Word - Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Working with Francophones:
NOSM Health Sciences Competency Checklist
The NOSM Health Sciences learner develops competence in francophone health and culture
demonstrating the knowledge, attitudes and skills required. For successful attainment of these
competencies, the majority of these learning activities should be completed at least by the end of the
NOSM placement and/or NOSM-related program (e.g. NODIP, PA).
There are seven competencies to be achieved; six minimum competencies for all learners and one
advanced competency for bilingual learners/placements.
Minimum Competencies
1. Identify and describe the health status of Francophones in Ontario, including the historical
context through which cultural values related to traditional family roles, education,
employment, and lifestyle have influenced this health status.
2. Identify and describe the socio-demographic profile of Francophones in Ontario, including the
heterogeneity of this population.
3. Acknowledge that feelings of assimilation related to being a cultural and linguistic minority
have shaped the Francophone experience in Northern Ontario over time.
4. Discuss the federal and provincial legislative rights of Francophones in Canada related to access
to services in French.
5. Discuss the issues related to access to linguistically and culturally appropriate health services
for Francophones.
6. Identify and describe strategies for improving the Francophone population’s access to culturally
appropriate health services.
Advanced Competency
7. Demonstrate appropriate approaches and strategies to reach Francophones at an individual
and/or population level. These may include knowledge of the local, provincial and national
networks, groups, organizations serving Francophones, and how to offer bilingual services.
1. This checklist is used to assist the learner and clinical teacher/preceptor to plan the placement
activities and schedule.
2. It is the responsibility of the learner to complete the checklist and submit to the NOSM-related
Program Manager/Coordinator.
3. The Program Manager/Coordinator will review checklist and collate for Health Sciences
accreditation purposes.
Copyright© 2014 Health Sciences Unit, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
4. Some activities will not be applicable or available. Discussion, role-play, case study, and
assignments can serve as an alternative to actual hands-on completion of the learning activities
listed below.
1. Identify and describe the health status of Francophones in Ontario,
including the historical context through which cultural values related to
traditional family roles, education, employment, and lifestyle have
influenced this health status.
Gains knowledge of the history of Francophones in Ontario.
Learning Activities:
 Completes recommended readings from Office of Francophone Affairs and
other key links such as:
 History of education, health, culture within Ontario.
 History in Ontario.
 Then and Now.
1.2 Gains knowledge of the health status of Francophones in Ontario.
Learning Activities:
 Completes recommended readings from Office of Francophone Affairs and
other key links such as:
 Second Report on the Health Status of Francophones in Ontario, 2005
(executive summary only is in English; full report is in French).
1.3 Applies knowledge of the health status of Francophones in Ontario.
Learning Activities:
 Identifies three key factors that have influenced this health status.
 Discusses the impact of health status on health service delivery with a
Francophone patient/client (e.g. literacy issues in written and oral
2. Identify and describe the socio-demographic profile of Francophones in
Ontario, including the heterogeneity of this population.
2.1 Gains knowledge of the profile of Franco-Ontarians.
Learning Activities:
Copyright© 2014 Health Sciences Unit, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Completes recommended readings from Office of Francophone Affairs and
other key links such as:
New francophone definition-June 2009.
Profile in Ontario-2009. Note: FCFA's statistical data may differ from that of
the Office of Francophone Affairs as the FCFA does not use the Inclusive
Definition of Francophone (IDF) in its reports.
2.2 Applies knowledge of Francophone profile in Ontario.
Learning Activities:
 Identifies key Ontario communities with large Francophone populations.
 Discusses the impact of the francophone definition on health service
3. Acknowledge that feelings of assimilation related to being a cultural and
linguistic minority have shaped the Francophone experience in Northern
Ontario over time.
3.1 Gains knowledge of assimilation of cultural and linguistic minorities.
Learning Activities:
 Is familiar with reports from NOSM Francophone Symposia, 2005, 2007,
2010, and 2012 (pending) and other key links:
Working Together With Francophones in Ontario, Part 1: Understanding the
ucation/index_f.php (in French only)
Applies knowledge of assimiliation of Francophones in Northern Ontario.
