english department bulletin

Upper-Level Course Offerings for Fall 2014,
Including Summer 2014 Classes
401-01 Special Studies in British Literature
Dr. Debi Belt
MWF 1:00-1:50
Prerequisite: ENG 320 or permission of instructor
A study of selected comedies, tragedies, and romances. The reading list below is
representative of past courses, but specific content for this one will depend upon
what the class has already studied and what it would like to revisit or to read for the
first time.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Romeo and Juliet
The Merchant of Venice
Henry 4 Part 1
Julius Caesar
Measure for Measure
King Lear
Antony and Cleopatra
The Winter's Tale
The Tempest
Early in the semester I’ll ask each student to choose an additional Shakespeare play
that s/he has not previously read or studied as the basis for a seminar presentation
and a 15-page paper.
401-02 Special Studies in British Literature
"The Life and Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins"
Dr. Ellen Condict
Tuesday 6:00 to 9:00
This course explores the poetry, life, and influence of Gerard Manley
Hopkins. Hopkins' unique technique and subject matter will be discussed in his
Victorian context and beyond, in light of the poetic, religious, and cultural conflicts
and revolutions that helped cultivate his poetry and direct him to his
vocation. Hopkins' aesthetic sensibilities and theology are essential to his poetry,
and recurring themes to be explored include the centrality of Christ and the
Eucharist, the revelatory beauty of Nature, the connection of faith and reason, and
the realities of exile and redemption in the Christian grandnarrative.
Coursework includes the close reading, discussion, analysis, memorization, and
recitation of Hopkins' poetry. The seminar will be primarily discussion, so
preparation through close, thorough reading of the poetry is essential. Enjoyment of
the poetry is a primary goal of the course, and enjoyment comes through knowing
and understanding. Memorization is therefore the other key component of the
seminar, for both individual and communal benefit. It is the best way to know a
poem, and the focus of attention memorization requires trains the mind in ways that
other intellectual work does not.
Required Texts:
Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Major Works (Oxford World's Classics). Ed. Catherine
Phillips. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0199538850
Mariani, Paul. Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Life. New York: Viking Penguin,
2008. ISBN-13: 978-0670020317
Richard Austin's Back to Beauty's Giver, audio recording of Hopkins' poetry. ISBN: 09590649-0-2
401-03 Special Studies in British Literature
“Arthurian Literature”
Dr. Patricia Bart
W 6:00-9:00 pm
Description: This seminar will explore texts representative of major branches of
the Arthurian tradition from the earliest surviving Celtic texts such as Culhwch ac
Olwen, through the Latin chronicle tradition of Gildas and Geoffrey of Monmouth, to
the Norman, Saxon, Anglo-Norman and Continental traditions of Wace, Chrétien de
Troyes, Lawmon, Béroul, Wonfram von Eschenbach, the Cistercian Queste and
Thomas Malory regarding Percival, Tristan and The Grail. A final component of the
course will be a selection from nineteenth and twentieth century interpretations of
the genre, always including Tennyson’s Idylls of the King.
The format of the class will be a true seminar, as in all terms past. Discussion will
focus on the themes, narrative styles, characterization of Percival, Tristan and
Arthur, the “horizon of expectation”1 associated with the Arthurian genre, and how
See Jauss, Hans Robert, “Literary History as a Challenge to Literary Theory,”
tr. Elizabeth Benzinger, New Literary History 2.1 (1970): 7–37.
this “horizon” has been adaptable to changing audiences for roughly one-thousand
five-hundred years.
What makes for this resilience? How can we bring the energy of this genre into the
present time, to redeem popular culture in the service of the good, beautiful and
true while still retaining the moral frankness about human frailty inherent in the
Arthurian legends?
These questions of mine and the questions that each class of students brings to the
texts will animate our study.
Prerequisites: ENG310 OR ENG401/404 History of the English Language AND one
other pre-1700 British literature survey. Special permission of the instructor is also
possible to win if you make a strong case.
