STIFCompetency Trainer Registration

Rev JAN 2016
NB: In order to register as a STIFCompetency Named Clinical Trainer and Assessment Lead please read
the specification overleaf to ensure you meet the criteria. You also need to be a member of BASHH.
1. Your Details
Name: Click here to enter text.
Job Title: Click here to enter text.
Workplace Address:
Click here to enter text.
Email Address: Click here to enter text.
2. I wish to register as a:
Contact tel number: Click here to enter text.
please indicate as appropriate (you may wish to register as more than one)
STIF Fundmental Competency Assessment Lead (see section 1 of Specifications for STIFCompetency Trainer pto)
STIF Intermediate Competency Trainer (see section 2 of Specifications for STIFCompetency Trainer pto)
STIF Advanced Competency Trainer (see section 3 of Specifications for STIFCompetency Trainer pto)
STIF Integrated Competency Trainer (see section 4 of Specifications for STIFCompetency Trainer pto)
3. I have attended the STIF Competency Train the Trainer Workshop: please indicate
Jan 2013
Mar 2014
Mar 2015
Nov 2015
Mar 2016
Nov 2016
not yet
Please note that to maintain your STIF Competency Trainer registration you will need to start training STIF
Intermediate/Advance Competency trainees or hold and a Fundamental assessment event within a year of your
registration. You also need to attend the Train the Trainer event every 5 years.
4. Please fill in either Section A or B depending on your job title. Delete as appropriate
GUM Consultants
☐ I am a member of BASHH
☐ I am a Medical Consultant (GUM)
☐ I am a Nurse Consultant
☐ I confirm that I fulfil the relevant requirements for GUM Consultants as stated in the document
‘Specifications for registering as a STIFCompetency Clinical Trainer and Assessment Lead’.
Clinicians who are not Consultants, Consultants in specialties other than GUM
Senior Nurses (Band 7 or above) tick below as appropriate
I am a member of BASHH
I am a Medical Consultant in another specialty
State specialty: Click here to enter text.
I am an SAS Grade
I am a Senior Nurse Lead (B7 or above)
State Specialty and Grade: Click here to enter
State Name of supporting consultant: Click
here to enter text.
Rev JAN 2016
I confirm that I fulfil the relevant requirements for Clinicians who are not Consultants/Consultants in
specialties other than GUM / Senior Nurse with Consultant support as stated in the document ‘Specifications for
registering as a STIFCompetency Clinical Trainer and Assessment Lead’.
I agree to my name, clinic address and email address being provided on the list of registered
STIFCompetency Assessment Clinicians on the STIFCompetency section of the STIF website.
I understand this list is openly available on the STIF web site without password protection so potential
STIF Competency trainees can identify trainers.
Please return to Sue Bird at
STIF Central Secretariat, PO Box 77, East Horsley, KT24 5YP
Rev JAN 2016
Specifications for registering as a STIFCompetency Clinical Trainer and Assessment Lead
Relevant for:
1. STIFFundamental Competency Assessment Leads
2. STIFIntermediate Competency and STIFAdvanced Competency ‘Named Clinical Trainers’
3. STIFIntegrated Competency ‘Named Clinical Trainers’
1. Specifications for registering as a STIF Fundamental Competency Assessment Lead
Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) Consultants (Medical or Nursing)
1. Member of BASHH
2. Formal training in teaching, assessment and mentoring skills*
3. Attendance at the STIFCompetency ‘Train the trainers’ workshop prior to running the assessment
Doctors who are not GUM Consultants and senior nurses (Band 7 or above) or Consultants in specialties other
than GUM
1. Member of BASHH
2. Have worked in a Level 3 GUM service for a minimum of 2 sessions per week for 4 years (seeing male and female
patients) and continue to do so.
