Diversified Farms/Tree Crops Advisor

UC Cooperative Extension - New Advisor Proposal
Lead County: Santa Cruz
Cross County: Monterey, San Benito, Southern Santa Clara
Position: Diversified Farming Systems/Tree Crops Advisor
Position Description: A Diversified Farming Systems/Tree Crops Advisor is expected to perform
research and extension programming to help small to mid-scale, diversified farming operations with an
emphasis on the challenges of tree crop growers. The programming would address standard production
issues, especially those of our local tree crops of apples, apricots, cherries and walnuts, while addressing
critical issues related to the diversified farm, economics (for example researching cost of production),
marketing, food safety standards, and other regulatory issues and opportunities facing this agricultural
segment. The advisor will serve as the source of information for both conventional and organic systems
as needed to ensure successful farm operations. The candidate is expected to have a Masters or Ph.D
degree in the agricultural sciences (for example, pomology, plant science, crop production, agricultural
economics or agroecology). The advisor is expected to have experience in field research and
educational programming.
Justification: Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, and Southern Santa Clara Counties have very vibrant
and strong agricultural industries. According to the USDA Census of Agriculture, the value of agricultural
production for this four-county area was over $5 billion in 2012, which is dominated by the production
of large acreage crops such as lettuce, brassicas, and strawberries, especially in Monterey County.
Organic agriculture is also prominent along the Central Coast; statistics indicate that roughly 20 percent
of the state’s value of production for organic agriculture is located in this area, and on the rise. Indeed,
California’s organic agriculture can trace its “roots” back to Santa Cruz County, which has since
expanded considerably in neighboring counties.
An important and significantly growing segment of the area’s agricultural community is the diversified
farming operation, especially in Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and San Benito counties. These farms produce
an array of annual vegetables, perennial tree fruits and nuts, along with small fruits like strawberries and
raspberries, often on small to mid-scale organic farms. Owners and operators of these diverse farming
operations often direct market their products through farmer’s markets, farm stands, Community
Supported Agriculture (CSAs), restaurants, and independent grocers. Taking advantage of recent
legislation supporting small and local farms, such as the Cottage Foods Bill, diversified farms may also
produce value-added products such as jam and fruit sauce as a means of expanding their product line
and profit.
Tree crops, such as apples, walnuts, cherries, and apricots are currently not covered by other advisors in
the area. Tree crops are now often included in vegetable and berry farms, which complement the
production of these commodities, help to spread risk, and attract and secure a stable labor force yearround.
Along with the day to day questions related to crop production such as fertility, pest, labor, food safety,
and harvest management, diversified farming operations face unique business and marketing challenges
and do not typically have the “in-house” production, food safety, business, or marketing advisers which
are very often part and parcel of larger farming operations. The diversified farms/tree crop advisor will
therefore require sufficient background in areas outside of production to more ably serve this important
segment of the agricultural community along the Central Coast of California.
Extension: Outreach methods will include individual consultations, field days, tours, meetings, web
conferences, ANR publications, peer-reviewed journals, and an appropriate mix of contemporary and
emerging electronic tools such as online learning, web content systems and repositories, blogs, social
media, impact and evaluation tools, along with specialized and public media outlets. Spanish language
skills would be beneficial. Programs will be developed and carried out in extensive collaboration
internally with other ANR academics, and externally with other researchers, governments, and private
industry in Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, and Southern Santa Clara Counties. The Advisor will serve
as a subject area resource for other UCCE advisors, county agricultural commissioners, pest control
associations, US and California government scientists and regulatory personnel.
Research: Research efforts should provide practical solutions to the challenges faced by growers of
diversified farming systems. These challenges include production (horticultural), but would also identify
needs and work in areas such as the economics and marketing of products. Research could focus on
improved production and marketing practices for annual and perennial specialty fruits and vegetables
and the development of new crops and markets. The academic in this position will be expected to
interact with UC ANR Program Teams, Specialists and others within the research/extension network to
develop, strengthen, and expand the local delivery of statewide programs. All UC ANR academic
appointees are responsible for performance in the areas of extending knowledge and information,
applied research and creative activity, professional competence and activity, and University and public
ANR Network: The Diversified Farming Systems/Tree Crops Advisor would complement and support
current area advisors focusing on commodities and disciplines, for example, entomology and plant
pathology. The Diversified Farming Systems/Tree Crops Advisor would provide much needed expertise
for the Central Coast given anticipated important programmatic and FTE needs for both the short and
medium term.
Network External to ANR: The three UC Cooperative Extension offices in Santa Cruz, San Benito and
Monterey counties have developed strong collaborations and established solid working relationships
with, for example grower-shippers, commodity boards, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS), Agricultural Commissioners, UCSC, local Farm Bureaus, and non-profit organizations.
Relevance to the ANR Strategic Vision: This position would play a major role in ANR’s vision of both
Healthy Food Systems and Healthy Environments. The main emphasis would be on helping to ensure the
robust functioning of diversified farming systems, and may include such topic areas as input use
efficiency, and labor in addition to the above.
Initiatives to be addressed: The primary focus of the position is to Enhance Competitive, Sustainable
Food Systems; secondary and tangential focuses would be on Improving Water Quality, Quantity, and
Security, and on Ensuring a Safe and Secure Food Supply. By looking at the whole farming system, that
is characteristic of small to mid-scale, diversified operations, the position would integrate all aspects of
safe and healthy food and effective pest management.
Support: Position support will come from UCCE Santa Cruz County (headquarters). This includes office
and diagnostic laboratory space, phone and internet access, and support for travel through the use of a
county vehicle. Start-up support from UC ANR would assist with new computer and technology
purchases, as well as program development funds to attend meetings and conduct initial research and
extension activities during the first two years.
Location: Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz County is an ideal headquarters location; local support is
strong given the significant numbers of diversified farming operations in the county. The surrounding
counties, which also have significant numbers of diversified operations, would be well served by the
same Advisor.