Course Requirements: A syllabus of readings that amount to roughly 100 pages
per week but can rise as high as 150 pages per week. A reading list may be obtained
for use over the summer. A single seminar paper of 20-25 pages (including
bibliography), with coaching throughout the term on an annotated bibliography
and long-form prospectus leading up to this paper. A comprehensive final that
covers themes and discussions from throughout the term. Responses are prepared
ahead of time with a set of textual quotations and an outline to be brought to the
final and collated into two coherent essays, one proceeding from a general principle
that links together more than one text, the second proceeding from a single
quotation, interpreting it in gradually widening contexts—paragraph, work, other
related works. Active participation in the free play of ideas in a seminar class
401-04 Special Studies in British Literature
“The Pearl-Poet and the Eschatological Imagination”
Dr. J. A. Jackson
MWF 11:00-11:50
Prerequisite: English 310
The students of this course will be introduced to one of the 14th Century’s finest
poets: the anonymous Pearl-Poet. If the small and undistinguished looking Cotton
Nero A.x manuscript had not somehow escaped the Ashburnham fire of 1731,
English literature would have lost three of its finest religious poems in Pearl,
Cleanness, and Patience, and a chivalric romance of unsurpassed quality in Sir
Gawain and the Green Knight. All of the poems will be read in their original Middle
English (a North West Midlands dialect—very different from Chaucer’s London
dialect). We will study the poems in relation to one another, in relation to various
sources and analogues, and in terms of their various genres: the dream vision
(Pearl), the biblical paraphrase/narrative (Cleanness and Patience), and the chivalric
romance (SGGK). Emphasis will be placed on medieval biblical hermeneutics and
theology. Requirements: on the first night, there will be an exam covering the four
poems; translations; proficiency in Middle English pronunciation; a seminar paper
(20-25 pages); a final exam.
402-01 Special Studies in American Literature
“The Poetry of Theodore Roethke”
Dr. Christopher Busch
MWF 11:00-11:50
This course will focus on the life and writings of Theodore Roethke (1908-1963),
one of America’s finest lyric poets of the last century. Roethke’s awards include a
Pulitzer Prize for his book, The Waking (1954), and two National Book Awards-- in
1959 for Words for the Wind and posthumously in 1965 for The Far Field. Roethke
was born in Saginaw, Michigan, and he grew up among the greenhouses of his
father’s flower business, a context that informed his thinking and his poetry.
Our texts for the course will include a biography of Roethke, the Library of America
volume devoted to Roethke’s selected poetry. his Collected Poems, and possibly
some of his prose criticism.
The course will be conducted as a seminar, with students expected to contribute to
discussions, give critical readings of the poems, and present summaries of articles or
essays on Roethke’s works. Students will also write a seminar-length paper. The
workload will be typical for a 400-level poetry seminar, with a fair amount of
library/critical reading and presentation preparation time.
402-02 Special Studies in American Literature
“Flannery O’Connor and Walker Percy”
Dr. Michael M. Jordan
MWF 2:00-2:50
Prerequisite: English 370 or permission of instructor
This course will examine the writings of two Southern, Catholic novelists: Flannery
O’Connor and Walker Percy. We will read from their fiction, their essays, and, in
O’Connor’s case, her letters, to see the ways they present the modern predicament,
or, as Percy would have it, the condition of being losangelized and Lost in the
Cosmos. Students will read O’Connor’s The Violent Bear It Away (1960), selected
short stories from A Good Man Is Hard to Find (1955) and Everything that Rises Must
Converge (1965), and selected essays and letters. We will read Percy novels The
Moviegoer (1961) and The Thanatos Syndrome (1987), his “self-help” book Lost in
the Cosmos (1983), and selected essays from Signposts in a Strange Land (1991).
Texts: Flannery O’Connor: Collected Works, ed. by S. Fitzgerald. Library of America.
The Moviegoer, by Walker Percy. Ballantine Books/Random House.
The Thanatos Syndrome, by Walker Percy. Picador/Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Lost in the Cosmos: The Last Self-Help Book, by Walker Percy. Farrar, Straus
and Giroux.
Signposts in a Strange Land, edited by Patrick Samway. Picador/Farrar,
Straus and Giroux.
402-03/IDS 300-01
“’We the People’: An American Journey”
Dr. Dan Sundahl
MWF 2:00 -2:50
This English 402 and IDS 300 course serves as an introduction to American Studies
as a "discipline." The course is inter-disciplinary in that it crosses other
"disciplines" for its relevance. In this case, the course will consider the "We the
People" portion of the Preamble to the Constitution as an interpretive technique to
identify the "spirit" of our "American Journey" from the Seventeenth Century to the
Twentieth Century.
As the following reading list suggests, the readings are diverse and extensive:
Perry Miller, "The American Puritans: Their Prose and Poetry"
Catherine Drinker Bowen, "Miracle at Philadelphia"
James Fenimore Cooper, "The American Democrat"
Shelby Foote, "Shiloh"
Henry Adams, "Democracy"
Woodrow Wilson, "The New Freedom"
F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Beautiful and the Damned"
Walter Lippmann, "The Public Philosophy"
402-04/IDS 393 Special Studies in American Literature
“Spiritual Book-Keeping: God and the American Writer: From Ann Bradstreet to
Harriet Beecher Stowe”
Dr. Dan Sundahl
TTh 1:00-2:15
This will be the second of a two-semester, year-long course with the first
semester spring of 2014 and the second semester fall of 2014. The IDS 393
designation is for American Studies. The course has been cross-referenced in
English as English 402. The course has also been cross-listed in Christian Studies
and in Religion. The course taught spring semester 2014 is not a pre-requisite for
the fall semester. This American Studies class, then, has an integrated crossreference with Christian Studies, English, and Religion, thus carrying credit for
students majoring in those areas as well as students majoring in American Studies.
But to the point:
Three years before his death, Tocqueville published his "The Old Regime and
the French Revolution" (1856). Ever the astute observer of the effects of the rising
equality of social conditions on the individual and the state in western societies,
Tocqueville wrote the following on the Americans, some two decades after his
"Democracy in America": "I have sometimes asked Americans whom I chanced to
meet in their own country or in Europe whether in their opinion religion
contributes to the stability of the State and the maintenance of law and order. They
always answered, without a moment's hesitation, that a civilized community,
especially one that enjoys the benefits of freedom, cannot exist without religion. In
fact, an American sees in religion the surest guarantee of the stability of the State
and the safety of individuals. This much is evident even to those least versed in
political science. Yet there is no country in the world in which the boldest political
theories of the eighteenth-century philosophers are put so effectively into practice
as in America. Only their anti-religious doctrines have never made any headway in
that country, and this despite the unlimited freedom of the press."
So, no apologies are necessary; Americans simply do not live without
religion exercising some kind of authority unless your name is Edmund Wilson who
approached religion less for its authority and more as a scholarly exercise.
Having made that introduction, this IDS 393 class intends as its main theme
less the complex issue of religion in America and more the meaning of what God has
been for a selection of American writers, and thus the place of God in the cultural,
imaginative life of our country. As one might guess, it's a slippery subject:
Hawthorne's God is not Emerson's God is not Whitman's God is surely not William
James' God, albeit one can approach these folks with little in the way of chronology.
How to do this?
After a "prelude," shall we say, with something of the early New England
background, what old Perry Miller calls "The Augustinian Strain of Piety," let's argue
that the confidence the Puritans placed in their belief that they knew God's mind
seems later misplaced. From the Seventeenth Century New England Calvinists to
some documents from The Great Awakening, largely those of Jonathan Edwards,
there's something of a gap then to William Ellery Channing's "Unitarian
Christianity"; but let's surely then make the argument that the God of the New
England transcendentalists is a far remove from the God of Hawthorne who is
usually regarded as having inherited New England's Calvinism and thankful for such
ancestors and equally thankful of being steps removed from those ancestors with
the march of ages. And who likely never wrote such meanderings sentences as that
What to read, then, and in what order?
That Augustinian Strain of Piety
Selections from Anne Bradstreet, Michael Wigglesworth, Edward
Taylor, and the Bay Psalm Book....
A Rational God or Not?
