File - Godfrey`s BioZone

Northwestern Middle School
Subject: Advanced/TAG Life Science Syllabus 2015-2016
Grade: 7
Teachers: John Bartlett, Julie Godfrey, Katie Long, Jeff Swope
Textbook(s): Holt Science & Technology: Life Science Holt, Rinehart, Winston
Replacement cost: $70.75
Online Textbook - – This is a password protected website that allows students to access the
Student Interactive Edition of the text. Please see the front page your child’s agenda make a note of their
individual user name and password.
Course Description:
The 7th Grade Life Science curriculum provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to transition
from elementary life science standards to high school biology standards. The course is designed to provide
students with an overview of the common concepts and strands in the life sciences including but not limited to
structures and functions of cells, tissues, organs, and organ-systems, heredity, biological evolution, diversity of
living organisms, and ecosystems. These concepts are investigated through observing, collecting, summarizing,
analyzing, and presenting results of scientific investigations and fieldwork designed for students to develop
appropriate knowledge and skills in science as inquiry.
Course Outline:
First Semester
Characteristics of Science
Heredity & Genetics
Second Semester
Human Body Systems
Teacher/Parent Communication:
Email – is the most efficient way to contact teachers
Conferences – may be scheduled based on each student’s needs
Interim Report Cards – come home every 4 ½ weeks
Friday Notes – All teachers will be sending email blasts on Friday with a weekly update. In order to receive
these emails please make sure that your email address is current on Home Access Center.
Home Access Center (HAC) - Please ensure you are also registered for the Home Access Center (HAC) through
the guidance department so you can view your child’s grades at any time. Teachers will post grades in HAC
within 2 weeks of test dates or project/assignment due dates.
John Bartlett -
Jeff Swope -
Major Assignments (Tests and Projects): 50%
Minor Assignments (Quizzes and Summative activities): 35%
Classwork: 10%
Homework: 5%
Julie Godfrey –
Katie Long -
Fulton County Grading Scale:
A: 100-90
B: 89-80
C: 79-70
F: 69 and below
Late Work
All assignments should be turned in by the posted due date. For minor and major assignments, the score on
the assignment will be reduced 2 points per day up to 10 points. Missing work must be turned in within 10
days of the due date in order to be accepted.
Science Recovery Policy:
 Only tests are eligible for recovery.
 Only students that scored 80% or less are eligible to recover a test.
 Requirements for recovery:
o Student must initiate a request to recover with a parent signature.
o Student must complete the recovery assignment.
o Student must attend at least one help session.
o Student must complete the requirements prior to taking the recovery test.
 When recovery is attempted, the higher of the two grades will be entered not to exceed 80%.
Help Sessions: Students may attend a help session with any of the 7th grade science teachers.
4:05 – 4:35 pm
8:00 – 8:30 am
8:00 – 8:30 am
8:00 – 8:30 am
8:00 – 8:30 am
Absence Make-Up Procedures (FCBOE Policy JBD):
Upon returning to school following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teachers to
request make-up work. Make-up work must be completed by the student within the time specified by the
teacher. At NMS, students will be given the same amount of time to make up the work as the student was
absent unless other arrangements are mutually agreed upon. The student will receive the actual grade on
the make-up work if the absence was “excused.”
Probation for Advanced/TAG Services:
Students failing to meet the Continuation Criteria are automatically placed on probation. Probation may last
as little as one grading period, but no more than one school year. Parents must be notified in writing when a
student is placed on probation. A written plan explaining how a student can be removed from probationary
status must be included in the notification to the parent and student. In placing a student on probation, it
should be considered that unsatisfactory performance in a content area of service would be documented
with a grade of <80%.
Study Guide Policy:
Students at Northwestern Middle School will be provided a study guide to use when studying for their
assessments. This study guide will include key vocabulary and essential questions to be answered. This
guide will be given at least a week prior to the test and answers will be provided in class and/or online.
Plagiarism Policy:
Academic honesty is very important at Northwestern Middle School. It is the responsibility of both the
student and parent to be aware of what constitutes plagiarism consequences.
Examples of Plagiarism and Cheating
Falsifying laboratory data (both copying and creating it)
Copying others words, ideas, thoughts and images
Modifying an image when the assignment requires original work
Paraphrasing and summarizing without citing the source
Providing another student with your work, even if you do not know they are going to use it as their own
(includes sharing homework answers)
Providing others with quiz/test answers either before, during, or after the quiz/test
How to prevent plagiarism
Words/ideas: cite sources for information that is quoted, summarized, and paraphrased.
Images: cite source of image.
If an assignment calls for original images, this means they must be created from scratch and not
taken/traced from books, magazines, internet, etc. Original work is also not a modification of images
from books, magazines, internet, etc.
Do not wait until the last minute to complete your work.
If you are unsure if you are plagiarizing, please consult your teacher.
Grade entered will be a zero until the new assignment is received.
All plagiarizing will result in the following:
1. Parents will be notified
2. Students will re-do the assignment or an alternative assignment
3. Possible administrative referral
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please sign below indicating that you have read the syllabus and plagiarism policy and return to your teacher by
Monday, August 24. Keep the syllabus for future reference.
Student Printed Name: _________________________________________________________
Students Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Parent Phone Number(s): _______________________________________________________
Parent E-mail Address: __________________________________________________________