Faith Basics Handbook Faith Basics Ministry at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church is an important part of our overall ministry to junior high students. Through this two-year program students learn about Jesus by attending class sessions, developing relationships, participating in service opportunities, and exercising their faith in new and exciting ways. Faith Basics helps prepare students and their families for their confession of faith in The Rite of Confirmation. Why do we prepare students for The Rite of Confirmation? We are baptized in the Name of our God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The purpose of Faith Basics Ministry is to help parents teach students how to “live out” their baptism, culminating in The Rite of Confirmation—confessing their faith before the community of believers. We want to focus on the What does this mean? question as it applies to daily life. We want parents, small group leaders, and other members of the body of Christ to serve as disciples to the Faith Basics students. We want students to learn about and experience life in a local congregation. The “Body of Christ,” the church, being made up of believers gathers together for mutual support and encouragement, as well as pooling resources and gifts to be used in the work of the kingdom. Students begin to see themselves as part of a larger fellowship and begin to understand what it means to engage in intentional missional living, which is to be the body of Christ to the world in which we live. We desire The Rite of Confirmation to be a step in the walk of faith—helping students transition from childhood to adulthood. This faith walk is truly a lifelong journey requiring signposts that direct one’s path. Parent and student together can proceed through a time of intense change seeking and knowing God’s will and applying it to everyday life. Faith Basics Ministry Is… -A STRENGTHENING RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUSRather than simply teaching knowledge, Faith Basics motivates students to pursue a closer walk with the Lord. They are modeled, trained and taught the spiritual life as portrayed in the Bible. Staff and spiritually gifted laypersons are involved in the process of strengthening our youth’s relationships with Jesus. -BUILDING COMMUNITYStudents learn from Jesus to break down barriers that divide and are motivated through group activity and class instruction to become united in action for the Lord. At The Rite of Confirmation, students will be more supportive of each other in their faith commitment because they are committed to each other in the walk of love within their local congregation—a community of believers in Jesus Christ. -FAMILY INVOLVEMENTParents brought their children to Jesus in Bible times. Parents instructed their children in the spiritual walk in Bible times. Today, parents still have the commission to bring up their children in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Faith Basics involves the family in this process by: giving opportunities to utilize their gifts to support the ministry, inviting their participation in course study, encouraging home activities that undergird the course study and, finally, partnering with their child in making major spiritual decisions. -GROWING IN FAITHStudents, through integrated activities, are called into obedience to the Lord’s teachings as a completion of the Great Commission of Jesus. Because they are disciples, students come to realize their calling to go and make more disciples. -SERVING AND REACHING OTHERS- Students, through service opportunities, see that they are called and equipped by God to be part of His kingdom work. There are three types of service opportunities: planned servant events scheduled throughout the year service opportunities planned and fulfilled with parents on a regular schedule WorkCamp—a weeklong summer mission trip for those completing 8th grade Components of Faith Basics Ministry Wednesday Evening Catechetical Instruction: Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, a book written to help parents teach the faith to their children, serves as the basis for our weekly time together. “Super Sundays”: Topical themes help students relate learning to everyday life. Servant Events: group and individual opportunities Retreats: attendance at two of three required The Rite of Confirmation: public affirmation of faith for third-year students Faith Basics Provides -INNOVATIVE METHODSAt Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church we use an innovative approach which gears itself to reaching students at their level— focusing on their relationship to Jesus Christ. Educational methods, flexibility in scheduling, multiplicity of educators and varied activities all combine to make this an exciting ministry approach with an age-old purpose—the discipling of our youth into a closer walk with Jesus—one that lasts through all eternity! -GREATER COMMITMENT TO THE GREATER BODY OF BELIEVERSFaith Basics prepares young people for greater commitment to Jesus Christ. The Rite of Confirmation occurs in the fall of ninth grade, giving the student an opportunity to make a public declaration of faith. -AN ADULT GUIDE RELATIONSHIPFamilies are supported in this spiritual journey by the encouragement and accountability of “guides” at Beautiful Savior. A pair of guides shares an assigned group of 5-6 students and meets weekly to provide support, spiritual care, and love for the students. Highlights of the Faith Basics Ministry Biblical values Community involvement Parent support very important!!! Weekly participation Retreats Beautiful Savior Faith Basics Ministry exists to allow young people to connect with God’s love and to live as committed followers of Jesus Christ in their lifestyle, service, and personal witness. 2 Faith Basics Requirements How students conduct themselves is a vital component of this program. We believe that our students represent their Lord, Beautiful Savior, and themselves. We expect our students to act respectfully to their teachers, fellow students, and others – in class and outside of class. First- and second-year students are formed in to small groups. Groups of 5 - 6 students meet with a pair of assigned adult guides on Wednesday evenings throughout the school year to cover the curriculum. The year consists of classes, service projects, and three retreats. Fees and Supplies The annual program fee is $195 and covers a portion of the cost of materials plus attendance at three retreats: Mystery Trip, Winter Parent-Student Retreat, and Spring Youth Gathering. Students are required to attend at least two of these three events. Additional fees are associated with The Rite of Confirmation. These fees will be detailed for confirmands and their families at a later date. Faith Basics Schedule – Wednesday Nights 6:30 to 6:50 pm 6:50 to 7:15 pm 7:15 to 7:45 pm 7:45 to 8:00 pm Opening and Music Lesson Presentation Small Groups Closing Questions and Prayer Safety Guidelines Students are to arrive between 6:15 and 6:25 pm. They are not to be left unsupervised prior to 6:15 pm. No food or drink is to be brought into any classroom or into the Sanctuary. Students must be picked up promptly at 8:00 pm. The Rite of Confirmation Requirements In the fall of the third year, students participate in a Confirmation Project and Essay Presentation, a Family Banquet Night, individual and group pictures, a Confirmation rehearsal and a Confirmation Sunday service. Details of these events will be sent to third- year students in the August prior to The Rite of Confirmation, which takes place on Reformation Sunday at the end of October each year. We assume all students enrolled in Faith Basics Ministry intend to profess their faith publicly. We will assume this until informed otherwise by a parent/guardian. However, students who participate in Faith Basics Ministry are not required to confess their faith by participating in The Rite of Confirmation. If professing one’s faith in front of the Christian community of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church is a student’s goal, then the following requirements need to be fulfilled. Requirements Worship attendance is required. Attendance at two of the three retreats is required. Sunday Morning Super Sunday attendance is also required. Sermon reports: 10 for first-year students and 20 for the second year are required. Class notes completed for a minimum of 18 classes. 