Curriculum Vitae Dr. Eugene Kynianda

Curriculum Vitae Dr. Eugene Kynianda
Dr Eugene Kinyanda
MRC/UVRI Uganda Research Unit on AIDS
Date of birth:
Current employment:
Title of post:
Research Manager
Date of appointment:
Expected date of termination:
Previous employment:
Research Manager
MRC/UVRI Uganda Research on
PhD Student
Norwegian University of Science
& Technology
to date
Consultant Psychiatrist
Butabika National Psychiatric
Referral Hospital
Staff Psychiatrist
Butabika National Psychiatric
Referral Hospital
Honorary Lecturer
Makerere University,
to date
College of Health Science
Senior House Officer
Medical Officer
2/01/1993 2/01/1994
Makerere University,
College of Health Science
Butabika National Psychiatric
Referral Hospital
Rubaga Hospital, Kampala
Surgery & Medicine
Makerere University, Uganda
Medicine (Psychiatry)
Makerere University, Uganda
Norwegian University of
Science & technology
Awards Received:
1) Young Fellows Award of the XI World Psychiatric Association Congress, Psychiatry on New
Threshold, Hamburg Germany 11th- 16th-August 1999
2) Young Investigators Award of the World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Berlin Germany,
July 2001
3) A member of the MP-Scientist Pairing scheme of the Uganda Academy of Health
Scientist/Parliament of Uganda 2010- 2011
Kinyanda E, Musisi S, Biryabarema C, Ezati I, Oboke H, Walugembe J, Ojiambo-Ochieng R,
Were-Oguttu J, Levin J, Grosskurth H: War related sexual violence and it’s medical and
psychological consequences as seen in Kitgum, Northern Uganda: A cross-sectional study.
BMC Int Health Human Rights 2010; 10(1): 28 [epud ahead of print].
Akena DH, Musisi S, Kinyanda E: A comparison of the clinical features of depression in HIV-positive and HIV- negative patients in Uganda.
African Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 13:43-51.
Kinyanda E, Woodburn P, Tugumisirize J, Kagugube J, Nyanabangi S, Patel V. (2009)
Poverty, life events and the risk for depression in Uganda. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric
Epidemiology DOI: 10.1007/s00127-009-0164-8.
4. Musisi S, Kinyanda E (2009) Emotional and behavioural disorders in HIV seropositive
adolescents in urban Uganda. East Afr Med J. 86(1): 16-24.
5. Hjelmeland H, Akotia C, Owens V, Knizek BL, Nordvik H, Schroeder R, Kinyanda E (2008)
Self-reported suicidal behaviour and attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention
among psychology students in Ghana, Uganda and Norway. CRISIS 29 (1): 20-31.
4. Hjelmeland H, Knizek BL, Kinyanda E, Musisi S, Nordvik H, Svarva K.
(2008) Suicidal behaviour in a cultural context. A comparative study between
Uganda and Norway. Crisis, 29 (3): 37-44.
5. Liebling-Kalifani H, Ojiambo-Ochieng R, Marshall A, Were-Oguttu J,
Musisi S, Kinyanda E. (2008) Violence against Women in Northern Uganda:
The neglected health consequences of war. Journal of International Women’s
Studies, 9 (3): 174-192.
6. Musisi S, Kinyanda E, Nakasujja N, Nakigudde J. (2007) A comparison of
the behavioural and emotional disorders of primary school-going orphans and
non-orphans in Uganda. African Health Sciences, 7(4): 202-213.
7. Hjelmeland H, Akotia CS, Owens V, Knizek BL, Nordvik H, Schroeder R, Kinyanda E. (2007)
Self-reported suicidal behaviour and attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention
among psychology students in Ghana, Uganda and Norway, Crisis, 29(1):20-31
8. Hjelmeland H, Kinyanda E, Knizek BL, Owens V, Nordvik H and Svarva K (2006) A discussion
of the value of cross-cultural studies in search of the meaning(s) of suicidal behaviour and
the methodological challenges of such studies. Archives of Suicide Research, 10:15-27
9. Kigozi F.N., Kinyanda E. (2006) Psychiatric rehabilitation today: An African
perspective. World Psychiatry, 5(3):166
10. Kinyanda, E, Hjelmeland, H, Musisi, S, Kigozi, F, Walugembe, J (2005) Repetition of
deliberate self-harm as seen in Uganda. Archives of Suicide Research, 9:333-344
11. Kinyanda E, Hjelmeland H, Musisi S (2005) Psychological factors in deliberate self-harm as
seen in an urban African population in Uganda: A case-control study. Suicide and LifeThreatening Behavior, 35(4):468-477
12. Kinyanda E, Hjelmeland H, Musisi S (2005) Negative life events in deliberate self-harm as
seen in an African population in Uganda. Crisis, 26(1):4-11
13. Kinyanda E, Hjelmeland H, Musisi S (2004) Deliberate self-harm as seen in Kampala,
Uganda: A case control study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 39:318-325
14. Kinyanda E, Musisi S, Nakigudde J. (2004) Psychosocial problems of
orphans as seen in Rakai District. Makerere Medical Journal, 39: 14-16.
