Revised November 24, 2009 17 November 2009 at the Warrenton

Revised November 24, 2009
17 November 2009 at the Warrenton Campus
MVPTO Minutes
Those in attendance were: Kate Warzinski (President), Kevin Predmore, Jane Killian, Amy Burnett, Lori
Monfort, Maureen Dougherty, Deepti Sharma (Vice President), Cle La Monica (Faculty), Donna Lee,
Suzanne Boag (Secretary), and Deb Barbieri (Treasurer). The meeting was called to order by President
Kate Warzinski at 6:45 p.m. The minutes from the September 15, 2009 MVPTO meeting were
reviewed. Donna Lee made a motion to approve the minutes which was seconded by Deepti Sharma.
The motion passed.
The Treasurer’s Report was given by Deb Barbieri. Special note was made of a recent Alumnus donation
in the amount of $50. A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read was made by Suzanne Boag
and seconded by Donna Lee. The motion passed. The Treasurer’s report is available on the MVPTO
web page.
Cle La Monica discussed Spirit wear. The coordinator is Lynn Bieryla. Students and faculty modeled
MVGS spirit wear items that included polos, tees, beanies, hoodies, sweatshirts and cinch sacks.
Depending on the item, color selection included navy, sport grey, pink, charcoal, and heather grey. The
deadline for orders has been extended to Friday, December 4 for delivery before the holidays.
Cle La Monica described the MVGS NDL project. MVGS students belong to various “corporations” and
use “WIDS” to conduct business. Students buy and sell stock, hire employees and purchase real estate
holdings. September 8 the kick-off for the NDL program was held at the 4-H Center in Front Royal. The
cost was $292.46 and MVGS has requested that the PTO fund this event. Deepti Sharma made a
motion to fund the 4-H Kick-Off Event for $292.46. Suzanne Boag seconded it and the motion passed.
Kate Warzinski discussed the monthly breakfast celebrations. Kate is coordinating the breakfasts for the
Warrenton Campus, but would be greatly appreciate it if a volunteer would step forward to take on this
responsibility. Karen Bauserman is the coordinator for the Middletown Campus. Discussion ensued
about how best to get the message out about the monthly breakfasts and the need for food, drink, and
utensil donations. Emailing students as a reminder was agreed upon. Kate explained that she needed
to supplement the donations received for the past two breakfasts and requested reimbursement. Deb
Barbieri made a motion to reimburse Kate Warzinski for up to $60 for food and supplies. Deepti
Sharma seconded it and the motion passed.
Deepti Sharma is the point of contact for Members-At-Large and discussed their importance. Kevin
Predmore volunteered to serve as Member-At-Large for Kettle Run High School. Clarke County,
Culpeper, Fauquier, Liberty, and Millbrook High Schools are still in need of representatives. Deepti
mentioned that MVGS students often miss announcements at their home schools. She suggested that
Members-At-Large check with the home school on how to improve communication. One solution for
Members-At-Large is to ask that announcements be made available online (e.g., JWHS has them on their
website) or by email.
Kate Warzinski discussed the Senior Banquet, which will be held, Sunday, May 30, 2010 at 5:30 p.m. at
the Bowling Green Country Club. MVPTO has a contract with the country club which was negotiated by
Revised November 24, 2009
Maureen Dougherty, the coordinator for this event. Dr. Williamson will handle the agenda and the
Bowling Green Country Club will take care of the decorations. Deb Barbieri noted that MVGS students
receive a medal in recognition of their achievements at MVGS. In the past, MVPTO has paid for the
speaker and staff. Discussion was tabled regarding MVPTO possibly contributing money to offset the
cost to families to attend. Last year the cost was $35 per person.
Cle La Monica talked about the MVGS Winter Dance to be held January 30, 2010 at the Warrenton
Campus Barn from 8:00 – 11:00 p.m. This will be the first dance held at the Warrenton Campus and a
bus will be available to transport Middletown Campus students to and from Warrenton. The students
decorate and a DJ will be hired. Kate Warzinski said that parent donations of cookies, chips, pretzels,
punch and water will be solicited. Kate will be the point of contact for donations for the dance. Kate
requested reimbursement for food and other supplies should we need to supplement the donations
received from parents. Maureen Dougherty made a motion to reimburse KateWarzinski for up to
$100 for the cost of food and supplies for the dance if needed to supplement parent donations. Lori
Monford seconded it and the motion passed.
New Business: Cle La Monica made a request for a PTO representative to attend board meetings of
the newly formed MVGS Foundation. Experience working with a foundation is a plus. The foundation
is tax-exempt and will solicit donations from corporations and businesses. Previously, MVPTO approved
the expenditure of $1000 for foundation-related start up costs. MVGS requests that the $625.00 that
remains from the original allocation be used for start-up money. No motion was required as this was
previously approved. Deb Barbieri will write the check for $625.00 to the foundation.
Cle La Monica received a request from Mr. Burton for MVPTO to cover the cost for three Middletown
students to compete in the Physics Olympiad Contest. The total cost is $84.00. A motion to fund the
Physics Olympiad students was made by Kevin Predmore and seconded by Lori Monford. The motion
Cle La Monica discussed Quiz Bowl teams formed at the Warrenton Campus. The faculty advisor is Mrs.
Reinbold. The cost for ten students to compete in two upcoming tournaments is $300. Kevin Predmore
made a motion to fund the Quiz Bowl teams at a cost of $300 and Deb Barbieri seconded it. The
motion passed.
February 4, 2010, the Friends of VA Governor’s Schools will meet with senators and representatives in
Richmond. Kate Warzinski mentioned that last year four students attended along with parent
volunteers and Dr. Williamson. Students will set up a MVGS display and visit with politicians to discuss
continued funding for VA governor’s schools.
Deepti Sharma mentioned that the upcoming MVGS field trip to Washington, D.C. falls on December 4,
the eve of the SAT and SAT Subject Test for some students. She offered to look up future test dates and
to then forward them to Dr. Williamson to prevent future potential scheduling conflicts.
December 18, 2009, an alumni breakfast will be held. If alumni cannot attend this breakfast they will
have another chance on January 13, 2010.
Revised November 24, 2009
March 13, 2010 the 2nd Annual MVGS 5K fun run will be held at the Blandy Arboretum. This event is
being coordinated by Mary Chrisinger. Deb Barbieri added that last year’s event generated over
$1000.00. Kevin Predmore asked if prizes awarded to high school athletes could be construed as a
conflict. Donna Lee will research this question and report back to MVPTO.
Kevin Predmore asked if MVGS had a Mascot. Cle La Monica said no, but there has been lively
discussion of this topic in the past. Kate Warzinski will explore this idea with Dr. Williamson.
January 13, 2010 at 6:30 p.m., the MVPTO will meet at the Middletown Campus in Room 333.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Donna Lee made the motion, Jane Killian seconded, and the
motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Boag
MVPTO Secretary