Act 7.4 Key pages 236-239 Spain`s History

Name __________________________________
Date _______________________________Act 7.4 Key
Read and Reread Note-Taking Guide Chart for Expository Text
Title: How Did the History of Spain Affect Its Worldview? Author: Levin, Moline and Redhead
Source: Our Worldviews: Explore, Understand, Connect Pages: 236-237
First Reading
Second Reading
Third Reading
Fourth Reading
Paraphrase of first and
last paragraph of “The
Boldface type, italics,
subheadings, in order of
appearance, and needed
Paraphrase of the topic
sentence of each
Important information
from section
Starting with the arrival
of the Romans, the Iberian
Peninsula had was
continually invaded and
colonized by different
peoples. First, Christian
included the Romans,
Ostrogoths, Franks and
Visigoths. After 711 CE, the
Moors of Muslim faith
coming from North Africa
dominate the southern
region and call it Al-Andalus.
Moors: A Muslim
people of Berber and
Arab descent from
North Africa.
Spain had been ruled
by Muslims for 700
Conquistador: One
who conquers; Spanish
leaders of the
conquest of Mexico
and Peru.
For centuries, northern
Christian kingdoms,
becoming more powerful,
sought to control the
southern Muslim territory.
Given the defeat of the
Moors, regional kingdoms
persisted on the Iberian
Peninsula. With the
marriage of King Ferdinand
and Queen Isabella in 1479,
the two largest kingdoms of
Aragon and Castille were
united. Spain did not exist
as it does today, but
consisted of several
kingdoms under the
authority of a monarchy.
The Reconquista was the
movement to recapture
the Iberian land
controlled by Muslims
The Reconquista
consisted of sporadic
battles lasting over 700
After the defeat of the Muslims,
the Iberian Peninsula consisted
of various kingdoms with
regional loyalities.
Most of Europe was Christian
at the time and did not
accept Muslims and Jews.
The Kingdom of Castille
successfully reconquered
Toledo in 1085
Aragon and Catalonia
united to fight Muslim
control in the 1100s.
With the support of
the papacy, King
Ferdinand and Queen
conquistadors take
over the last Muslim
controlled city of
Granada in 1492.
Many Christians at this
time thought it their duty
to convert non-believers
and fought for both
religious and nationalistic
Summary of Article
Led by the northern kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula, the Reconquista was the
papacy endorsed movement to recapture or reconquer the lands controlled by
Muslims. This intermittent war lasted over 700 years and saw the kingdoms of
Castille, led by Queen Isabella, and Aragon, led by King Ferdinand emerge as the
uniting power of Spain by 1492. As a result of this movement, Spanish conquistadors
fight for both religious and nationalistic reasons.
Name __________________________________
Date _______________________________Act 7.4 Key
Title: How Did the History of Spain Affect its Worldview?
Author: Levin, Moline and Redhead
Source: Our Worldviews: Explore, Understand, Connect
Page: 238
I can…
I can explain the cause/effect relationship of the Spanish Inquisition.
Instructions: Complete the following chart based on the information found on page 238 under the
subsection “Spanish Inquisition”.
Cause of the Spanish Inquisition
Queen Isabella’s Reason for the Inquisition
King Ferdinand’s Reason for the Inquisition
Isabella believed that the country would be
united only if everyone followed one
Ferdinand saw the struggles around religion
as an opportunity to control people.
Event (Spanish Inquisition)
What was the Inquisition?
The Inquisition was both a civil and a religious court. Its purpose originally was to judge
those that had converted to Roman Catholicism but soon judged all citizens accused of not
following the faith.
Cause of the Spanish Inquisition
What happened because of the Inquisition?
A person found guilty could face punishments of confinement dungeons, torture or death.
Those just accused but found innocent lost property and were forbidden from holding
political office. Eventually, all Muslims and Jewish converts were expelled from Spain.
Summarize the “Spanish Inquisition” Paragraph
Green Light
Yellow Light
Red Light
The Spanish Inquisition was put into place by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand as a way to unite
and control their citizens. It was a civil and religious court that judged the Jewish and Muslim
genuineness of their conversion. Through barbaric techniques of dungeon confinement and torture,
those found guilty were possibly killed but would often be expelled from Spanish lands. The court
eventually started to judge “Cradle Catholics”. One’s life would change dramatically with even an
accusation appearing before the Inquisition; you would lose your property and your right to hold
public office.