Selected Documents from the Great Awakening....
Rational Christianity
From John Wise and Jonathan Mayhew to William Ellery Channing
and "Unitarian Christianity"....
The religious radicalism of Theodore Parker and Dr. Orestes
Brownson (selections)....
The New England Transcendentalists....
Nathaniel Hawthorne, "The Scarlet Letter" and selected short stories....
The Gospel of Walt Whitman, his "Leaves of Grass" and a small
selection from Thoreau "Meeting Whitman"....
Emily Dickinson, "These strange minds; God's spies" ....
Herman Melville, Brooding upon the Holy Lands, "Clarel"....
An interregnum: "When the Nation Trembled and Convulsed";
Lincoln, "The Second Inaugural," Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, "Battle Hymn"
and Harriet Beecher Stowe, "Uncle Tom's Cabin"....
403-01 Special Studies in Western Literature
“Theology and Literature”
Dr. Dutton Kearney
Th 6:00-9:00
Course Description:
This course will explore the interpenetration between theology and literature. Our
meditation on the nature of Christian poetics will cover several different genres—
novel, drama, lyric, and essay—and we will examine how theological concepts such
as theodicy, conversion, soteriology, and eschatology are incarnated into poetic
form. Students will develop a cumulative hermeneutic for reading literature
Students will be expected to read Dostoyevsky’s The Devils over the summer, and to
be prepared for substantial reading load during the semester. In addition to an
annotated bibliography, a seminar paper of 20-25 pages will be required.
List of possible texts:
The Book of Job
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Devils
Pär Lagerkvist, Barabbas
Georges Bernanos, The Diary of a Country Priest
Graham Greene, A Burnt-Out Case
Shusaku Endo, Silence
Ron Hansen, Mariette in Ecstasy
Marilynne Robinson, Gilead
Short Stories from Raymond Carver, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Flannery O’Connor, and
George Saunders
Euripides, The Bacchae
John Milton, Samson Agonistes
Wole Soyinka, Death and the King’s Horseman
St. Ephrem, Hymns on Paradise
Charles Péguy, The Portal of the Mystery of Hope
John Donne, Thomas Traherne, Henry Vaughan, Francis Quarles, George Herbert
Gerard Manley Hopkins
William Baer, Scott Cairns, T. S. Eliot, David Gasconye, Dana Gioia, Geoffrey Hill,
Andrew Hudgins, Mark Jarman, Denise Levertov, Paul Mariani, and Richard Wilbur
404-01 Special Studies in Genre, Literary Criticism, and Writing (Cross-listed as
JRN 404; Permission of Instructor Required)
“Advanced Composition”
John Miller
TTh 11:00-12:15
This course is for good writers who want to become great writers. We will read
examples of excellent writing, both old and new, but primarily we will produce and
examine our own work. Expect weekly writing assignments and come prepared to
give and receive constructive criticism. Enrollment is limited to eight students and
instructor permission is required.
EDU 404-01 Special Studies in Genre, Literary Criticism and Writing (Satisfies
an ENG 404 requirement)
“Classic Children’s Literature”
Dr. Dan Coupland
TTh 1:00-2:15 p.m.
“A survey of classic children’s literature from preschool through secondary grades,
with occasional comparisons to modern children’s literature.” (Hillsdale College
This course will ask students to consider some of the best works in children’s
literature. Students of this course will explore features of these stories that make
these tales stand out from the rest. More importantly, students will explore the role
that children’s literature—and its varied themes—can play in developing the moral
imagination of the young. This is not to suggest that the course will promote a
simplistic, overly didactic approach to reading great stories. Rather, it will show
students how rich these seemingly simple stories are and how immersing young
people in the worlds created in these texts will ultimately help children become
more humane.