Learning Activities:
 Identifies key outcomes from this assimilation process (e.g. exogamic
family composition, symbolic violence, auto determination and
sociocultural identity).
 Discusses the impact in the delivery and reception of services.
Copyright© 2014 Health Sciences Unit, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
4. Discuss the federal and provincial legislative rights of Francophones in
Canada related to access to services in French.
4.1 Gains knowledge of the French Language Services Act.
Learning Activities:
 Completes recommended readings from Office of Francophone Affairs and
other key links such as:
 French Languages Services Act, Overview.
 French Languages Services Act.
 LHINs and French Language Priorities (see relevant LHIN for practice
setting and search key words: French language services).
 HC Link-Working with Francophones-legislation-2012 webcast, Part 2.
4.2 Gains knowledge of Francophone Affairs of NOSM.
Learning Activities:
 Is familiar with NOSM Francophone Affairs and its mandate, key activities
and reports.
4.3 Applies knowledge of the French Language Services Act.
Learning Activities:
 Discusses the impact of the Act on health service delivery in Northern
5. Discuss the issues related to access to linguistically and culturally
appropriate health services for Francophones.
5.1 Gains knowledge of the context of health service delivery for Franco-Ontarians.
Learning Activities:
 Completes recommended reading from HC Link and other key links such as:
Working together with Francophones in Ontario-Understanding the Context,
My health, my language... A question of quality, safety, legitimacy and
Copyright© 2014 Health Sciences Unit, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
5.2 Applies knowledge of context to health care access and services for
Learning Activities:
Be familiar with the Réseau du mieux-être francophone du nord de l’Ontario
(http://reseaudumieuxetre.ca) which is the planning entity for French health
services in the north
Be familiar with the Community Health Centers offering services in French
in the north. Full list of CHC is at
6. Identify and describe strategies for improving the Francophone
population’s access to culturally appropriate health services.
6.1 Gains knowledge of community engagement in Francophone populations.
Learning Activities:
 Completes recommended readings from key links such as:
 Offering bilingual services in Francophone communities: Important elements to
consider http://www.ohpe.ca/node/9935
 How to engage with Francophones-At a glance, 2012
Optional readings/webinars include:
How to engage Francophones, HC Link 2011 webinar
Reaching Francophones, Best Start Resource Centre, 2008 (early years
Gains knowledge of best practices.
Learning Activities:
 Is familiar with reports and sources of evidence on best practices such as:
Working together with Francophones in Ontario: Understanding the
context and using promising practices, 2011
6.3 Applies knowledge of improved health service delivery in Francophone
Learning Activities:
 Identifies 3 factors that should be considered in community engagement
with Francophones.
 Discusses ways of improving health service delivery with Francophones
Copyright© 2014 Health Sciences Unit, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
regardless of language of health provider.
7. Demonstrate appropriate approaches and strategies to reach
Francophones at an individual and/or population level. These may
include knowledge of the local, provincial and national networks,
groups, organizations serving Francophones, and how to offer bilingual
Demonstrate an awareness of the various community health and social service
programs serving Francophones.
Learning Activities:
 Tours the agency/organization and become familiar with resources
available for area residents.
 Researches programs/services available in community/region/district.
 Reviews descriptions of community programs.
Be familiar with the roles and responsibilities of your discipline and other key
team members within the organization.
Learning Activities:
 Reviews job description(s) and understand the role(s).
 Discusses organizational chart.
 Reviews goals/objectives of service/department/organization.
 Discusses how service/department is integrated into strategic direction and
activities of the organization.
Applies knowledge and discipline-specific expertise.
Learning Activities:
 Demonstrates knowledge of key discipline-specific resources and
references and how to communicate such knowledge to your client(s).
 Plans and organizes discipline-specific service(s).
 Implements and documents discipline-specific service(s).
 Assesses and evaluates effectiveness and makes recommendations.
 Discusses service(s) in terms of the agency/organization’s mandate.
Identifies how service(s) contributes to achieving agency/organization’s
Copyright© 2014 Health Sciences Unit, Northern Ontario School of Medicine