3. Completed STIFIntermediate Competency training or Dip GUM
4. Formal training in teaching, assessment and mentoring skills*
5. Has experience of OSCEs (Observed Simulated Clinical encounters)
6. Attendance at the STIFCompetency ‘Train the trainers’ workshop prior to running the assessment
7. Nurses (who are not Consultants) will need a GUM Consultant who is a registered STIF
Competency trainer to act as a mentor and a co-signature on the certificates
2. Specifications for registering as a STIFIntermediate Competency Named Clinical Trainer
GUM Consultants (Medical or Nursing)
1. Member of BASHH
2. Formal training in teaching, assessment and mentoring skills*
3. Attendance at the STIFCompetency ‘Train the trainers’ workshop prior to training
Doctors and senior nurses (Band 7 or above) who are not GUM Consultants or who are
Consultants in specialties other than GUM
1. Member of BASHH
2. Diploma in Genitourinary Medicine or STIF Advanced Competency
3. 4 years of full time equivalent working experience within a Level 3 GUM service
4. Currently working a minimum of 2 sessions per week (seeing men and women) in a Level 3 GUM service as an
associate specialist or specialty doctor (in GUM) or as a Consultant in a specialty other than GUM
5. Attendance at the STIFCompetency ‘Train the Trainers’ workshop prior to training
6. Formal training in teaching, assessment and mentoring skills *
*Doctors – training available in all medical deaneries. Nurses - must have completed an NMC approved educational
course and be able to show evidence of recent updates
3. Specifications for registering as a STIFAdvanced Competency Named Clinical Trainer
GUM Consultants (Medical or Nursing)
1. Member of BASHH
2. Formal training in teaching, assessment and mentoring skills*
3. Attendance at the STIFCompetency ‘Train the trainers’ workshop prior to training
Please note that to maintain your STIF Competency Trainer registration you will need to start training STIF
Intermediate/Advance Competency trainees or hold and a Fundamental assessment event within a year of your
registration. You also need to attend the Train the Trainer event every 5 years.
Rev JAN 2016
Doctors who are not GUM Consultants or who are Consultants in specialties other than GUM
1. Member of BASHH
2. Diploma in Genitourinary Medicine
3. 4 years of full time equivalent working experience within a Level 3 GUM service
4. Currently working a minimum of 2 sessions per week (seeing men and women) in a Level 3 GUM service as an
associate specialist or specialty doctor (in GUM) or as a Consultant in a specialty other than GUM
5. Attendance at the STIFCompetency ‘Train the Trainers’ workshop prior to training
6. Formal training in teaching, assessment and mentoring skills *
*Doctors – training available in all medical deaneries. Nurses - must have completed an NMC approved educational
course and be able to show evidence of recent updates
4. Specifications for registering as a STIF Integrated Competency Named Clinical Trainer
GUM/SRH Consultants (Medical or Nursing)
1. Up-to-date DFSRH/DFFP or equivalent University qualification for Nurse Consultants
2. Currently regularly prescribing contraception at least 2 sessions a week in either standalone contraceptive clinics
or fully integrated contraception and sexual health clinics
3. A minimum of 2 years of previous experience in regularly prescribing contraception
3. Formal training in teaching, assessment and mentoring skills*
4. Attendance at the STIFCompetency ‘Train the Trainers’ workshop prior to training
Doctors who are not GUM/SRH Consultants
For example these may be Associate Specialists, hospital practitioners, GPs with a special interest in sexual health.
1. Up-to-date DFSRH/DFFP
2. Currently regularly prescribing contraception at least 2 sessions a week in either standalone contraceptive clinics
or integrated contraception and sexual health clinics
3. Minimum 4 years of full time equivalent working experience within a Level 3 GUM/Integrated sexual health or
Specialist contraception service (with a minimum of 2 years of previous experience in regularly prescribing
4. Attendance at the STIFCompetency ‘Train the trainers’ workshop prior to training
5. Formal training in teaching, assessment and mentoring skills *
*Doctors – training available in all medical deaneries. Nurses - must have completed an NMC approved educational
course and be able to show evidence of recent updates
Senior nursing staff may undertake much of the day to day training and assessment of more junior nursing staff in
both STIFIntermediate and STIFIntegrated. The Clinical Trainer must be confident that these senior nurses are
competent in the use of the assessment tools and that they themselves have the required level of clinical
competence in order to train.
It is advisable that all members of the training and assessment team attend the STIFCompetency ‘Train the trainers’
Responsibilities of STIFCompetency Assessment Leads and Named Trainers
It is the Assessment Lead’s and Named Trainer’s responsibility to ensure that other staff who are involved in
training and assessing within their course/units are competent to use the assessment tools. It is advisable that all
members of the training and assessment team attend the
STIFCompetency ‘Train the trainers’ event. This event is run annually and should be attended at least once every 5
years. For more information about the next workshop visit
Re-accreditation as a STIF Fundamental Competency Assessment Lead or STIFCompetency Named Clinical Trainer
The STIFCompetency programmes will be updated regularly and it is the Named Clinical
Trainer/Assessment Leads’ responsibility to ensure that they keep up to date with any changes via
regular review of the relevant pages of the STIF website and reading information sent to them directly by the
STIFCompetency team.
Please note that to maintain your STIF Competency Trainer registration you will need to start training STIF
Intermediate/Advance Competency trainees or hold and a Fundamental assessment event within a year of your
registration. You also need to attend the Train the Trainer event every 5 years.