Primary Texts
 Fables (620-560 B.C.) by Aesop
 Fairy Tales (1810s) by Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm
 Fairy Tales (1830s-1840s) by Hans Christian Andersen
 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) by Lewis Carroll
 The Princess and the Goblin (1876) by George MacDonald
 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) by Mark Twain
 The Adventures of Pinocchio (1883) by Carlo Collodi
 Treasure Island (1883) by Robert Louis Stevenson
 The Wind in the Willows (1908) by Kenneth Grahame
 The Chronicles of Narnia (1950s) by C. S. Lewis
IDS 400-01 Special Studies in Western Literature (Satisfies an ENG403
“Artes Liberales: The History and Literature of Liberal Education”
Drs. David Whalen and Mark Kalthoff
Wednesday 2:00-5:00
Structured as a seminar, Artes Liberales entails extensive readings, lectures, and
discussions of historically significant primary texts and important scholarly studies
of liberal education. As this involves the practices, institutions, and content of liberal
education in its historical development, the course integrates a variety of
disciplines. Historical, philosophical, literary, theological and scientific perspectives
illuminate the study of liberal education from its inception in classical Greece to its
modern American manifestations. The purpose of the course is to develop an
integrated understanding of liberal education and to explore the possibilities for
synthesis among prominent ideas foundational to the liberal arts.
First Session: May 12-30
402-01 Special Studies in American Literature (Could count as English 403)
“The Mystery of Being: An Equation of Sorts” Part I
Dr. Dan Sundahl
9-12 daily
For English, either a 402 or a 403, or for American Studies, an American Literature
credit or an IDS 393 elective credit….
It was likely high school chemistry; the teacher's name was Marvin Mischke
and he was introducing the class to "colloidal suspensions." There was a glass
cylinder filled with liquid that was cloudy, milky even. He had a titrating tube in his
hand and out of that tube came a drop of something into the "suspension" and bingo,
clarity, voila, even.
Mystery solved. So I might have said something to old Marvin like all of that
was like a detective story and just at the right moment the sleuthing detective
inserts a "truth" into the scheme of things and bingo: Colonel Mustard did it in the
library with a wrench. And he might have said something about some students
were nothing more/nothing less than hypothetical cases.
Not so fast. Literature is of course profoundly concerned with the "mystery
of being." But to sleuth one's way into the "mystery" is hardly the same as a drop
from a titrating tube into a colloidal suspension.
Much more suggestive and ambiguous.
Still, over three weeks and then another three weeks of a perfectly opportune
"nothing else to do with one's life except avoid work" summer school, Session One
and then Session Two, why not read some books with the following "equational"
suggestiveness in mind:
For Summer Session Number One
Week One
Walker Percy, "The Moviegoer" and selections from Soren Kierkegaard, "Either/Or"
Week Two
Gabriel Marcel, “Three Plays” and selections from "The Existential Background of
Human Dignity"....
Week Three
Flannery O'Connor, "The Violent Bear It Away" and selections from Pierre Teilhard
de Chardin, "The Phenomenon of Man" and selections from Jacques Maritain,
"Integral Humanism"....
For Summer Session Number Two
Week One
Saul Bellow, "Mr. Sammler's Planet" and selections from Martin Buber, "I and Thou"
and "The Way of Response"....
Week Two
Henrik Ibsen, “Four Plays” and selections from Soren Kierkegaard, “Fear and
Rainer Maria Rilke, “Collected Poems, and selections from Soren Kierkegaard, “The
Sickness Unto Death”….
Week Three
Charles Peguy, “The Holy Innocents” and selections from Henri Bergson, “Matter and
Memory” and “Creative Evolution.”
403-01 Special Studies in Western Literature
“Reading Biblical Narrative”
Dr. J. A. Jackson
9-12 daily
English 403
Reading Biblical Narrative
J. A. Jackson
This course is designed to give the student a solid literary foundation in a broad
range of texts from the Hebrew Bible and will provide the student with various
examples of Biblical exegesis—from New Testament sources, from early rabbinic
sources, and from sources from the early Christian Church. While the focus in the
course is primarily on biblical narrative, we will also focus on the art of biblical
poetry as well—since much of biblical narrative is comprised of biblical poetry.
Additionally, we will study the physical setting of the biblical narratives,
cultural/historical settings, and important mythic and anti-mythic narrative
patterns throughout.
Course requirements: Daily participation; Final exam (both in-class and out-ofclass).
