MEETING MINUTES AACP Pediatric SIG Business Meeting 7/13/15 @ 5:15 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. Welcome and Introductions (report provided by Tracy Hagemann) a. Members introductions b. Attendance: 17 active members + 1 student member i. Quorum (17/112=15.2%) Report of Secretary (reported provided by Tracy Hagemann) a. AACP Pediatric SIG 2014 Annual Meeting minutes approved (all yea, zero nay, zero abstain) b. Membership numbers = 112 (6/30/2015) Report of Chair (Tracy Hagemann) a. SIG Cabinet – AACP Priorities i. AACP SIG Cabinet planning to review the SIGs within the organization. There are now 21 SIGS, and 4 new SIGs have been requested. 1. It has been noted that AACP members join multiple SIGs. Some of whom are active within a SIG, while others utilize the SIG for informational purposes only. 2. The Cabinet is considering requiring members to specify primary/secondary SIGs. More details to follow this coming year. b. AACP Annual Meeting General Programming, 2015 i. There were 8 proposals for special sessions and 120 proposals for mini-sessions: 15% of general sessions that were submitted were approved. 1. AACP is considering restricting the frequency at which SIGs may provide educational programming to everyother-year. Committee Reports a. Programming (reported by Tracy Hagemann) i. Annual Meeting (2015): “Sowing the Seeds of Peds: Designing a Pediatrics Elective”. Presenters: Timothy J. Todd, PharmD, FPPAG; Michelle Condren, PharmD, AE-C, CDE; and, William A. Prescott, Jr., PharmD. ii. Chair (2015-16): Tim Todd iii. Planning for Annual Meeting (2016) and webinars (2015-16) 1. To be determined by committee following meeting b. Nominations (reported by Tracy Hagemann) i. Chair (2015-16): Tracy Hagemann ii. Position(s) needing a nomination for 2016 elections: Chairelect c. Resolutions (reported by Tracy Hagemann) i. No resolutions submitted for 2015 Annual Meeting 5. 6. ii. Chair (2015-16): Bill Prescott d. Ad-Hoc Committees i. Collaboration 1. Charge(s): a. Re-certification BCPPS (with PPAG) i. PPAG has requested that the AACP Pediatric SIG: (1) review BCPPS preparatory resource question-bank; and (2) serve as content reviewers for recertification. ii. Mentoring Committee 1. Charge(s) a. Create a “Key Papers” repository b. Construct a list of prospective dossier reviewers (i.e. Promotional Rank/Expertise resource) iii. Strategic Planning Committee 1. To be composed of past officers of the Pediatric SIG 2. Charge(s): a. Develop a strategic plan for the Pediatric SIG e. Volunteers for committees (2015-16) requested Brainstorming a. Programming issues i. Topic ideas discussed during SIG meeting: (1) Flipping the classroom to teach pediatric pharmacy topics; (2) Pediatric electives (revisited); (3) Interprofessional education approaches to teach pediatrics; (4) Use of high-fidelity human patient simulators to teach pediatrics b. Visions i. Creation of a resource library: (1) Available on-line resources for pediatric pharmacy education; (2) Good evaluation tool / rubric sharing; (3) Case repository; (4) Multiple-choice question repository; (5) Flipped-classroom on-line video sharing. Installation of New Officers a. Chair – Kristin Klein b. Chair-Elect – Tim Todd c. Past-Chair – Tracy Hagemann d. Secretary – Bill Prescott