Grading Rubric Points Will Be Deducted for the Following

Name: __________________________
Period: _______
Practice Sheet 4th period beginners
3rd 9 Weeks
Week 2
Class Number: _______
Due Tuesday 12/19/2015 beginning of class
Orange Method Book 1: Arco each line with a steady beat 2 times and mark an ‘X’ on each blank when finished.
Solo Music: Write in the solo title on the blank. Practice your solo piece listed below and list measure numbers practiced.
If you practice the whole piece, write ALL.
Monday 1/11/2016
Parent Signature: _______________________________________
Orange Book: 116:______117: ______118A: ______118B: ______119: ______120: ______121: ______
List Solo Title: _____________________________________
Start Time: __________
Tuesday 1/12/2016
End Time: __________
(list m#) ___________________
Total Time: __________
Parent Signature: _______________________________________
Orange Book: 116:______117: ______118A: ______118B: ______119: ______120: ______121: ______122: ______
List Solo Title: _____________________________________
Start Time: __________
Wednesday 1/13/2016
End Time: __________
(list m#) ___________________
Total Time: __________
Parent Signature: _______________________________________
Orange Book: 116:_____117: _____118A: _____118B: _____119: _____120: _____121: _____122: _____L123: _____
List Solo Title: _____________________________________
Start Time: __________
Thursday 1/14/2016
End Time: __________
(list m#) ___________________
Total Time: __________
Parent Signature: _______________________________________
Orange Book: 116:____117: ____118A: ____118B: ____119: ____120: ____121: ____122: ____L123: ____L124: ____
List Solo Title:_____________________________________
Start Time: __________
Friday 1/15/2016
End Time: __________
(list m#) ___________________
Total Time: __________
Parent Signature: _______________________________________
116:____117: ____118A: ____118B: ____119: ____120: ____121: ____122: ____L123: ____L124: ____L125: ____
List Solo Title:_____________________________________
Start Time: __________
End Time: __________
(list m#) ___________________
Total Time: ___________
Saturday 1/16/2016
Parent Signature: _______________________________________
116:____117: ____118A: ____118B: ____119: ____120: ____121: ____122: ____L123: ____L124: ____L125: ____
List Solo Title:_____________________________________
Start Time: __________
(list m#) ___________________
End Time: __________
Sunday 1/17/2016
Total Time: ___________
Parent Signature: _______________________________________
116:____117: ____118A: ____118B: ____119: ____120: ____121: ____122: ____L123: ____L124: ____L125: ____
List Solo Title:_____________________________________
Start Time: __________
Monday 1/18/2016
(list m#) ___________________
End Time: __________
Total Time: ___________
Parent Signature: _______________________________________
116:____117: ____118A: ____118B: ____119: ____120: ____121: ____122: ____L123: ____L124: ____L125: ____
List Solo Title:_____________________________________
Start Time: __________
(list m#) ___________________
End Time: __________
Total Time: ___________
Grading Rubric Points Will Be Deducted for the Following:
125 minutes or more = 100
No Name
minus 5 points
120-124minutes = 90
No Period
minus 2 points
110-119 minutes= 80
No Class Number
minus 2 points
100-109 minutes= 70
Not recording start, end and/or total time per day practiced
minus 5 points
90-99 minutes= 60
Not getting your parent signature per day practiced
minus 5 points
89 minutes and below= 50
Not marking an ‘X’ on each LINE blank
minus 1 point per line
Practicing less than requested days
minus 10 points per day less
*5 days for 125 minutes *
Late Practice Sheets returned on: Tuesday -5
Wednesday -10
Thursday -20
Friday -30
*Students who return completed practice sheets on Mondays and behave throughout the week do not lose free dress privileges*