403-02 Special Studies in Western Literature
“The Fire and the Rose: Dante’s Divine Comedy”
Dr. Stephen Smith
9-12 daily
The course will focus on making a close, canto-by-canto reading of Dante’s Comedy.
We will consider other texts, classical and biblical and mystical, as they bear on
Dante’s poem.
Course Texts
Dante, Inferno; Dante, Purgatorio; Dante, Paradiso.
On the Title
We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to
arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. Through the
unknown, remembered gate When the last of earth left to discover Is that which
was the beginning; At the source of the longest river The voice of the hidden
waterfall And the children in the apple-tree Not known, because not looked
for But heard, half-heard, in the stillness Between two waves of the sea. Quick
now, here, now, always- A condition of complete simplicity (Costing not less than
everything) And all shall be well and All manner of thing shall be well When the
tongues of flame are in-folded Into the crowned knot of fire And the fire and the
rose are one.
404-01 Special Studies in Genre, Literary Criticism, and Writing
“Lyric Poetry”
Dr. David Whalen
1-4 daily
“Lyric Poetry” will take up English and American examples of the genre in the study
of its prosody, form, history, and distinguishing generic characteristics, as well as
the major themes and ideas so famously presented in the form. Poems studied will
range from Anglo-Saxon and medieval lyrics, through and into the 20th century.
While more emphasis will be given to British poems, American lyrics and some
lyrics in translation will be covered as well. Texts include Alfred Corn’s The Poem’s
Heartbeat, John Hollander’s Rhyme’s Reason, and the Norton Anthology of Poetry.
Second Session: June 2-20
401-01 Special Studies in British Literature
“Realism and Romance in Jane Austen and the Brontë Sisters
Dr. Lorraine Eadie
9-12 daily
The novels of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, and Emily Brontë share a core of
common concerns yet are seldom studied in relation to one another. This course
seeks to remedy that estrangement. Each of these remarkable authors contributes to
the formation of the novel at a vital moment in its history, a moment when romance
collides with realism, and that collision and each author’s unique response to it
forms the subject of this seminar. In Austen’s writings, the extravagance of gothic
and sentimental romance is displaced by a rigorous realism devoted to the
plausible, the rational, and the ordinary: but is the expulsion of romance as final as it
seems? The Brontës’ novels are often classified as “romantic” for their emotional
intensity, but do they therefore renounce any claim to the depiction of reality and
the communication of truth? Inspired by these questions, we will study the great
Austen and Brontë novels with particular attention to the aims and methods of
narrative realism. Nor will we neglect to study those narrative elements descended
from the romance tradition that so often haunt the realist novel, like Cathy’s ghost at
Lockwood’s window, unwilling to be banished and forgotten. Social, historical,
biographical, and literary contexts will inform our study to some degree, but our
steadiest concentration will be given to matters of structure, craft, and artistry, and
we will seek to understand the vision of reality that each novel conveys by these
Required texts:
Austen, Jane. Mansfield Park. Ed. Claudia L. Johnson. New York: Norton, 1998. Print.
[ISBN: 978-0393967913.]
--. Northanger Abbey, Lady Susan, The Watsons, Sanditon. Ed. James Kinsley and John
Davie. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. Print.
[ISBN: 978-0199535545.]
--. Persuasion. Ed. Patricia Meyer Spacks. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 2013. Print.
[ISBN: 978-0393911534.]
--. Pride and Prejudice. Ed. Donald Gray. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 2001. Print.
[ISBN: 978-0393976045.]
Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Ed. Margaret Smith. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. Print.
[ISBN: 978-0199535590.]
--. Villette. Ed. Margaret Smith and Herbert Rosengarten. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.
[ISBN: 978-0199536658.]
Brontë, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Ed. Ian Jack. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2009. Print.
[ISBN: 978-0199541898.]
402-01 Special Studies in American Literature (could count as English 403)
“The Mystery of Being: An Equation of Sorts” Part II
Dan Sundahl
9-12 daily
This course is a continuation of the 402-01 listed in Summer Session One. See
above for the course description.