRG comments/decision CPCPCM4013A Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPCM4014A Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPCM5010A Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPCM5011A Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPCM5012A Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPCM5013A Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPDR4011B Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPDR4012B Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPDR4013B Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPFS4024A CPCPGS4011C Feedback received to remove this unit Redesign to STP No comment core core CPCPPS5000B Produce 2-D architectural drawings using CAD software Prepare simple sketches and drawings Design complex sanitary plumbing and drainage systems Design complex cold water systems Design complex stormwater and roof drainage systems Design complex (non-solar) heated water systems Design and size sanitary drainage systems Design and size stormwater drainage systems Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems Design residential and domestic fire sprinkler systems Design and size consumer gas installations Design gas bulk storage systems No comment core CPCPPS5001B Design industrial gas systems core CPCPPS5002B Design gas reticulation systems Redesign to STP Move to electives – some feedback that this is not core work Redesign to STP Move to electives – some feedback that this is not core work Redesign to STP core CPCPPS5023A Design solar water heating systems Redesign to STP No comment Draft proposal for CPC50612 Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design 12-05-15 No comment No comment No comment Page 3 of 9 Scoping Study for the CPC08 Plumbing & Services Qualifications and the CPP07 Fire Protection Inspection & Testing Qualifications core/ elective core Unit code Unit title Redesign proposals NFIRG comments/decision CPCPPS5024A Conduct a water audit and identify water-saving initiatives No comment core CPCPPS5025A core CPCPPS5026A Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPPS5028A Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPPS5030A Design grey water re-use systems Design rainwater collection, storage, distribution and re-use systems Design trade waste pretreatment systems Design pump systems Redesign to STP Feedback received: Assessment requirements too prescriptive – “20 floor commercial office building” RPL should be available on other facilities and based on how many megalitres of water is used, rather than a particular building type. Redesign to STP Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPPS5032A Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPSN4011B Redesign to STP No comment core CPCPWT4011B Redesign to STP No comment core CPCSFS5001A No comment core CPCSFS5007A Create detailed designs for hydrant and hose reel systems elect CPCPCM5014A elect CPCPFS5011A Design sewer infrastructure systems Design fire sprinkler systems Feedback received - delete fire systems design from this qualification Feedback received - delete fire systems design from this qualification Redesign to STP Feedback received - delete fire systems design from this qualification No comment Design siphonic stormwater drainage systems Design and size sanitary plumbing systems Design and size heated and cold water services and systems Define scope and hazard level of fire systems design projects Draft proposal for CPC50612 Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design 12-05-15 No comment No comment No comment Page 4 of 9 Scoping Study for the CPC08 Plumbing & Services Qualifications and the CPP07 Fire Protection Inspection & Testing Qualifications core/ elective elect Unit code Unit title Redesign proposals NFIRG comments/decision CPCPMS5010A Design steam generation and distribution systems No comment elect CPCPMS5011A elect CPCPMS5012A Redesign to STP No comment elect CPCPMS5013A Redesign to STP No comment elect CPCPPS5014A Is this the work of a designer? No comment elect CPCPPS5015B Redesign to STP No comment elect CPCPPS5027A Design air conditioning and ventilation systems Design sound attenuated hydraulic services Design hydronic heating and cooling systems Locate and maintain piping systems Inspect plumbing and drainage systems Design irrigation systems Redesign to STP Feedback received: Assessment requirements too prescriptive “100-bed three-storey hospital incorporating a laundry” – RPL should be possible for other similarly complex facilities. Other feedback : not needed Redesign to STP Redesign to STP No comment elect CPCPPS5033A Redesign to STP No comment elect CPCSUS5001A Redesign to STP No comment