University Disability Support Services Student Educational Opportunity Documentation Guidelines Documentation of your disability can help University Disability Support Services understand how your condition affects you. It can also help UDSS determine what services are needed to help facilitate access to your University experience, i.e. classes, facilities, programs, etc. Documentation can take many forms, including: your experiences and information you are willing to share about your disability; impressions and conclusions UDSS professionals make based on our knowledge and experience, and based on our interactions with you; and/or external documentation provided by health care providers, psychologists, teachers, other professionals from schools or colleges you’ve attended, etc. UDSS may use external documentation to supplement the information you provide on your UDSS application as well as from your interactions with UDSS staff. To support requests for accommodations, external documentation will be considered and may include: medical or psychological records relevant to your condition(s); educational reports, e.g. IEPs, 504 plans, Summary of Performance documents; school records specific to your condition(s); recommendations from qualified professionals familiar with you; and/or records of prior use of similar accommodations If you do not have external documentation, please contact the UDSS office at (307) 766-6189, (TTY: 307-766-3073), or and ask to meet with the UDSS director. We can explore other ways to demonstrate a connection between your condition(s) and any academic or program barriers you are encountering or anticipate encountering. A face-to-face meeting or a meeting via phone, email or resources such as Skype can be arranged. Students should be aware that other colleges and universities may require different documentation of disability. Additionally, testing agencies that administer standardized tests such as the GRE, Praxis, LSAT, etc., may require documentation that differs from what is expected at the University of Wyoming. Provision of accommodations at UW does not guarantee similar treatment by other colleges, universities, testing agencies or employers. These general guidelines were developed to assist you and the professionals in your support network to prepare your application for UDSS services and to determine what additional materials maybe helpful to your request for auxiliary aids and services or reasonable adjustments or modifications to policies (also known as accommodations). If you have questions, please call (307) 766-6189, (TTY: 307-766-3073), or Materials may be sent to: Materials may also be delivered to: University Disability Support Services Student Educational Opportunity University of Wyoming Dept. 3808, 1000 E. University Avenue Laramie, WY 82071 University Disability Support Services, SEO 109 or 330 Knight Hall 3/2013