Project Closure and Post Implementation Report Template & Guide Purpose The Project Closure and Post Implementation Report (PCPIR) is presented to the Executive at the end of the project and provides a final assessment of the project. In particular, the PCPIR details the level of success of the project and if, and in what ways, the project has achieved expected benefits following implementation. The Report generally captures information obtained from a post implementation review meeting held at the end of the project. What should the Project Closure and Post Implementation Report cover? The key areas that the PCPIR should cover are: 1. an end project report, covering achievement of project objectives, performance against targets and tolerances, and effect of any changes on the project and project business case 2. an outline of any post-project review processes to be adopted 3. follow-on actions 4. lessons learned. 5. Key considerations in developing the Project Closure and Post Implementation Report When developing the PCPIR, the following should be observed: The Report must describe any abnormal situations which arose during the project, together with their impact The Report must specify follow-on actions for all issues which have not been closed at the end of the project Any appointed Project Assurance roles should agree with the Report. How to use this template This template provides a framework for the development of the PCPIR. This means that sections can be developed at various levels of detail depending on individual circumstances and the size and complexity of the project. If a section is not required or not applicable, it can be deleted, an indication made that it is not applicable, or reference can be made to another document. Text styles When using this template, please note that: italic text enclosed in angle brackets (eg <text>) is explanatory and is intended to be replaced by individual content text in italics is also explanatory and provides a guide as to the kind of information that should be included in a particular section. It should be deleted as part of finalising the document normal text should be retained wherever possible. Template control The final page of the template which follows contains template control information. Please make sure that this page is deleted as part of finalising your individual document. Project Closure and Post Implementation Report (Section) Project Name Project Name: Date: 8 February 2016 Version: Author: Project Sponsor: Senior User:: Senior Supplier: OVERVIEW <Provide one paragraph (maximum of three or four sentences) which provides a high level summary of the purpose and objectives of the project and the planned business benefits. Provide a second paragraph (again, no more than three or four sentences) which summarises the remainder of the document and briefly describes the high-level outcomes of the project, including what was delivered and the timelines, cost and quality achieved compared to the original plans. This section should be completed after the rest of the document is finished and should form a succinct summary of all the major points you have made. This section should not contain any information that is not referred to elsewhere in the document.> 1 END PROJECT REPORT Use this section to explain the key areas of achievement for the project and the impact of change on achievements against the Project Plan and Business Case. Areas of achievement relate to business benefits, as well as how well the project performed against agreed targets and tolerances relating to time, cost, quality, scope and risk. 1.1 Performance against plans and tolerances <Provide details of how the project performed against its plans and tolerances. This can be structured in paragraph style, or by using the following table:> Target/Tolerance <eg Cost> 1.2 Planned <$250,000 + 10%> Actual <$285,000> Details <Increase in budget arose from additional staffing required due to extended staff absence> Benefits delivered Page | 2 Last Updated: 8/02/2016 <Provide details of the benefits that have been achieved as a result of project implementation (ie. those benefits that can be seen and measured at this point in time. Be sure to include details of how these benefits have been measured.> 1.3 Residual benefits <Detail which benefits, as outlined in the project Business Case and/or Project Brief, have not been achieved as a result of implementation but have been identified for later realisation. Be sure to include details of when these will be achieved (including any prerequisites) and how they will be measured.> 1.4 Changes <Where changes were authorised during the project (eg relating to scope, time, cost, quality), describe the effect of each change on the Project Plan and achievements against the project Business Case. Delete this section if there were no authorised changes during the project.> 1.5 Project issues <Provide an overview of the major issues and problems experienced by the project and how they were resolved.> 1.6 Recommendations <Record any additional recommendations which are identified following feedback from the project team and project manager.> 2 POST PROJECT REVIEW Use this section to provide details of any post project review that will be undertaken to review the benefits realised (and still to be realised) in relation to the project. This will include details of the date(s) for the review, key responsibilities, and a plan for undertaking the review. Where a review will not be undertaken, delete this section. Otherwise, use any or all of the following headings to structure this information: 2.1 Date(s) for review <Insert the relevant date(s) for the review.> 2.2 Responsibilities <Detail who will be responsible for participating in the review and the nature of their responsibilities> 2.3 Plan <Provide details of which benefits will be realised, how and when benefits will be measured, the resources needed for benefits realisation and measurement.> 3 FOLLOW-ON ACTIONS <Provide details of the issues identified during the project that will require post-project attention, and the action(s) needed to resolve each issue. Where this detail has been recorded in the project Issue Register, simply provide a link to the Register and indicate which issues require post-project resolution. Alternatively, use the following table to summarise open issues:> 3.1 Open project issues Issue Issue summary ID: Proposed action Reason Page | 3 Last Updated: 8/02/2016 Issue ID: Issue summary Proposed action Reason 3.2 Ongoing risks <Provide details of the risks raised during the project that will require post-project attention, and the action(s) needed to resolve each. Where this detail has been recorded in the project Risk Register, simply provide a link to the Register and indicate which risks require post-project resolution. Alternatively, use the following table to summarise the risks:> Risk ID: Risk summary Proposed action Reason 3.3 Handover/training needs <Explain any additional handover or training requirements, if any, that are required post-project.> 3.4 Other required activities <Provide an overview of any operational activities that are proposed to further enhance project products or outcomes.> 4 LESSONS LEARNED 4.1 Report summary <Provide a summary of the major lessons learned and key aspects that need review. Provide an outline of what went well, what went badly, and any recommendations for future projects.> 4.2 Key areas for improvement <Summarise the key areas of the project where things could have been done better, how they could have been improved, and problems resolved. For example, include details of how the project could have been better managed, or where improvements to the project management methodology (eg. streamlining) could be made.> 4.3 Lessons learned summary Lesson Situation Outcome No: Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 Impact Lesson Learned Page | 4 Last Updated: 8/02/2016 Lesson Situation No: Description 7 4.4 Controls and tools Lesson Control/Tool Used No. Outcome Positives Impact Lesson Learned Negatives Page | 5 Last Updated: 8/02/2016