Add theses Cert IV units to the Diploma – and remove the qualification pre-requisite: Certificate IV in Hydraulic Systems Design (all relevant units then No comment Design vacuum sewerage systems Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability Suggested additions from stakeholders BSBOHS403B Identify hazards and assess OHS risks CPCPCM4011A Carry out work-based risk control processes Draft proposal for CPC50612 Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design 12-05-15 No comment No comment Page 5 of 9 Scoping Study for the CPC08 Plumbing & Services Qualifications and the CPP07 Fire Protection Inspection & Testing Qualifications CPCPCM4012A Estimate and cost work CPCPRF4011A Design and size roof drainage systems New unit Vacuum toilets New unit Advanced fire design. New unit Fire pump selection and duties. New unit Advanced hot water distribution. Aerated stack design New unit New unit New unit Advanced potable water design for high rise building including pressure reduction. BIM procedures for documentation/modelling of hydraulic services. ‘nested’ ) Note Unit superseded and recommended to be replaced with CPCCBC4002A Manage occupational health and safety in the building and construction workplace Feedback received to add as an elective as it is required as a precursor to CPCPCM5012A Design complex stormwater and roof drainage systems unit Is a whole unit required? No comment Conflicting feedback about inclusion of FireSystems Design Conflicting feedback about inclusion of Fire Systems Design Is a whole unit required? No comment Is a whole unit required? No comment Is a whole unit required? No comment Could list or contextualise CPPBDN5013A - Develop and collaborate on building information models for small-scale building design projects No comment Draft proposal for CPC50612 Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design 12-05-15 No comment No comment No comment No comment Page 6 of 9 Scoping Study for the CPC08 Plumbing & Services Qualifications and the CPP07 Fire Protection Inspection & Testing Qualifications Proposed structrue of the Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design The Certificate IV in Hydraulic Services Design is an entry requirements for this qualification If the proposals in Table 1 are adopted, a person would be required to complete 18 units to achieve the Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design 12 core 6 electives Unit code Title Core units CPCPCM5010A Design complex sanitary plumbing and drainage systems CPCPCM5011A Design complex cold water systems CPCPCM5012A Design complex stormwater and roof drainage systems CPCPCM5013A Design complex (non-solar) heated water systems CPCPPS5002B Design gas reticulation systems CPCPPS5023A Design solar water heating systems CPCPPS5024A Conduct a water audit and identify water-saving initiatives CPCPPS5025A Design grey water re-use systems CPCPPS5026A Design rainwater collection, storage, distribution and re-use systems CPCPPS5028A Design trade waste pre-treatment systems CPCPPS5030A Design pump systems CPCPPS5032A Design siphonic stormwater drainage systems Draft proposal for CPC50612 Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design 12-05-15 Page 7 of 9 Scoping Study for the CPC08 Plumbing & Services Qualifications and the CPP07 Fire Protection Inspection & Testing Qualifications Unit code Title Elective units CPCPCM5014A Design sewer infrastructure systems CPCPMS5010A Design steam generation and distribution systems? CPCPMS5011A Design air conditioning and ventilation systems CPCPMS5012A Design sound attenuated hydraulic services CPCPMS5013A Design hydronic heating and cooling systems CPCPPS5014A Locate and maintain piping systems? CPCPPS5015B Inspect plumbing and drainage systems CPCPPS5027A Design irrigation systems CPCPPS5033A Design vacuum sewerage systems CPCSUS5001A Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability CPCPPS5000B Design gas bulk storage systems CPCPPS5001B Design industrial gas systems New unit Vacuum toilets New unit Advanced fire design. New unit Fire pump selection and duties. New unit Advanced hot water distribution. New unit Aerated stack design Draft proposal for CPC50612 Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design 12-05-15 Page 8 of 9 Scoping Study for the CPC08 Plumbing & Services Qualifications and the CPP07 Fire Protection Inspection & Testing Qualifications Unit code Title New unit Advanced potable water design for high rise building including pressure reduction. New unit BIM procedures for documentation/modelling of hydraulic services. Draft proposal for CPC50612 Diploma of Hydraulic Services Design 12-05-15 Page 9 of 9