15. Musisi S., Tugumisirize J., Kinyanda E., Nkurunziza J. (2001) Psychiatric
consultation liaison at Mulago Hospital, Kampala Uganda. Makerere
Medical Journal,35:4-11.
16. Kinyanda E, Musisi S. (2001) War traumatisation and its psychological
consequences on the women of Gulu district. In Violence against women and
children. Review of Women’s Studies, 11:1&2: 102-132.
17. Musisi S., Kinyanda E., Leibling H, Mayengo-Kiziri R. (2000) Post
traumatic torture disorder in Uganda A 3 year retrospective study of patients’
records at a specialised torture treatment centre in Kampala, Uganda.
Torture, 10: 3: 83-87
In press:
1. Kinyanda E, Kizza R, Levin J, Ndyanabangi S, Abbo C: Adolescent suicidality as seen rural
North-eastern Uganda: Prevalence and risk factors. Accepted by Crisis, July 2010.
2. Knizek BL, Kinyanda E, Owens V, Hjelmeland H: Ugandan male suicidal behaviour and
attitudes: A gender and cultural analysis. Accepted by Journal of Men, Masculinities and
Spirituality, December 2010.
3. Maling S, Todd J, Van Paal L, Grosskurth H, Kinyanda E: HIV-1 seroprevalence and risk
factors for infection among first time psychiatric admissions in Uganda. Accepted by AIDS
Care, June 2010.
4. Mugisha J, Knizek BL, Hjelmeland H, Kinyanda E: Doing qualitative research on suicide in
developing world: practical and ethical challenges. Accepted By CRISIS, June 2010.
5. Mugisha J, Knizek B, Hjelemeland H, Kinyanda E: Distancing: A traditional mechanism of
dealing with suicide among the Baganda, Uganda. Accepted by Transcultural Psychiatry,
June 2010.
Women’s experiences during armed conflict in Southern Sudan, 1983-2005.
An Isis- WICCE Report, Kampala, Uganda. 2007
Authors: Prof. V. Mwaka Nakiboneka & Dr. E. Kinyanda. Editors Assoc. Prof.
Grace Bantebya, Ruth Ojiambo Ochieng, Prof. Victoria Mwaka Nakiboneka,
Jim Long John, Juliet Were Oguttu, Hon. Huda Micah Laila & Robyn Naylor.
Psycho-social impact of war and the mental health consequences of torture.
Musisi S, Kinyanda E, Walugembe J, Oboke H. In Eugene Kinyanda, Claudia
Sauerborn, Ruth Ojiambo Ochieng, Juliet Were Oguttu (Eds.) Medical
interventional study of war affected Kitgum district, Kampala, Isis-WICCE,
2006: 23-31.
The presentation of war trauma. In Eugene Kinyanda, Sheila Ndyanabangi,
Ruth Ojiambo Ochieng, Juliet Were Oguttu (Eds.) Management of medical
and psychological effects of war trauma. Kampala, Isis-WICCE, 2006:9-16.
Mental health services in Africa.
In Njenga FC, Acuda W, Patel V, Maj M (Eds.) Essentials of Clinical
Psychiatry for sub-Saharan Africa. Milano, Masson, 2005: 230-236.
Authors: Kigozi F, Kinyanda E, Basangwa D.
War traumatisation and its psychological consequences on the women of
Gulu district. In Medical interventional study of war affected Gulu district,
Uganda. Isis-WICCE, Kampala, Uganda. 2001
Authors: Kinyanda E and Musisi
Psychiatric Problems of HIV/AIDS and their management in Uganda.2000
A book for Primary Health Care Workers
STIP/ Ministry of Health
Authors: Musisi S, Kinyanda E.
The Psychological consequences of War traumatisation on women of Luwero District,
Uganda. In Short Term Intervention of the Psychological and Gynaecological consequences
of armed conflict in Luwero District. Isis-WICCE, Kampala,
Uganda. 1998
Authors: Musisi S., Kinyanda E., Leibling H., Mayengo-Kiziri.