3 Completion of the six memory work packets (3 each year) on the Six Chief Parts from the small catechism with the help of parents. Inviting two guests/friends to ministry events during the year. Completing Course Memorization The Word is the foundation of all we are and do as people of God. Therefore it is necessary to “know” the Word. Memorization allows opportunity to live Psalm 119:11…I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Parents and students are encouraged to work together to complete the memory work found in the six packets on the chief parts. Sunday Morning Each week students are expected to attend the Sunday Morning “Super Sundays.” As a complement to the Wednesday evening setting, this hour focuses more on everyday life topics. Not only is the class fun, but it also has a unique flavor. Linda Grey does a wonderful job providing leadership for her team. The class meets in The Commons and the Family Life Center at 9:45 am each Sunday during the school year. Parent/Guardian… Faithful examples Lesson follow-up at home Daily prayer and support for students and instructors Attendance at periodic parent meetings Occasional assistance at activities Work through the packets with their student Attendance Policies The discipleship journey to The Rite of Confirmation at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church is one that students choose to walk through with parental guidance. The church urges students in the seventh and eighth grades to attend. It is our belief that these experiences can and will help shape and develop individuals in their faith walk. Because this program is a choice, there are some basic policies and guidelines students are expected to meet. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the student being asked to complete alternative activities. Listed below are the attendance requirements: Each student will be allowed two unexcused absences per half-year, two in the fall and two in the spring. If a student has more than two unexcused absences per half-year, make-up work will be required. Makeup assignments are as follows: o Make-up Work for Pre-arranged Absences: The student and parent together should complete the Family Check-In Time section for the missed lesson. This section is located at the end of each lesson. The completed form should be turned in to the Director of Youth and Young Adults no later than the beginning of the class session immediately following the absence. o Make-up Work for Non-Pre-arranged Absences: If a student misses a week without prearrangement with the Director of Youth and Young Adults, the student has two weeks from the date missed to arrange for, complete, and turn in any required make-up assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to ask the Director of Youth and Young Adults for the make-up assignment. Role of Parents The culture our students live in today is radically different from what it was 20 years ago. Probably the biggest change is the fact that today, many students walk the adolescent journey alone—without the benefit of caring adults to guide and support them. It seems today, that adolescence begins earlier and ends later. It happens 4 earlier in the physical, or social sense, but later in an emotional or economic sense. Now, more than at any time in our country’s history, the images and culture proclaim a message that is far different from what we confess in the Name of Jesus Christ. Faith Basics is a process not only for young adolescents but also for their parents or guardians. Communicating the Gospel is a primary function of parenting. The church has a supportive role in this, though it should never usurp the responsibility from parents. At Beautiful Savior, we seek to involve parents in every step of their child’s faith journey. From Baptism to their first Bible, and on to training in the Lord’s Supper and The Rite of Confirmation, parents journey with their children providing guidance and growing themselves along the way. So where do we begin? It seems that adults and students have little in common today and the stresses of life in this generation threaten to tear families apart at every turn. However, there is one commonality that we all have, and that is faith. It is this common ground of faith that becomes the opportunity for adults and students to communicate and share in the journey of faith. In some ways, this will be more of a challenge for adults than for students. Many of us have never really been challenged to take this kind of active role in the nurturing of our children, telling the “story” of faith. Here is where we as a church seek to help. As part of the discipleship process, we are asking you as parents to commit to being part of the learning process with your student. We encourage you to spend time each week discussing and communicating your faith experience with your student. It is also very important that you take time to work through the memory work packets on the Six Chief Parts. As you do this, know that your efforts will be far more valuable than any class, memory work, or sermon report ever will be. We are here to help you with any questions you may have as you work through the questions in Martin Luther’s Small Catechism with your student. We encourage you, as a parent, to volunteer to help with any of the different aspects of Faith Basics, from being a small group guide to going on a retreat. You’ll be glad you did and your student will benefit from it. Faith Basics Course of Study Year B (2014-2015) Intro to the Old Testament Intro to the New Testament Worship Abstinence Education Confession* Baptism* The Lord’s Prayer* Service Nights Year A (2015-2016) The Ten Commandments* Worship Lord’s Supper* Abstinence Education Martin Luther The Creeds* Service Nights *denotes Six Chief Parts of Christian Doctrine as summarized in Martin Luther’s Small Catechism Miscellaneous Information 5 Wednesday instruction meets 6:30 – 8:00 pm during the program year. A calendar will be distributed to all registered families. We begin with our opening worship in The Commons outside the Family Life Center. Weather cancellations will be determined by 3pm each Wednesday during the program year. If there is to be a cancellation due to weather, you will hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. You can also call the Preschool telephone 763-694-9449 after 3:30 pm where a cancellation message can be heard. As always, we expect parents to use their best judgment. The elevator is off limits, except when permission is expressly granted. Questions may be addressed to Bill Johnson or Amy Niemann at 763-550-1000, or . 6