Tier 3 Behavior support Plan

A Behavior Support Plan (BSP) is a mandated activity under P.L. 105-17 (IDEA) for students with disabilities
who exhibit behavior(s) that may interfere with his/her learning or that of other students, or when an Evaluation
or Manifestation Determination reveals behavioral needs which should be addressed. However, a BSP may also
be utilized to address behavioral concerns of nondisabled students. This BSP is a formal means of reducing or
eliminating the student’s inappropriate behavior(s) as well increasing or teaching appropriate behavior(s). All
students will participate in the development and implementation of his/her BSP, as appropriate.
Student Name: Peter Pan
Current School: Any EBR School
Development Date: September 1, 2011
Age: 13 years
Grade: 8th
No Exceptionality
X Exceptionality: Emotional Disturbance
Diagnosed Impairments: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant
Disorder (ODD), Inability to exhibit appropriate behavior routinely under normal circumstances, inability to
build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and adults, and conduct characterized by a
lack of behavioral control or adherence to social norms which is secondary to an emoational disorder.
Medical/Mental Diagnoses: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Medications: Vyvanse, Depakote & Risperdol
Operational Definition of Problem Behavior:
Peter does not comply with staff directives even when given multiple redirections and exhibits verbal and /or
physical aggression. On the Universal Behavior Screening completed on September 1, 2011, Peter scored in the
high risk range on both the Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) and the Student Internalizing Behavior
Screening Scale (SIBSS). A score in the high risk range indicates Peter should receive support at the Tier 3
level. This plan is an attempt to assist Peter in exhibiting prosocial behaviors as well as increase his compliance
while decreasing his verbal and physical aggression
Function – Based Hypothesis Statement: To attain staff and peer attention, Peter ignores staff directives and
when denied attention or not permitted to do what he wants; will become verbally and physically aggressive
with both staff and peers.
Parent Initials ______
Replacement Behavior (Desired Behavior): Comply with staff directives by the third prompt.
Where will it
Take Place?
Provide decision making strategies to increase
IDEA social
In the
A point system will be implemented (refer to
the steps for implementation section for more
information) to determine progress
Teach Peter the Positive Behavior Intervention
Support (PBIS)expectations and consequences
at the Tier 1 level within the classroom.
All current
In all areas of
the school
ESS Teacher
& General
In all classes
Intervention Strategy
How often will it
materials will occur and for how
be used?
Strong Teens As per the minutes
indicated on his IEP
and/or on an as
needed basis
Tracked in thirtypoint graph
minute increments
At least for 15
PBIS plan
minutes daily as well
as on an as needed
Method of Progress
Status Report of the IDEA
social worker
Attached point graph
Weekly Tier 1 PBIS
To determine successful implementation Peter will earn at least one reward each day as well as score at least 80% on her weekly PBIS quizzes.
Replacement Behavior (Desired Behavior): Positive Anger Management
Intervention Strategy
Where will it
Responsible? Take Place?
Teach Peter coping skills, healthy and
appropriate emotional expression and conflict
resolution strategies.
IDEA social
In the
A point system will be implemented (refer to
the preventative strategies section for more
information) to determine progress
Teach Peter the Positive Behavior Intervention
Support (PBIS) expectations and consequences
at the Tier 1 level within the classroom.
All current
In all areas of
the school
ESS Teacher
& General
In all classes
How often will it
materials will occur and for how
be used?
Strong Teens according to the time
indicated on her IEP,
and/or on an as
needed basis
Tracked in thirtypoint graph
minute increments
At least for 15
PBIS plan
minutes daily as well
as on an as needed
Method of progress
Status Report of the IDEA
social worker
Attached point graph
Weekly Tier 1 PBIS
Parent Initials ______
To determine successful implementation Peter will earn at least one reward each day as well as score at least
80% on his weekly PBIS quizzes.
Steps for Behavior Support Plan Implementation (Should include proactive and reactive strategies)
1. Peter's target behaviors will be tracked daily in 30 minute increments. Every 30 minutes, Peter will receive 1
point for complying with staff directives by the third prompt and 1 point for exhibiting positive anger
management. If Peter is able to comply with staff directives on the first prompt, he will receive 5 points
instead of 1. Additionally, Peter can earn Bonus Points in the following manner:
1 point for every completed assignment
2 points for remaining in the area of instruction during a 30 minute time period
5 points for attending and participating in counseling sessions
5 points for getting "caught being good" such as helping a peer, being prepared for class, etc.
5 points for eating lunch in the cafeteria
2. Peter can redeem his points as follows:
 Lunch with the principal (30 points) in a designated area outside of the main office
 Lunch with secretary (30 points) in a designated area outside of the main office
 Assisting a teacher or the physical education coach for 15 minutes (15 points)
 A snack (20 points)
Points will be awarded by the assigned teacher during the half-hour increment.
3. If Peter is unable to comply with staff directives by the third prompt, he will be unable to earn points during
that time increment and can be refered to the ZAP (Zeros Aren’t Permitted) Program to finish any
incomplete assignments as indicated in the PBIS Program Guidelines.
4. If Peter is unable to manage his anger and becomes involved in a physical altercation with another peer, he
will be referred to the after school behavior clinic, which is run by the Pupil Appraisal Services school
psychologist, to learn anger management, problem solving and conflict resolution skills. Additionally,
Peter's mother will be offered Parent Management Training (PMT) classes by the School Psychologist
which occur on a monthly basis.
Crisis Intervention (Safety) Plan
Only Peter's teachers that are certified in Non-Violent Crisis Intervention will implement these strategies on an
as needed basis; however, verbal de-escalation strategies should be used by all of Peter’s teachers.
Additionally, if Peter becomes an imminent danger to others, he may be escorted off campus by the Security
Resource Office and his mother will be notified.
Home/School Connection (How will the BSP be supported in the home through consequences and
Performance based rewards such as individual time with mom, a special outing, and other incentives that Ms.
Pan deems appropriate.
Parent Initials ______
As the parent/guardian of ______________________, I fully agree with the content and terms of this Behavior
Support Plan.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Implementation Date
As teachers of _____________________, I will follow the terms of this Behavior Support Plan as a means of
improving ______________’s behavior.
Print Name
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The effectiveness of this plan will be reviewed on _____________________ at ____________.