Psychiatric problems of HIV/AIDS and their management in Africa.
Fountain Publishers, Kampala, 2009.
Eds: Musisi S, Kinyanda E
Books/chapters in Press
1. FB, Nhachi CFB: Self- directed violence. Book chapter In: The Report on
Violence and Health in Africa. Eds. Kobusingye OC, Kleinman A. WHO/
AFRO publication. In press
Authors: Burrows S, Schlebusch L, Musisi S, Kinyanda E, Kizza R, Tagwireyi D, Charles
2. Suicidal behaviour in Africa. Book chapter In: African Textbook of Psychiatry. Eds: Alalade O,
Kleinman A. A Harvard Committee on African Studies project. in press
Author: Kinyanda E:
Research Reports
1. The effect of ARV therapy on the psychological, social and school performance
of HIV sero-positive Adolescents as seen at the JCRC collaborating Child and
Adolescents Clinic of Mbarara University of Science & Technology, Uganda
A Uganda Global Fund Report, 2006
Kinyanda E., Ssali F., Kiwanuka J., Byaruhanga R.
A study of completed suicide as seen at the Kampala City Council Mortuary at
Mulago. Research Report.
Grant from Makerere University/SIDA-SAREC, 2004.
Kinyanda E, Wamala D, Musisi S.
Mental Health Chapter. In (eds.) Information Discovery and Solutions Limited.
The 14 district study entitled, The Support to the Health Sector Strategic Plan
Project, Results of the baseline survey report to provide basic data for the
development of the National Communication Strategy, the promotion of the
National Minimum Health care Package. Research Report.
Grant from ADB to the SHSSP Project of the Ministry of Health, Uganda,
December 2004.
Kinyanda E.
A comparison of the behavioural and emotional disorders of school-going
orphans and non-orphans in Rakai district. Research Report.
Grant from the ARCH Project - Makerere University / Boston University,
Musisi, S., Kinyanda E., Nakigudde J.
A study to assess HIV related risk behaviour and psychological disorders
among UTODA taxi drivers in the New Taxi Park – Kampala Uganda
Research Report funded under the Sexually Transmitted Infection Project
(STIP), Ministry of Health, Uganda/ World Bank, 2001.
Authors: Kinyanda E, Musisi S.
A study to investigate High HIV risk behaviour as seen among street children
attending the U.Y.D.E.L Centre at Bakuli, Kampala.
Research Report funded under the Sexually Transmitted Infection Project (STIP), Ministry
of Health, Uganda/World Bank, 2001.
Authors: Kinyanda E, Kasirye R, Musisi S.
Study to investigate the nature, pattern and correlates of psychological behavioural risk
in HIV transmission in two war affected communities.
Research Report funded under the Sexually Transmitted Infection Project (STIP), Ministry
of Health, Uganda/World Bank, 2001.
Authors: Musisi S, Kinyanda E, Nakasujja N.
The psychosocial intervention and research on prisoners’ evacuation of mass graves of the
Kanungu cult deaths. Research Report
Grant from Centre for Societies in Crisis (USA based NGO), 2001.
Authors: Kinyanda E, Musisi S, Mungherera M, Walugembe J.
Psychosocial intervention and operational research for the Kanungu cult deaths in SouthWest, Uganda. Research Report.
Grant from Centre for Societies in Crisis (USA based NGO), 2001.
Authors: Musisi S, Kinyanda E, Walugembe J.
PhD Students:
Previous Masters students supervised
1. Dr Harriet Birabwa, Masters in Medicine (psychiatry) Patterns and characteristics of
Bipolar affective disorder as seen at Butabika Hospital, 2000
2. Dr Ethiobuche Iheanyi, Masters in Medicine (psychiatry) A study to evaluate psychiatric
rehabilitation services at the occupational therapy department of Butabika hospital, 2009
3. Dr Dickens Akena, Masters Medicine (psychiatry), A comparative study, of the clinical
features of major depression between HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients in Butabika
and Mulago hospitals, Uganda, 2008
PhD Students being supervised
1. Dr Godfrey Rukundo, PhD at Mbarara University of Science & Technology. Topic:
Prevalence and risk factors of suicidality in HIV/AIDS as seen in semi-urban Mabarara
Hospital, 2008- to-date.
2. Mr. James Mugisha, PhD at Norwegian University of Sciences & Technology. Topic:
Attitudes and cultural responses to suicide among the Baganda, Uganda, 2008- to date.
3. Ms. Dorothy Kizza, PhD at the Norwegian University of Science & Technology. Topic:
Psychological autopsy study in post conflict Northern Uganda, 2008- to-date.
Previous grants:
1) EDCTP Senior Fellowship (2010) Clinical trials in HIV/AIDS in Africa: Should they routinely
control for mental health factors ? Principal Investigator; € 200,000 for 2 years.
2) EfA Consortium (DFID funded consortium) (2008- to date): Assessment of the prevalence and
determinants of psychiatric disorders amongst HIV infected people in Uganda and the association
with clinical outcomes and response to anti-HIV treatment; Principal Investigator; $ 10,000
3) Centre for International Health and Development, Boston University (2004-2005):
Investigation of the Emotional and behavioural problems of orphans as seen in Rakai district,
Uganda; Co-Investigator; $80,000
4) The Support to the Health Sector Strategic Plan Project (SHSSP), Ministry of Health, Uganda
(2003—2004): A baseline survey to provide basic data (including mental health) for the
development of the National Communication Strategy, for the promotion of the National Minimum
Health Care Package (NMHCP); Mental Health Consultant to the Project; $480,000
4) Uganda Global Fund, Ministry of Health (2006-2007) A research to investigate the
effect of ARV therapy on the psychological, social and school performance of HIV sero-positive
adolescents as seen at the JCRC collaborating Child and Adolescents Clinic of Mbarara University
of Science & Technology, Uganda; Principal Investigator; $24,000.
5) Medica Mondiale /Isis-WICCE (2005-2006): Medical Interventional study of war affected
Kitgum district, Uganda. Medical Coordinator/ Coordinator of the Research; $80,000
6) DANIDA/EED/HIVOS/Norwegian Council of Africa/FOKUS/ Sigrid Rausing Trust (2006-2007):
Documenting women’s experiences during armed conflict in Southern Sudan, 1983-2005. Medical
Consultant to the Project; $150,000
7) WHO/MOH, Uganda (2005-2007): Provision of mental health services to war affected Northern
Uganda. Technical Assistant; $160,000
Papers and Conferences/Meetings attended:
Frequency with which Psychiatric disorders is associated with HIV – 1 serostatus as seen
among patients attending a specialised clinic in Mulago.
Presented at Conference of Psychiatry in Africa held in Johannesburg Helderfontein Estate
1st September, 1998.
Prevalence of Psychological disorders associated with a positive HIV – 1 serostatus among
persons attending a specialised HIV-AIDS clinic at Mulago Hospital in Uganda.
Presented at 1st International Pan African Congress of Psychiatry Cairo, International
Conference Egypt, 16th – 18th December, 1998.
The Role of Medical professionals in the treatment and rehabilitation of survivors of
institutionalized torture, ACTV experience.
Presented at Conference of Medical Students at Butare University of Kigali, 19th – 20th June
The psychological consequences of war traumatisation on the women of Luwero District The quantitative report.
Presented at the ISIS-WICCE conference on the 9th July, 1999 at International Conference
Centre, Kampala, Uganda.
Mental Health in Uganda – a dual system.
Presented to the Department of Psychology and Psychiatry of Norwegian
University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway 20th – 3rd
September 1999.
Predictors of Psychological distress among HIV positive persons attending a specialised
clinic at Mulago – Kampala.
Presented at 1st International Conference on Community and Social Psychiatry held at
Hotel Equatorial – Kampala, 29th – 1 December 1999.
The Psychological Consequences of war traumatisation on the women of
Luwero District.
Presented at 2nd WPA/UPA Regional Psychiatric Conference. International
Conference Centre, Kampala, Uganda 26th- 28th March, 2000.
The Psychological Intervention and Research Report on the Prisoners’ Evacuations of Mass
graves of the Kanungu Cult deaths.
Presented at the Uganda Medical Association Annual Scientific conference at
Uganda International Conference Centre, 19th – 20th October 2000.
HIV related risk Behaviour and Psychological disorders among UTODA Tax drivers in the
New taxi Park Uganda.
Presented at International Student’s Conference on HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS and the Youth.
The greatest challenge of the New millennium, at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
10th – 13th December, 2000.
HIV risk behaviour among street children attending U.Y.D.E.L Clinic in Bakuli Kampala.
Presented at International Student’s Conference on HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS and the Youth.
The greatest challenge of the New millennium at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
10th- 13th December 2000.
Substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders among the homeless as seen in Kampala
Presented at the 4th World Psychiatric Association / Uganda Psychiatric
Association Regional Psychiatric Conference. Held at the Imperial Botanical
Hotel from April 22nd –23rd 2002.
Emotional and behavioural problems of adolescents living with HIV/AIDS as
seen at the Mildmay Centre in Kampala, Uganda
The 3rd Annual Scientific Conference of the Uganda Society of Health
Scientists (USHS) Held at Hotel Africana in July 2002
The role of HIV/AIDS in religious cultic phenomenon – A case study of the
Church for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God in S-Western
Presented at the conference “Is HIV/AIDS a threat to political stability in
Africa ? “ A conference organized by the African Academy of Science(AAS)
and the Friedrich Ebert Striftung (FES) at the Hilton Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
September 16-18th 2002
HIV – related behaviour and psychological disorder among taxi drivers in
Presented at Uganda Medical Association Annual Scientific Conference and
Annual General Meeting and International Medical Exhibition. International
Conference Centre, Kampala, Uganda 30th October- 2nd November 2002.
Psychosocial problems and causes of mortality among primary and secondary school
children in Uganda.
Presented at Uganda Medical Association Annual Scientific Conference and
Annual General Meeting and International Medical Exhibition. International
Conference Centre, Kampala, Uganda 30th October- 2nd November 2002.
Sexual torture as seen in North – Eastern Ugandan: A gendered analysis.
Presented at the Amantare International Women’s Conference. Glenburn Lodge,
Johannesburg, South Africa 4th- 9 th Febuary 2003.
Deliberate self-harm in urban Uganda: Characteristics and methods.
XXII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention
(IASP) Stockholm, Sweden 10-14th September 2003
Psychological correlates of deliberate self-harm as seen in Uganda.
XXII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention
(IASP) Stockholm, Sweden 10-14th September 2003
War traumatisation in North-Eastern Uganda: The need for a holistic medical intervention.
Reproductive Health Consortium Congress Brussels, Belgium 7-8th October
Trends in completed suicide as seen in Kampala, Uganda
2nd Annual Scientific Conference of the Makerere University, Faculty of
Medicine/ Institute of Public Health, Munyonyo Resort and Country Lodge, Kampala 7th -9th
September 2006.
21. Attempted suicide in 14 districts of Uganda.
The Uganda National Mental Health Day celebration symposium on suicide
held at Butabika Hospital on the 17th January 2007.
Completed suicide as seen in the urban centre of Kampala, Uganda.
WPA Eastern Africa Regional Conference: Mental Health in Development,
Nairobi, Kenya, 21st-23rd March 2007.
The behavioural and emotional disorders of AIDS orphans as seen in Uganda.
WPA Eastern Africa Regional Conference: Mental Health in Development,
Nairobi, Kenya, 21st-23rd March 2007.
Deliberate self-harm as seen in urban Uganda: A case-control study.
XXIV World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention,
Killarney, Ireland, 28th August -1st September 2007.
Correlates of completed suicide as seen in urban Uganda: A psychological
autopsy study.
XXIV World Congress of the International Association of Suicide Prevention,
Killarney, Ireland, 28th August -1st September 2007.
Health seeking behaviour for deliberate self-harm as seen in urban Uganda:
implications for the establishment of suicide treatment services.
3rd Uganda Psychiatric Association Scientific Conference, Butabika Hospital,
Uganda, 28th-29th February 2008.
Correlates of adolescent suicidality as seen in North-Eastern Uganda.
12th European Symposium on suicide research and prevention, Glasgow
Scotland, 28th 30th August 2008.
28. Suicide in rural war affected Northern Uganda.
XXV World Congress on Suicide Prevention of the International Association for
Suicide Prevention, Montevideo, Uruguay, 27th-31st October 2009.
29. Assigning responsibility for suicide in an interdependent society: A case study of the Baganda of
13th European Symposium on suicide and suicidal behavior, Rome Italy, August 29th –
September 5,
30. Psychiatric disorders and psychosocial correlates of high HIV risk sexual behavior as seen in war
affected Eastern Uganda.
16th National Congress of the South African Society of Psychiatrists, East London, South Africa, 16 th20th October 2010.
31. I. Prevalence and risk factors of problem drinking as seen in 14 districts of Uganda.
II Psychiatric disorders and psychosocial correlates of high HIV risk sexual behavior as seen in war
affected Eastern Uganda.
International Meeting on Alcohol epidemiology and policy, Kettil Bruun Society/Makerere University
College of Health Sciences/School of Public Health, Munyonyo, Kampala Uganda, 15th-18th November