UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA FACULTY OF LAW STUDY PROGRAM: LAW, SOCIETY AND DEVELOPMENT Teaching subject: Anthropology of Law Periode of time : February - May 2012 Day: Thursday, 14.00- 15.40 TEACHERS: Prof. Dr. Sulistyowati Irianto, MA (SI) Lidwina Inge Nurtjahyo, SH, M.Si (LIN) Dian Rositawati, SH., M.A (DR) Iva Kasuma, SH. M.Hum. (IK) Objectives: The objectives of this teaching subject is to understand: 1. The significance of studying legal anthropological perspective for legal scholar to understand law 2. The construction of law in socio and political context, and how does law work in daily life of society 3. Contribution of theoretical and methodological approaches in anthropology to understand law in such broader meaning Synopsis: This lecture focus on contribution of anthropological approach to legal studies. Law as text cannot be understood as neutral and objective and isolated from society. The society member can perceive law differently in line with their social and cultural background, economic and political context. Society has capacity to valid their own rules dealing with their need to maintain social order. Among many legal scholars it raises awareness that legal studies firmly studying law in black letter perspective (legalistic thinking) does not have enough capacity to explain how law is constructed implemented by actors. It could be legal enforcers or society at large. Legal anthropological approach place law interconnected with social, political, economic and cultural background. Some theoretical concepts and methodological approaches will be introduced, and it is followed by themes and practical issues studied in legal anthropology like critical perspective on law, legal pluralism, dispute settlement, legal development, and access to justice. Legal pluralism as classic and modern approach will be studied more, as this approach has been developed and dominated legal anthropological field of study. 1 CRITERIA OF EVALUATION: 40 % from mid term exam, 50 % from final exam and 10 % daily activities like discussion. mid term exam will be conducted in the form of essay final exam is completed by doing and writing (small scale) research report and completed by documentation (photos or video) . 2 Course 1 Subject Introduction SCHEDULE objectives Method 1. to raise awareness Lecture and on the importance discussion of studying anthropology of law to understand law 2. To understand the difference between legalistic thinking of law and anthropological perspective in law 3. To understand interdisciplinary approach to law Lecturer SI Bahan Bacaan 1. R.F. Kandel, 1992. “How Lawyers and Anthropologist Think Differently.” 3. Ihromi, TO, Pengantar Antropologi Hukum. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor, 1993. 2 The history and scope of legal anthropology To understand legal anthropological studies in the earl of its history, approaches, and themes and how its progress in modern time Lecture and discussion SI/LIN Moore, Sally F, Early Themes that Reappear in new Form in Moore, SF (ed), Law and Anthropology , Blackwell, 2005, p 5-28 3 Main concepts in legal anthropology To understand main concepts in legal anthropology, law in cultural perspective Lecture and discussion LI /DR Verschuuren (eds.), The State Legislature and Non-State Law, 2008. 4 Legal Pluralism in classical view To understand legal pluralism as concept and its critique against Lecture and discussion SI 1. Marc Hertogh, What is Non-State Law? Mapping the Other Hemisphere of 3 Course Subject objectives legal centralism Method Lecturer Bahan Bacaan the Legal World in J. van Schoten & J.M. 2. Tamanaha, Brian, Legal Pluralism 3. Irianto, Sulistyowati. “Sejarah Pluralisme Hukum dan Konsekuensi Metodologisnya” 5 Legal Pluralism in modern perspective To understand the issues of Legal Pluralism and global world Lecture and discussion SI Moore, Sally F, the Large Scale: Pluralism, Globalism, and the Negotiation of International disputes, in Moore Sally F, Law and Anthropology: A Reader, Blackwell, 2005, p 303-342 F & K benda-Beckmann, Griffiths, Introduction in F& K Benda-Beckmann & Anne Griffiths (eds) in Mobile People Mobile Law, 2005 6 Dispute Settlement in anthropological perspective To understand Anthropology of Dispute Settlement Lecture and discussion LIN/DR Moore, Sally F, the early classic of legal Ethnography: the real thing-field work on law, rules, cases and disputes in Moore, SF (ed), Law and Anthropology , Blackwell, 2005, p 65-100 4 Course Subject 7 Dispute Settlement 8 From Legal Development to Access to Justice for Women and the Poor From Legal Development to Access to Justice for women and the poor II Methodology 9 10 objectives Method Lecturer Bahan Bacaan Hoebel in TO Ihromi, Antropologi Hukum Bunga Rampai To understand Dispute settlement as an unending theoretical and practical issues To understand justice pro poor and women Lecture and discussion LIN/DR Bloomley, Abel-Felstiner ?? Lecture and discussion DR/IK Thomas Caroters To understand justice pro poor and women Lecture and discussion DR/IK ?? To understand socio-legal research method Lecture and discussion SI 1. Flood, socio-legal ethnography in Banakar & Travers (2005); 2.Sulistyowati Irianto: Memahami SociLegal Studies & Praktik Penelitian Hukum, in Irianto S & Shidarta: Metode Penelitian Hukum, OBor 2009 11 Methdology II 12 Overview To understand enthography of law LIN/DR Samia Bano & Griffiths, in Banakar & Travers, 2005 SI/LIN/ DR/IK 5 Course 13 Subject Presenting research report objectives Method Lecturer SI/LIN/ DR/IK Bahan Bacaan SI-2012 6