20 years ago the State museum of history of Uzbekistan was open.
The special attention paid in days of independence to improvement of activity of the museums of our country, strengthening of their material base, enrichment of funds is brightly shown and in activity of the State museum of history of Uzbekistan.
According to the resolution of the Cabinet of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About formation of the museum of history of Uzbekistan" of April 21, 1992 at Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan the Museum of history of Uzbekistan was created. By the resolution of the Cabinet of the Republic of Uzbekistan
"About creation of the State museum of history of Uzbekistan" of August 5, 1994 it was given the status of the State museum. On March 21, 1995 its ceremonial opening took place.
In the museum always there are a lot of school students, students, our compatriots of all age and professions, tourists. Here it is possible to receive full, objective and reliable information about a glorious past of our Homeland, stages of development of national statehood, science, culture, art, traditional schools of national crafts.
– Increase of spirituality of the people, education of youth by worthy successors of our great ancestors are the priority directions of policy of the state, – the director of the museum, the doctor of historical sciences Zhannat Ismailova speaks. – In this work an important role is played by deep studying of history, research of life and activity of the great thinkers who made a huge contribution to development of a world civilization, wide use of their priceless scientific and spiritual heritage in education of younger generation.
In the museum about 300 thousand exhibits relating to archeology, ethnography, numismatics, the models of national workmanship, works of art, pictures, documents and other historical materials testifying to rich history, unique culture and spirituality of our people from the most ancient centuries to present time, its contribution to development of a world civilization are exposed. The exposition placed on the first floor covers the period from the Stone Age before the beginning of the XIX century. Unique metal and pottery, suits and jewelry, the wall drawings, household items, instruments of labor found during archeological excavations in the territory of our country give a bright idea of life of certain eras, an originality and ethnographic features of each region.
The remains of ancient people found in caves Selungur, Teshiktosh and Obirakhmat (1,5 million years
B.C.), the stone amulet in the form of a two-headed snake found in Fergana Valley (the II millennium
B.C.), the ruins of the Buddhist temple found on Fayaztep in the Surkhan-Darya area, wall drawings in
Varakhsh's palace testify to ancient roots of our people.
The numismatical collection of the museum covering the period since the V century B.C. to the XIX century of our era is especially various. Here it is possible to see the coins which are rapped out in
Greek-Bactria, Kushana, Khwarezm, Sogda, Chacha and also at the time of board of dynasties
Akhemenidov, Takhiridov, Karakhanidov, Temuridov. These finds testify that on our earth since the most ancient times there were trade and economic relations.
According to ancient manuscripts, books, rare editions it is possible to judge that on our sacred earth were developed science, literature, art, and carved columns, architecture elements, beautiful suits and headdresses, jewelry testify to national values and traditions, deep and strong roots of national workmanship.
– I was convinced of the museum that the Uzbek people have ancient and rich culture, the priceless historical heritage which became property of all mankind, – the tourist from China Chan Dang Hua
speaks. – Besides, modern museum pieces testify to a sure gait of independent Uzbekistan on the chosen way of development.
The museum successfully conducts scientific researches, perspective projects are realized, expeditions will be organized. It promotes enrichment of fund of the museum, creation of new grants and books for educational institutions, to increase of interest of the younger generation in Homeland history. At the same time practical work on further improvement of activity of the museum is carried out.
Within the project on creation of the electronic base "Historical and Cultural Monuments" on the basis of collections of the State museum of history of Uzbekistan the electronic base of exhibits on archeology, numismatics, ethnography, works of art, to the weapon is created. According to the project on preparation and the edition of the manual "Fundamentals of Museology of Uzbekistan" the analysis of activity of the museums, storage and preservation of exhibits is carried out, the organizations of exhibitions, excursions, agitation and propaganda work and on this basis are published books and grants.
The museum entering into structure of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan is equated to research institute. Now scientists of the museum in cooperation with the museum of the Tokyo university are engaged in studying of monuments of the Stone Age in the territory of Uzbekistan, in particular, of the finds relating to a srednekamenny eyelid and found in territories of Yakkabagsky, Chirakchinsky regions of the Kashkadarinskii area and the Nuratinsky region of Navoiysky area.
Nazokat Usmanova, Ajlo Abdullaev (photo), UzA.