Teacher Tool for Creating a PLAAFP (blank) Elements: A narrative

Teacher Tool for Creating a PLAAFP (blank)
1. A narrative summary of the baseline data. What are the sources of information upon which the
statement is based including the student’s strengths and what he/she is able to do?
Sources: (Data can be taken from the following)
Formal/Informal Evaluations
TAKS Data (Eduphoria)
Six Weeks Grades
Student’s class work samples
Student observation
Charts, graphs
Parent Information
Instructional computerized
Weekly tests
Attendance Reports
2. A statement of how the disability impacts the student’s involvement/progress in the General
Education Curriculum.
a. State the student’s education disabilities noting specific areas of need.
b. Include statements pertaining to how the disability affects performance in
academic/developmental areas (reading, math, writing, spelling, etc.) as well as nonacademic areas (daily life activities, mobility, communication, etc.)
c. Describe the student’s learning style.
d. Describe how the student will access the general education curriculum.
e. For students with transition plans, consider how the child’s disability will affect the
child’s ability to reach his/her post-secondary goals (what the child will do after high
3. A description of areas of educational needs to be addressed in the annual Goals.
a. What are the student’s weaknesses in academics, behavior and functional skills?
b. How the disability affects non-academic areas (Daily life activities, communication,
mobility, etc.)?
General Description of Student: (by Gen, SE teachers and Parents)
(Disability, grade level, Instructional Setting and services)
Social/Behavior: (Strengths and Weaknesses)
Reading: (List strengths and weaknesses and how the disability affects performance in reading
Writing: (List strengths and weaknesses and how does the disability affects performance in writing)
Math: (List strengths and weaknesses and how does the disability affects performance in math)
Functional Skills/Adaptive Behavior: (If applicable, list strengths and weaknesses and how the disability
affects performance in functional skills)
Physical: (If applicable, list strengths and weaknesses and how the disability affects performance in the
general education curriculum)
Instructional and Related Services: (If applicable, list strengths and weaknesses and how the disability
affects performance in the general education curriculum)
The student needs the following Accommodations/Modifications to be successful:
The student needs the following Assistive Technology to be successful:
Transition: (How will the student’s disability affect his/her ability to reach his/her post-secondary goals)
PLAAFP (Complete Narrative form)
Pick a goal from IEPplus:
Add the 4 Elements to the Goal:
Complete Goal:
Do the same with the objectives.