Directed Reading CH13

Chapter 13 Pages
Dr. Vindman
AP Biology
1. What is the process of transformation shown by Griffith in his experimetns with pneumonia
2. How did Avery refine Ggriffith’s experiments and what additional infomraiton did he gian from
his experimentation?
The figure above describes experiments performed by Hershey and Chase.
3. Explain why the phosphate and sulfur labels allow experiments to differentiate between
proteins and nucleic acids.
Chapter 13 Pages
Dr. Vindman
AP Biology
4. Write a hypothesis for the above experiments.
5. What conclusions were drawn from the results of the Hershey Chase Experiments? Did they
agree with the data from Avery’s experiments on pneumonia?
6. Explain how Chargaff showed there is molecular diversity amongst the nucleic acids of different
7. What did Chargraff’s second law support the double helix model of DNA proposed by Watson
and Crick?
8. What kind of data was used by Watson and Crick to that the structure of DNA was a double
9. What is the relationship between the width of the DNA molecule (from backbone to backbone)
and the pairing of a purine to pyrimidine?
10. Describe the semiconservative model of DNA replication.
11. Explain the data gathered by Meselson and Stahl that ruled out a conservative model of DNA
12. Explain the data gathered by Meselson and Stahl that ruled out a dispersive model of DNA
Chapter 13 Pages
Dr. Vindman
AP Biology
13. What does antiparallel mean in reference to DNA structure?
Looking at the figure above describe the following.
14. Where does the energy come from that drives the polymerization reactions which grow a strand
of DNA?
15. Each addition reaction is a dehydration synthesis. Not the entire water molecule being removed
is included in this figure. Add the missing H and circle the hydroxyl that will be removed from
the growing strand.
Chapter 13 Pages
Dr. Vindman
AP Biology
16. What shape is a prokaryotic chromosome?
17. What is meant by incomplete replication of linear chromosomes? Explain why this occurs.
18. What special feature do linear chromosomes have at their ends?
19. What does telomerase do?
20. Are there many genes at the ends of chromosomes? Why or why not?
21. What is the difference between the lagging and leading strand of DNA replication?
22. What is the role of DNA helicase in DNA replication?
23. What is the role of DNA polymerase III in replication of DNA?
24. What is the role of DNA polymerase I in DNA replication?
25. What is the role of DNA ligase in DNA replication?
26. What mechanism is in place during replication to ensure fidelity in the copying of our genetic
27. What kind of bonds is DNA polymerase catalyzing the formation of?
28. What type of bond holds the 2 strands of DNA together?
29. Are these bonds easily broken?
30. What is a nucleosome?
31. Are metaphase chromosomes available for transcription or replication? Explain.
Chapter 13 Pages
Dr. Vindman
AP Biology
32. What is cloning?
33. Label the boxes in the above figure.
34. How could the reaction shown above be used to engineer a recombinant piece of DNA?
35. What is a plasmid?
36. In gel electrophoresis what is the force that moves the DNA through the gel.
37. What criteria segregate the pieces of DNA along the length of the gel?
38. What is the role of heating a cooling the DNA in a PCR reaction?
39. What is the result of the PCR reaction.
40. List the ingredients you would have to provide for a PCR reaction to take place.
Watch this video on dideoxy DNA sequencing: