FICHA RESUMO DOS PROJETOS SELECIONADOS NO ÂMBITO DO 1º CONCURSO ACTION PLANNING NETWORKS DESIGNAÇÃO: VITAL CITIES: Urban sports promotion for social inclusion, healthy and active living DURAÇÃO FASE 1: 2015-09-15 a 2016-03-15 DESCRIÇÃO SUMÁRIA: VITAL CITIES seeks answers to how to combat social exclusion through the redesign of public spaces in deprived residential areas by using the power and common language of sport through innovative community and IT based urban sport actions, innovative physical equipment and better orchestrated service delivery. The project tackles TO9 (“promoting social inclusion and combating poverty”). The project wishes to apply a novel approach: instead of bringing inactive citizens to sports facilities, public space should be turned into a low threshold facility inviting all citizens to physical activity. Street layout, land use, location of recreation facilities, parks and public buildings, the transport system can all encourage or discourage physical activity. Opportunities for physical activity need to be created close to where people live while also creating cleaner, safer, greener and more activity-friendly local environments. In order to reach this, cities need to be equipped with new, innovative tools to be used in urban design and planning (to redesign public spaces linked to sport activities, urban sports, games, physical exercises) to adequately provide for recreation and sport services and exploit potential social, health and economic benefits. Partners also wish to create a “vital cities” brand to be allocated to cities ensuring open access to recreation and sport services and breaking down barriers to participation especially within the less active, deprived population. PARCERIA INICIAL: Parceiro líder: CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE LOULÉ (PORTUGAL); Local Public authority; EU Transition regions Parceiro: Krakow Municipal Commune (POLAND); Local Public authority; EU Less developed regions Parceiro: Burgas (BULGARIA); Local Public authority; EU Less developed regions Parceiro: Birmingham (UNITED KINGDOM); Local Public authority; EU More developed regions Parceiro: Eindhoven (NETHERLANDS); Local Public authority; EU More developed regions OBJETIVO TEMÁTICO: 9. Social inclusion PERITO: In light of the above requirements, the consortium opts for Mr Twan de Bruijn as Lead Expert, as he: - Has in his role as project leader and also coordinator of multiannual programmes acquired profound knowledge on local level of integrated urban (re-)developments including participative approaches e.g. working with urban neighbourhoods. - Has been working at municipality level in different positions and in the Eindhoven context dealing with innovation activities through quadruple helix organizations like knowledge institutes, business and endusers (platforms) - Has been programme secretary of an Urban II program in Heerlen and has acquired a broad EU experience through working on over 25 projects financed by various EU-programs - In his role as coordinator of the ‘Big Cities’ programme of the Dutch government in the city of Heerlen has gained theoretical and practical knowledge of the methodology of self-analysis and expert crossvisits. Acting as Head of International Affairs at the Eindhoven Municipality, he has also been involved in the Deep Dive process linked to the PLUS project under INTERREG IVC. - Is familiar with the Sports theme through the PRO-FIT project under INTERREG IVB NEW which has been financially managed under his directory. - Is experienced in directing of and working with people with a different cultural background not only through projects he has worked on, but also within his own international department in Eindhoven. He is identified as a ‘people manager’ by the management drives assessment tool. - Is a renowned networker who is demonstrated by his LinkedIn profile as well as the fact that he has been/is involved in EU and worldwide networks such as the LUCI Association, ERRIN Brussels,, etc. COORDENADOR: The Project Coordinator position on behalf of the Lead Partner will be fulfilled by Mr. Hugo Miguel Guerreiro Nunes. Since 2013 Mr. Nunes works as the Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Loulé responsible for the fields of municipal finances, procurement, local economy and employment, municipal companies, sports, events, IT, civil protection, and health. On top of his daily local governmental activities he has the specific responsibility for coordinating Loulé’s biggest movement in the field of sports, the European City of Sport 2015 action. Besides, Mr. Nunes is a Member of the Board of Loulé and the Faro Municipal Association where he represents the interests of the municipality as main task holder of the city’s large scale sports facility, the Algarve Football Stadium. Fulfilling this position within the Municipality he has been substantially contributing to the development of better orchestrated municipal services and to seeking alternatives for innovative physical equipment of the city’s existing sport facilities. ENDEREÇO ELETRÓNICO: